kaizenmetrica - Mexicali Magic Weekly Astrological Forecasts 2024-07-25T06:30:04-04:00 kaizenmetrica 2024-07-25T06:30:04-04:00 2024-07-25T06:30:04-04:00 Philosophical, Poetic, Transpersonal, A New Moon on the Horizon 🌑 Chauncey Erskine

July 28 - August 3, 2024


From Taurus to Leo, this week’s Moon shows us the way through the traps our minds set for us, our capacity to communicate productively (or not), and how sacred time spent alone can be to better identify with our feelings about what we have been through and what we are going through. Frustrations can arise early in the week, hopefully not upending any otherwise joyful events and experiences that are planned. As we roll into the weekend, we can expect some hesitation to follow through with what we might know is the best thing to do. This precedes Saturday’s interminable prevalence of the need for solitude and reflection. So much weighs us down in life, so whatever we can do to lift that weight can help lighten and brighten our life and the world around us...



July 28 - August 3, 2024


From Taurus to Leo, this week’s Moon shows us the way through the traps our minds set for us, our capacity to communicate productively (or not), and how sacred time spent alone can be to better identify with our feelings about what we have been through and what we are going through. Frustrations can arise early in the week, hopefully not upending any otherwise joyful events and experiences that are planned. As we roll into the weekend, we can expect some hesitation to follow through with what we might know is the best thing to do. This precedes Saturday’s interminable prevalence of the need for solitude and reflection. So much weighs us down in life, so whatever we can do to lift that weight can help lighten and brighten our life and the world around us.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, July 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces


This can be a bit of a sluggish Sunday, perhaps calling us to align our responsibilities with our resources and our home. We may not want to do very much about those things, but there is a kind of gnawing that is asking us to. We might challenge this gnawing feeling with the argument that what needs to be done usually gets done in due time, but when Saturn lines up in a direct actionable aspect with Moon, our wants become secondary to our needs. Does our income support our lifestyle? Is there something we should be focusing on more so we can continue to sustain the lifestyle and property we own? Did we cross a boundary and lose something valuable to us or someone else? Some sort of reckoning regarding what we value is at stake today.


Monday, July 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus square Venus in Leo

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Virgo


We will likely struggle a bit with existential matters today, finding them frustrating, discordant, and aggravating to communicate about. We would rather find ourselves dreaming about new adventures and maybe pondering existence in a more philosophical or poetic way. The angst that may well up from within probably has something to do with a partner or meaningful relationship we are in, and egos are possibly getting in the way more than anything else.


Our way is the way we want everything to go today, and this can create some very noticeable friction if we live with one or more other people. Rebellion comes in many forms, but independence is usually at the heart of it. Thus, it is probably best to find something to occupy our time alone for the majority of the day. If we have computer work to take care of—perhaps upgrading certain parts of our workflow or cleaning up our computer folders—today is a good day to so. 


Our organizational skills and abilities can come under scrutiny, too. Do we keep our lists, notes, and tasks up to date so we don’t forget anything that needs to be accomplished? Have we found a way to communicate the needs of our perfectionism? Maybe we notice some cracks or flaws in our process of management, or maybe we reluctantly feel like someone else has great ideas we should consider to help our process of management. Getting to the bottom of things through communicating our needs can help remedy any issues in this area of our lives. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini

Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini


Frustrations are probably not over today, but at least we might come to a better understanding of why we are having them. Because of this, tempering our voices and our actions is most definitely called for if we want to avoid any regrettable mishaps with others. And if we figure out a good way to stay calm and carry on, we can actually accomplish some positive work that helps move us into a territory that lightens our mood and load. Action is in the cards, but carelessness is too, so whatever we have been wanting to carry out should be carefully thought through before doing so. 


Once we establish what the work and action we need to follow through with is, we can begin to bring our love into it. Sometimes we forget how to accept what we do as our purpose at this time in our lives. If we can learn to accept that, we can begin to recognize it as purpose driven, which can eventually lead to gratitude and joy for how helpful and useful whatever that work is. If we put ourselves in a safe space and reflect upon our life of suffering, we will recognize all that suffering stems from expectations and attachments. We can turn that all around if we let go of what we want the outcome to be. This can instantly expand our consciousness and create a sense of enlightenment.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


Our giddy selves might encounter a pickle of a situation today, perhaps one that ends with our foot in our mouth. Being careful and mindful of what we say to whoever we meet today is quite critical if we don’t want to end up crossing any boundaries. The relevancy of whatever transpires is probably going to be connected to a close relationship we have with someone. The upside, if we avoid any atrocious commentary, is that we might glean some realizations that help us better understand the fact that we are all human, and most of us are trying to be better people each day. We hope so, anyway!


