Revelations & Synchronicities, Embrace the Mysteries đź”®

May 26 – June 1, 2024


Once again we are entering a rather transpersonal week that is sure to comprise revelations, synchronicity, and a deeper appreciation for mysteries. We run the gamut from conditioned resistance to exhilarating dreams and visions. Such is the spice of life! But as we head into the weekend, we are trying to find our way through a strange labyrinth. We seldom can make sense of what mystifies us, but we can embrace the excitement that comes with coincidence and uncanny experiences. Usually we end up reinvigorated to seek more of what we do not know. By Saturday, we emerge less stupefied and more energized to boldly embark on our voyage to all that lies ahead.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, May 26, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Mars in Aries


Our communication lines are flowing productively today, making this an excellent day to reach out to people who we have been meaning to figure things out with. Maybe we are trying to organize something important, wrap up a project, or just brainstorm ideas for an ambitious endeavor. However, just because communication lines are running smoothly today does not mean our communication can be entirely forward thinking. We may face stubbornness or resistance from others. There may be a wrench thrown in somewhere that negates our attempts to be productive.


As the evening rolls in, we might begin to feel some angst or frustration, which can further complicate our ambitions. This frustration can be directly related to whatever we were trying to accomplish during the day, in particular with someone who is giving us a hard time with our efforts to succeed and make progress. As is sometimes the case, this might be a good night to spend more alone than not, possibly watching a movie, reading a book, or researching something inspiring to us.


Monday, May 27, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces


The forward progress we hoped for yesterday can finally unfold today. We are hopeful, inspired, and excited to get busy with our future plans. New technology may be implemented in such a way that speeds up that progress, as long as we have the support of anyone who we may need to answer to. This matter can be a point of contention that we have to somehow work through as congenially as possible, but if we tactfully impress upon our superiors the value in this technology, they may just listen and understand. Hope certainly can spring forth today, so keeping a positive attitude should not be too difficult.


All that said, and considering the potential for painful reminders of what must be changed in our lives, we should be careful to stick to our word regarding our commitments. When we are in need of changing something important about our lives, it is easy to put it off and tell people close to us that we will eventually get there. But if we really do not want to change, we must share this truth. It will not go well if we build resentment and play the part of others losing their trust in us. Ripping the band aid off is often the best course of action.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius trine Venus in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius trine Sun in Gemini


A very fine and harmonious day this can be! Barring any residual gripes from yesterday, this is a beautiful day to dream about all our future hopes and possibilities. What we love, who we love, where we want to travel to, and how we can make our world a better place for ourselves and others will likely all be swimming in our daydreams. Even though we likely have work to do, it may not seem as frustrating or humdrum due to us having a much more optimistic attitude.


We could hear about or discover something tremendously inspiring to lift us up and carry us forward. We are quite possibly wanting to speed up our manifestation of this inspiration, but it would be best to talk with someone about it and share all our ideas instead. In such a way, it is a fabulous day for a vision board project. Not all our days have to be tedious or exhausting!


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius square Mercury in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mars and Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini


Hopefully we milked every last drop of inspiration and excitement our of yesterday, because today can pose challenges that may be difficult to accept. Someone probably does not want us to pursue one of our dreams, and this can make it seem as though our hopes come crashing down around us. But we must endure these setbacks and pushbacks because they end up strengthening our resolve and upholding our dignity toward ourselves. Nothing like this should be thrown out just because of some things that stand in our way. Instead, strategically devising the best plan to forge ahead is the ideal course of action. 


One thing we are certain to experience in some form or another today is a realization that what we truly want to master requires a bold attitude, a bold commitment, and bold action. And the commitment part is what may be most challenging for us. There is stubborn resistance again, and we must dig down to figure out exactly what is causing it. It may be someone we love who is not on board with our bold vision, but it could also be something deep within ourselves trying to hold us back. Such a dichotomy is not uncommon. When we know we want to pursue something but have reservations about embarking upon such a voyage for some old conditioned reasons. What are they?