Following a potentially eye rolling morning, a little glimmer of excitability and playfulness flows into our day. We may even end up having really healthy and funny conversations with people. We just need to remain mindful of the potential for misspoken words, misconstrued statements, and delusional approaches to information and language in general. What can end up happening is someone thinking something about us that is not true, and this can be a direct result of our own wavering awareness in the moment. Stay sharp, mindful, and compassionate today!


Thursday, August 1, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer sextile Mercury in Virgo

Moon in Cancer square its nodes in Libra-Aries

Mars in Gemini sextile Moon’s North Node in Libra


The amped up volatility of the past few days is slowing down to a more manageable pace with more introspection. We can see how we need to rearrange what we have learned in order to fit it properly into our own unique life. The emotional baggage attached to our opinions that have been accumulating for decades can painfully wreck our potential to thrive if we are not more aware of how to navigate that baggage with compassion towards ourselves.


There are calls being made in the silent waves around us today to consider our past and future with diligent scrutiny. Something that happens today may feel like a test to see if we are prepared for what lies ahead. And if we are sharp enough to pick up on what that is, we are much more likely going to be able to face our future with more grace and confidence than if we continue oblivious into the void ahead. So, whatever piques our interest, seems unjust, shows up unexpectedly, or drives us completely insane with excitement or frustration, we can presume that to be a job to pursue, if you will. Let’s all pay close attention to our day.


Friday, August 2, 2024 👇


Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries


Something about how reluctant we are to commit to whatever someone has been nagging us about is probably going to play out today. There is a strong rebellious stubbornness that needs to be addressed and handled properly, but the gloves can come off if we are not privy to the most effective course of action. What are we afraid of losing if we move forward with an idea that is not ours? Our pride, of course. Some dignity never hurts when we are faced with having to humble ourselves in front of others. But are we willing to do anything at all about the pink elephant in the room?


This dilemma can show up as a stark reminder of past wounds and trauma. Because our psyches are so complex and private, we may not notice that any change we feel the need to initiate on one level is actually incapable of occurring due to an attachment we may have to our feelings about that pain and trauma. How do we release our emotional adhesion to the conditioning that set in so long ago it has become a strangely comfortable habit? Breaking free from daily routines can help ignite a little inspiration and gumption to swallow our pride and conditioning in hopes of finding new tracks to roll down.


Saturday, August 3, 2024  


Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius


Today we are checking in with our emotional resonance to the transpersonal experiences we have had in life. Do we understand how to process our experiences in a way that helps us live a better and more conscious life? It can seem as though invisible strings unfold much of what goes on all around us, but what is our role in it all? The winds are beginning to pick up and fill our sails, but are we prepared to navigate the seas? 


As tomorrow’s New Moon in Leo approaches, this question should be at the top of our to-answer list. What do we do when the wind fills our sails but we are not prepared to journey where it is blowing us? Sometimes the answer is just staring us in the face but we are too worried, confused, hung up, or ignorant to notice it. The channels are wide open and exposing our inner child to the terms of a more mystical and elevated life, but not a life of highbrow arrogance or spiritual bypassing and deception. In essence, what we must face, and/or sacrifice, in order to evolve into a more beautiful self requires we pause as often as we can, as quietly as we can, and as long as we can to listen with our hearts to what our soul is trying to tell us at any given time.


The transition this week from transpersonal matters that can confound and confuse us to newly aimed aspirations and refinements can help teach us, once again, how to manage the flux of life. Ups and downs we are familiar with, but when the ups are whimsical free-spirited extravaganzas and the downs are foggy, frustrating, and frivolous bouts of confusion and overwhelm, the tests in life can get the better of us. As long as we keep refining all facets of our life and hold on to the hope we have learned to cultivate, we are bound to steer our ship through calmer seas and have more tranquility and peace.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-07-18T06:30:00-04:00 2024-07-18T15:47:46-04:00 Full Moon Flux Leading to a Better Life 🙌 Chauncey Erskine

July 21-27, 2024


We start off with quite a whopper of a Sunday! The early morning Full Moon in Capricorn is followed by so many aspects it is difficult to sum them all up. But we can rest assured that these alignments are shifting our consciousness into a greater capacity to function, understand, and navigate whatever stormy seas are off over the horizon. Taking that to heart, some fog may cloud our Wednesday and Thursday, followed by some exciting gumption to improve how well we function. Taking into consideration the refinements necessary to make our lives better will always bring us that much closer to exactly that: a better life. Stay sharp, friends...



July 21-27, 2024


We start off with quite a whopper of a Sunday! The early morning Full Moon in Capricorn is followed by so many aspects it is difficult to sum them all up. But we can rest assured that these alignments are shifting our consciousness into a greater capacity to function, understand, and navigate whatever stormy seas are off over the horizon. Taking that to heart, some fog may cloud our Wednesday and Thursday, followed by some exciting gumption to improve how well we function. Taking into consideration the refinements necessary to make our lives better will always bring us that much closer to exactly that: a better life. Stay sharp, friends!


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, July 21, 2024 👇


*Full Moon at 29° Capricorn at 6:16am EDT*

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius


What an activated day of perfecting aspects! This morning’s Full Moon in Capricorn is wrapping up a very transitional Cancer season. What were some of the most potent and memorable reflections we had over the past month? Are there wrongs to right, alignments to make, harder work to be applied, new goals to be achieved? This morning is the time to sit quietly and reflect once more upon these potential changes to our repertoire. If we do not make headway trying to improve anything, we are sure to suffer the consequences of our inaction. Maybe we can start by building a new plan of action to abide by. Writing things like this down helps us integrate our intentions, concretize our goals, and visually remind us to keep climbing. Reality is setting in and we must adapt!


The rest of today’s aspects tell a wide-ranging story of confusion, carefree playfulness, and perhaps self-serving rhetoric. Even though Saturn rules the Full Moon this morning, it is the only planet not making an aspect today. Of course it would be ideal every day, but it is probably best to stay focused, patient, kind, and forgiving as much as we can today. If there are any game-changing proposals tossed our way, let them know you will think about it for a day or two. If you break down in your car or in your mind, just be patient with the process and know wholeheartedly that things will work out and get better. 


Ultimately, we are likely to find ourselves quite flustered and upside down by the end of the day. Lots of rest will suit us best if we want our Monday to be groovy and productive. With a good deal of Neptune’s influence, we are grappling with reality and what it means to exist in this world, this society, this relationship, this body, and how all of it can just be too much too fast more often than we want it to be. When there are reprieves from this overwhelm, we do all we can to rest, perhaps escape somehow, enjoy ourselves the best we can, and continue to hope that the days and weeks and years ahead will get simpler, quieter, and more tolerable. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves how valuable these virtues are for a life of sanity and serenity. May we all breathe deeply and take a step back!


Monday, July 22, 2024 👇


*Sun ingresses Leo at 3:45am EDT*

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius opposite Venus in Leo

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries


As we enter Leo season, we all should ask ourselves what our creative legacy will be. What are we creating that will be remembered? Does it bring joy, knowledge, pleasure, or transcendence? Are we helping other people grow, evolve, and elevate their consciousness? This is the season of expression, creativity, and honoring our bold and courageous hearts by setting aside what others think of us so that we can conquer our insecurities and be the beautiful people we are. Leo wants to be king, wants to roar, and wants to be seen standing atop the ridge in all its glory. How can we face down the downpressing parts of our society, our psyches, and our hearts to bring back our child-like playfulness and, most importantly, our light-heartedness? It is a tall order, but one worthy of putting energy into.


We are quite likely going to feel like getting together with friends tonight or having a fun and playful family night of games and laughter. Emotions are not what we really want to indulge in today, so putting something social together to laugh and enjoy ourselves is a splendid antidote to any emotional pulls tugging at our heartstrings. This can still happen, however, and with a little pizzaz for someone to show off their awesomeness, which can be quite annoying. Let’s not let that person be us! And hopefully we don’t end our day with any setbacks or trauma-triggering mishaps. Maybe a good evening to settle in to something light-hearted and relaxing.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024 👇


*Sun in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius*

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo

Moon in Pisces square Mars in Gemini


The Sun-Pluto opposition happens once per year, and it teaches us humility in the face of great change. We should be noticing those changes much more than usual during this time. What does it look like? Can we muster the gusto and resolve to honor our hearts and our integrity in order to make change look cool and fun? It does not always have to be a bummer to change, so why not try hard to make the most of what needs to happen anyway? If we resist and resist, the struggle and suffering will only get worse and worse. In this way, seeing how far we can resist really does not serve us well, or anyone around us.