Maybe our inhibitions or lack of self-confidence play a major role in holding us back. Maybe this is due to some early wounding or trauma and we cannot figure out how to get out of our own way in order to take that once giant step into the unknown. Whatever it is that is causing a roadblock should be dissected, clearly understood, and shared with someone we trust and love. This can help clear the path ahead and encourage us to embrace the bold power of the Mars and Chiron reunion in Aries, which is incredibly intrepid and adventurous. Let’s forge a new meaning of fortitude for ourselves and conquer our fears!


Thursday, May 30, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces square Venus in Gemini

Moon in Pisces square Sun in Gemini


Much akin to Tuesday but quite a bit more challenging, today’s alignments are probably bound to teach us a thing or two about mutations. The uplifting and inspiring optimism felt on Tuesday showed us how valuable and exciting our dreams can be when we perchance to dream a little dream. Today we must reconcile the inevitable element of chaos that exists in life. We go about life often trying to understand what happens to us so that we can make better decisions in the future. We also try to understand 10,000 other things because they fascinate and intrigue us. But what we do not understand does not always have to throw us into a spiraling void of confusion, fear, and anxiety.


“The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking.” (Ken Kesey) This is the magic available to us today. Why do we need mystery in our lives? Because it creates a sense of humility, innocence, and imagination in us. We need to wonder about things in order to remain fascinated and invigorated by life, this beautiful planet, and the cryptic cosmos that surrounds us in space.


Friday, May 31, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus and Mercury in Taurus

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces


Our minds are racing today, trying to keep up with wherever it is our consciousness is taking us. The rush is intoxicating and oddly grounding, but only from the standpoint of what it is we are feeling so energized about. What exactly are we energized about today? Do we feel a very keen sense of clarity about something? Has something surfaced that we have been waiting and wanting to understand? Something shocking could startle us too, however, so we must be vigilant and aware of our surroundings, our encounters, and, as always, the unexpected.


Meanwhile, we are also continuing to stew on the enigmatic travails of yesterday. We may not be entirely sure about something, and that can feel rather unsettling. Today’s transits are reminiscent of the uncanny. We can feel a strange lucidity not unlike a déjà vu. This can carry on throughout the entire day, but will likely wane as the day moves into night. It would be good to pay close attention to omens, coincidences, and even our dreams for Mercurial messages from Spirit. It could be a very powerful day of revelations and awakening if we remain open and ready to receive anything and everything Spirit has to offer us. These are graceful blessings we deserve!


Saturday, June 1, 2024 


Moon in Aries sextile Venus and Sun in Gemini

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


Today we are emerging from the mysterious womb of intoxicating bliss into the purpose-driven tangible realities beneath our feet. We may feel an enormous push to go forth with all engines in overdrive, and indeed that feeling is also a kind of intoxication, but such carelessness should always be avoided through conscious intention. What is our goal? What is the point of charging into the future if we do not have a viable purpose to abide by? Of course, sometimes such action is called for in certain situations, but ideally we think about what we are about to do before doing it. It is that simple.


Our individuality is on the table today. That strange and beautiful identity who, by its own nature, must perpetually reveal itself to itself day in and day out. We can get lost if we stop paying attention to who is being revealed moment after moment. The walls close in around us and make us forget that there is a astounding and enchanting world out there to discover and experience, so much of which will inspire us, teach us, and expose to us more and more about who we are under the barnacles of time. Our destiny awaits us, and it is up to us to follow our own righteous, unique, and bold path of love and magic.




Much of this week may seem a bit out of our control, but we have a lot to learn from what happens along the way. There are bound to be moments of uncertainty and confusion, but we should not let those moments drag us down into rabbit holes of hopelessness. Clarity and lucidity return to reveal to us indelible truths we have waited a long time to grasp. Eventually, we find ourselves grateful for what we cannot understand and excited to seek more of what intrigues us in such ways. The oddities along the way slowly dissipate and we find ourselves staring at the amazing engine that drives us toward our destiny one step at a time. The key is to remain open to what may come and to figure out how to overcome our inhibitions so we can finally take the steps we need to take in that direction.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

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