In a similar melody, we need to face some music somewhere in our lives, and it probably has something to do with our resources, our high horse, or our assertiveness. Do we truly know how stable our resources are? Are they secure enough to endure? Have we painted ourselves high upon our horse to a point we do not realize how jaded and inflated our perspective has become? And do we assert our unsolicited opinions more often than we should? Do we notice people getting upset or frustrated with how we go about expressing ourselves when we have a firm opinion about something? Maybe today can show us how to soften our edges by way of climbing down off our horse, assessing our financial situation, and calming down to quell and slow our otherwise fiery roll.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces


We may experience some frustrations today, likely stemming from wanting to disregard the work we need to take care of. A playful escape might seem like what we would rather be doing, but if we hold fast to staying focused on the tasks we set out to do, we can maybe find some leisurely time afterwards. Our frustrations can also arrive as overwhelm, with so many ideas and thoughts to contend with we can feel very scattered and confused. As mentioned, keeping our heads down and staying to the tasks on our list will help us weather the foggy realms lurking through our day.


Another Moon-Saturn conjunction in Pisces brings us around again to a time of reflecting upon our goals and aspirations, our boundaries and guilt, and our efforts toward becoming a more established, recognized, and admired leader in whatever line of work we do. It is also a time that can bring strange serendipitous moments that show us where and what we need to be addressing in our lives to make it more manageable, pragmatic, and productive. Staying grounded somehow will help keep us from veering off our path. We can find someplace to walk barefoot outside and feel the sand, soil, or grass between our toes.


Thursday, July 25, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

*Mercury ingresses Virgo*

Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini


The fog might have gotten thicker today, possibly disabling our capacity to pay close enough attention to what is really going on around us. Early in the day is a reflective and ethereal time that eventually breaks through into more conscious action and stamina. The culmination point of Pisces is upon us today, showing us the kind of heady confusion and disarray our own lives and the state of society is in. It would be worth noting what exactly confuses us, confounds us, and leaves us unsure of certain things in our life. 


Certainly the latter part of today has more energy to offer, perhaps so much we can jump the gun a bit too quickly about something. We are beginning to feel newly energized and ready to make waves in our personal sea of possibilities. Have we fully processed any losses that occurred in our lives lately? Do we know how to face those losses and the pain they caused with grace and acceptance? Or are we afraid to face them for fear of emotional strife and anguish? Grief may need to be dealt with today, but we have a sort of active approach to handling whatever situation we are going through in a rather headstrong way. We can humbly take the time to be proud and honored to be living the life we lead and all it teaches us along the way.


Finally, our capacity to apply all we have learned in our life to help us function more productively and positively is beginning to become prevalent. Mercury’s tenure through its domicile of Virgo helps show us how to better function, refine our discordant whims, and cleanse any stagnancy or residue that has clung to us for however long. The next eight weeks is a very productive, helpful, and organizing time in our lives. We should respect it by at least cleaning the house, organizing our stuff throughout the house, and making solid plans to stay focused and intent upon our endgame. No dilly dallying!


Friday, July 26, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries

Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aries trine Venus in Leo


Today is likely going to instill a sense of relief and revelation for us. We are acquiring a greater understanding of whatever confused us over the past few days, thus giving us some clarity and confidence about what we are doing and why. The path laid out ahead of us can seem more defined, and we can make better sense of it than we may have been able to for a little while. What is it we need to be abiding by? Are we abiding by our own desire to further individuate and elevate our consciousness? Perhaps we need to think about this much more deeply and personally so we can better identify with our hopes and desires.


It should come as no surprise if we are drawn to playfully go out in the world to have a fun time with others. The time is right for dancing in the street, and it doesn’t matter what you wear, but you’ll probably care and put on your favorite good time outfit! It is a great night to feel free to boogie and waltz our way through space with some of our best friends or with our loving partner. We should just beware that such open and free-flowing fire energy can turn on a dime and disrupt whatever fun we are having with feisty flares. Turn on your lovelight and lighten up!


Saturday, July 27, 2024  


Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo

Moon in Taurus square Sun in Leo (3rd quarter)


We are shifting our focus to our resources, any property we own, and the feasibility of sustaining those circumstances. Is there something happening in that area of our lives that might be threatened? If something were to unexpectedly happen, do we know that those resources will still be available and safe from being lost? It is a good day to discuss these concerns with a financial advisor, a friend, a partner, or a colleague. Anyone who might know more about such things, or someone we trust and whose opinion matters very much to us. 


This goes hand in hand with the refinement beginning to unfold in our practical lives. The story is about making things better, more protected, and becoming more aware of this entire facet of our lives. Do we understand the consequences of foolishly neglecting what we worked so hard for and hold so dear to our hearts for the safety and stability of our life? Addressing this can help establish greater resolve to stay informed, updated, and organized about how to best manage what we own, what our near and far plans are, and what we might need to do if we wish to make improvements or greater gains. The tests we face help prepare us for future tests, and each one gets us that much closer to resolution and a more comfortable position in life. 





The transition this week from transpersonal matters that can confound and confuse us to newly aimed aspirations and refinements can help teach us, once again, how to manage the flux of life. Ups and downs we are familiar with, but when the ups are whimsical free-spirited extravaganzas and the downs are foggy, frustrating, and frivolous bouts of confusion and overwhelm, the tests in life can get the better of us. As long as we keep refining all facets of our life and hold on to the hope we have learned to cultivate, we are bound to steer our ship through calmer seas and have more tranquility and peace.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-07-12T06:00:00-04:00 2024-07-12T14:28:43-04:00 Womb of Life, Waves of Joy, The Wild Unknown Chauncey Erskine

July 14-20, 2024

This can seem like a week of trial and redemption, though the latter may need some focus and intention to really shine through. There are quite a few tense, squaring aspects to contend with early in the week, bringing quite a few long moments of uncertainty and emotional disturbances. But eventually those dense clouds lift and drift away, bringing blue skies and adventurous opportunities back into our lives. This is not to say the first few days are going to be terrible, they just might find us a little more on edge or unsure than we want to be. If we remember to stay grounded, embodied, and mindful of our hearts, we are sure to find excitement, joy, and harmony...



July 14-20, 2024

This can seem like a week of trial and redemption, though the latter may need some focus and intention to really shine through. There are quite a few tense, squaring aspects to contend with early in the week, bringing quite a few long moments of uncertainty and emotional disturbances. But eventually those dense clouds lift and drift away, bringing blue skies and adventurous opportunities back into our lives. This is not to say the first few days are going to be terrible, they just might find us a little more on edge or unsure than we want to be. If we remember to stay grounded, embodied, and mindful of our hearts, we are sure to find excitement, joy, and harmony.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, July 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio square Venus in Leo


Friday’s relationship tension can be expounded today by Moon’s transits. What we have been keeping to ourselves may need to come up for some air to breathe new life into our future. Relationships are nearly always not without tension, and sometimes that tension helps drive the relationship into new territories and new breakthroughs, which is what the ultimate ideal is at this time. Are there any potential fixtures in our lives that may need to be unchained and set free? Pondering such fixtures might help solve some long-term stagnancy in our lives. 


This affects our personal lives, too. We have to always contend with our own ruts and unyielding ways, so when the time comes where such struggles make themselves known and noticeable, we would do very well to recognize and change whatever we can to help our own lives progress less attached and less chained to our habits, addictions, and otherwise unhealthy tendencies. What are we hiding from? What are we afraid of? Do we already know what we should do to improve our life? Needless to say that today can be a bit challenging and frustrating if we need to work with others a lot.


Monday, July 15, 2024 👇


Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus


Tension from yesterday can carry over again today, making for a rather less-than-ideal start to our week. But there are always opportunities within the tense aspects we face. Today’s opportunity is centered around the revelations we might notice regarding our soul’s purpose and desires in life. Are we already engaging in what feels like our passion and calling? If we are not, something can trigger us today, hopefully in a good way. We are concerned with our sense of security and how secure we are with our identity. How do we identify with what we do, what we desire, and what we love? If we pay close attention, we might discover something very important we will not want to forget, because it could shine a bright beam of light upon our dreams and aspirations. 


Tying into the revelations that can help us glean a little more clarity about our calling and what we wish to master, today’s Mars-Uranus conjunction starkly signals a good old fashioned call to action. What we need to do to make our lives better in many ways requires work, as we are all aware, but sometimes the work can be exciting, unpredictable, and beautiful. The gist of this conjunction is rooted in acknowledging, refining, and actively improving upon our financial sustainability, our sense of security, and especially what we love and value most in our life. There is opportunity for new paths to be forged and exciting events to take place. We just need to stay calm, cool, and collected, because there is also potential for misplaced anger, aggressive stubbornness, and getting frustrated that things are not going as quickly as we want them to. Drive carefully out there!


Tuesday, July 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio Square Mercury in Leo

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and Mars in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius


Moon pulls out all the tough stops through its tenure in Scorpio, so rest assured you are not alone if today, and the last couple of days, are exhaustingly challenging. There are certain activations today that seem to culminate, though they are just ongoing dances of cycles. Communication can be a bit passive-aggressive this morning, so we should blunt our words and stay mindful of our love and affection. Egos are so fragile and vulnerable, so if we can realize that about our own, we should realize it about others. Being stuck in our ways is no way to be open minded about the ways of others. 


We are also experiencing a very distinct reflection of our call to action from yesterday. And while a certain call may not have initiated, we might discover what that is today, after we have had a chance to work through some less-than-conscious experiences and mindsets. How can we make our situation better than it has been in a long time? What suffering, secrets, or obstacles must we overcome to get there? Maybe some time alone in the dark stillness of evening can reveal what we have been carrying unconsciously within for so long.


And it is that unconsciousness that holds a key to a kingdom we relish and pine to return to. It is the womb of life where all is provided, protected, and peaceful. While we cannot get there until our next life is preparing to launch, we can catch some tasty waves in the meantime. What is the value and importance of drifting across the universe? Perhaps the waves of love and joy we try to find and ride are the most important experiences we go through. Let’s seek to find how well we can manifest love and joy in our lives more often!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius trine Venus in Leo

Moon in Sagittarius trine its North Node in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini


After a conceivably rocky few days, we are reprieved with a delightful and adventurous Sagittarius Moon expanding our horizons and releasing much of that previous tension. Our hearts can awaken today to find out what more is possible inside those shiny, magical rhythm makers. We feel intuitive, festive, and lively, hoping that what came before can be sorted out peacefully and lovingly with a healthy opportunity for new visions and ideas to flourish. 


Opportunities usually show up when we need them and when we are ready for them. Those we do not risk taking may show up again some other time when we are more willing and ready to take the risk. If we can see past the quagmire that was churned up over the weekend, the skies will begin to clear and shine for us to better see our way forward. It is so hard to see that path when the challenges are among us, but as the angst and weight release their hold upon us, we are once again free to see more clearly. 


Willingness requires courage and risk, so if we feel willing and able, we should keep a close eye out for opportunities to present themselves today and tomorrow. They will likely show up in conversation or while traveling. Is there a new location we have been thinking about moving to? Maybe the ball will begin to roll much faster in a certain direction, hopefully a positive, uplifting, and evolutionary direction. With Mars fresh off the heels of joining Uranus in the sign of real estate, opportunities in this area are even more likely. Look around to see what you love!


Thursday, July 18, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Leo and Chiron in Aries (Grand Trine)


It never hurts to have a healthy reality check before we sign on a dotted line or put all our eggs in one basket, and this is the vitamin we are receiving this morning. Do we know for sure that whatever we may be about to commit to is going to work? Will it cross any boundaries? Is it aligned with our ethics and inner truth? We may need to consider a few details and some deep-hearted conclusions before we move further on down our path into the wild unknown.


There are indeed a lot of needles pointing toward our destiny at this time, we just need to listen carefully if we want to learn how to follow through the best we can. The security of our inner child is at stake, and we do not want to pass up any chance we get to assure its continued comfort and exhilaration to be alive. Are there bodywork, self-care, or any other comfort-ensuring techniques we want to start cycling into our repertoire? Making life better, more efficient, and especially more lucid and inspiring is the theme of today, so perhaps we can challenge ourselves to duly note what we need to take care of to get to where we wish to be.


And where we wish to be could quite possibly appear before us today like a fiery zap from on high. If we do indeed have some enlightening moment like this, it would be wise to seek counsel regarding its legitimacy and feasibility, but listening to our own heart and intuition will help us delineate enough to know if it is the right move. It may be that we are in desperate need of healing old wounds and we suddenly realize some brilliant method to do just that. If there are any looming shifts looping through our hearts and minds, today might just spark those loops to stop repeating themselves so that action can be made toward our goals and healing.


Friday, July 19, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Venus in Leo trine Moon’s North Node in Aries

Moon in Capricorn square its Nodes in Libra/Aries


What is our spiritual intention? What is our spiritual practice? Are we religious? Are we dogmatic? Have we been misled in any way? Have we neglected our divine connection? These are questions we may face as we start our day. Maybe it is time we begin aligning or realigning with the sacred in our life. In this way, something might seem incredibly poignant and cogent, inspiring us to seek greater meaning and understanding. Anything that may have seemed off or forsaken for however long can reappear from out of nowhere today, even a special person in our life. 


Such a person could actually help remind us of a track we once were on but drifted away from. There is excitement and a certain longing for harmonious progress that encourages us to find our way on the road to find out. And while these kind of feelings and moments can be short, fleeting bursts that are difficult to follow through with, we should savor every one of them, because they enlighten our hearts to proceed with more serenity, poise, and gratitude for the tremendous beauty of life, despite the opposition and suffering we inevitably face so often.


Saturday, July 20, 2024  


Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

*Mars ingresses Gemini*

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries


Just before Mars crosses into Tropical Gemini, it makes a compelling and very dynamic sextile to Neptune. Mars has been wanting to launch across the city at 90 mph for the past month and a half, and this final moment of reluctant stalling and stagnancy could very well be undulating through our bodies like a horse in the turnstiles. But we must consider the innate, and likely unconscious, value of this transit. Have we taken the time to plan a more sustainable and profitable future? Is there something we would like to do more publicly? Have we landed somewhere spiritually that has helped calm and meaningfully tranquilize our otherwise aggravating tendencies? Let’s reflect before the light turns green!


Go! Though ingresses do not always induce immediate effects, Mars may be most likely to do so, especially as it transitions from slow, bull-headed Taurus to zippy, bubble-brained Gemini. This puts fire into our psyche and stimulates our thought processes to race out of the gates ready to figure out all of those myriad things we have not been able to think liberally enough about. It is like a fast-talking cartoon character just usurped our minds and wants to see the world it has been kept from for so long. We are bound to begin feeling very inspired to learn about a lot of new and exciting things!


As evening settles in, there can be some personal healing issues we are drawn to address. How much progress have we made healing ourselves from our trauma? It can be so painful trying to overcome all our insecurities that we often give up and just live with them, hiding from our greater potentials. But we are always capable of standing up and making headway if we find the courage and have a potent intention to do so. Perhaps we can ponder our trauma, insecurities, intentions, and courage today in preparation for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Capricorn and the Moon-Pluto reunion in Aquarius, where we can shine our new glow and emerge from the ashes of our past.




This is a week of challenges that need to be faced, positive growth, and hopefully redemption from the thickening agents stirred into our pot early in the week. Through all the tension that may unfold in the early part of the week, we can remind ourselves that there is always a release on the way. Furthermore, whatever we somehow need to suffer through is always bound to contain a sacred lesson somewhere deep inside it. We are sure to find those spots of wisdom if we practice kindness and serenity, and abide by the natural laws and truths already nestled softly in our hearts.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-07-04T06:00:04-04:00 2024-07-08T15:22:59-04:00 Dance Your Way to Self Realization🕺🏿💃 Chauncey Erskine

July 7-13, 2024

This is a rather exciting week that promises some newfound zest and eagerness to make significant headway toward our dreams and aspirations. As we dance and relish this sense of renewal, we must prepare for the inevitable wave of reality checks and balances. Is our verve to vervy? Do we need to tone things down a notch or two? These are natural processes that help us up the long ladder of life. Eventually, the refinement of our giddy hopes leads to the refinement of our relationships and how valuable they are to the process of our progress. We are building courage, clearing our hearts and minds, and realizing the importance of discernment...



July 7-13, 2024

This is a rather exciting week that promises some newfound zest and eagerness to make significant headway toward our dreams and aspirations. As we dance and relish this sense of renewal, we must prepare for the inevitable wave of reality checks and balances. Is our verve to vervy? Do we need to tone things down a notch or two? These are natural processes that help us up the long ladder of life. Eventually, the refinement of our giddy hopes leads to the refinement of our relationships and how valuable they are to the process of our progress. We are building courage, clearing our hearts and minds, and realizing the importance of discernment.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, July 7, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Mercury in Leo

Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini


Ideally there is an exciting and playful flair to the day, sparking an interest to go into town and see everyone, be seen by everyone, hear some music, see a show, or put on a show. The days that stretch across our lives are often painful, exhausting, or aggravating, but sometimes we are gifted fun and frivolous days that shake all the residue out from our emotional bodies. What can we do today that makes us laugh, dance, sing, and ultimately find joy, exhilaration, and inspiration? This can be an enormously creative day that sparks spontaneous inspiration and awakenings, so it would be best to sculpt it in a way that allows a liberal dose of open ends.


All of these fun things are possible, but there is a chance we could find ourselves in an ego duel with someone. Who is better or smarter or more favored can play out in some strange way that annoys or perturbs us, so harnessing our humility and kindness is quite imperative if we want to avoid any eye rolling or blood boiling disturbances in the otherwise frisky force of the day. All in all, we are bound to have a handful of very jovial conversations that might teach us some really cool stuff we were not anticipating learning.


Monday, July 8, 2024 👇


Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Leo trine Moon’s North Node

Moon in Leo square Mars in Taurus


Our love for others and the caring support we give and receive from them is in the spotlight today, perhaps instilling upon us a bit of a desire to give more than we have before to them. In this way we are noticing how we relate to other people and even ourselves. Maybe we would like to socialize more, make new friends, or even comfort others by volunteering at a local shelter, food bank, soup kitchen, or elderly home. We are feeling very nurturing today in a way that inspires compassion and doing good for the world.


Yesterday’s excitability is extending into today, too. We are likely finding our zest for life returning or blossoming in a way that speaks to the path we wish to follow. It is often difficult to feel like we are truly on the path we want to be on, but sometimes we stumble upon serendipitous experiences that remind us which direction we are going and that we are exactly where we should be along that trajectory. These open and flowing harmonies should be relished while they pass through us, because the evening is likely to sing a few discordant notes through the air around us. We might need to face the stubbornness we are more or less prone to, and this can cause some friction in relationships if we are not mindful enough.


Tuesday, July 9, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Jupiter in Gemini sextile Moon’s North Node in Aries


Hopefully last night was not too tense or frustrating, because this morning could bring a little more of the same. If we are in a relationship, our egos could feel an unconscious need to battle it out for some reason, perhaps regarding our finances, our home, or one of us being too much of a stick in the mud. Thus we may be better off focusing on a task independently that helps us work out these issues more internally and unconsciously, hopefully bringing us into greater awareness of them through that process.


Carrying yesterday’s recognition of our place on our path into today, we are very likely noticing that what we have done and where we have been has purposefully led us to where we are now. The work that sits on the table in front of us is exactly the work that will carry us into the fortune of our future. Stepping back far away from everything to gaze upon where we stand on the entire course of our life can show us how valuable all we have gone through has been for us. Hopefully we can glean some powerful insights that will help us make the best decisions about where we turn and go from here. Eyes and minds open!


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini

Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces


The visionary insights we hopefully gleaned over the past few days are in need of facing some scrutiny for the finer details today. What we imagined may need to be tested against the backdrop of reality and feasibility if we are to see any of those dreams through to fruition. Does it serve humanity well? Will it enrich our lives and the lives of those we encounter along the way? Are any of our ideas too far-fetched? Working through our hopes and dreams with a fine-toothed comb can smooth out any incongruities or unnecessaries that no longer belong in our lives. 


This is sure to bring us into closer alignment with the tasks we need to accomplish and holding fast to our inner truth. What we have done before may not be nurturing us anymore, so weeding out those faults and drawing more stark boundary lines for ourselves is of the essence today. It is definitely an ideal day to start painting the masterpiece we have been dreaming of, because there is an opening for us to impart that vision upon the canvas of our future.


Thursday, July 11, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo trine Mars in Taurus

Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

*Venus ingresses Leo*

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra sextile Venus in Leo


Some finalizations are being sorted out today, and they are primarily homing in on ideal refinements for optimum life management. Do we know how to handle the unexpected, and usually unwanted, wrenches the universe throws at us? Of course we all know life is sometimes harmonious, peaceful, and serene, while other times we cannot catch a break and so much seems to be out of our hands and challenging. We are likely to feel the see-saw of these patterns today, but hopefully we also notice how well equipped we have become at handling these tidal shifts that ebb and flow day in and day out.


Stubborn and perhaps fearful of making changes, our wisdom does not always come into play to allow us to make the best decisions. It can seem like we are waiting for a sign or just the right moment to enact those shifts, but deep inside we tell ourselves we are not ready. We might be afraid that any changes will disrupt a level of contentment we have become accustomed to, even if that feeling of contentment is not fully satisfied. But with Venus ingressing Leo today, we might begin to feel a certain giddiness and newfound thrill for what could happen if we decide to change at least a few things about our lives.


When planets aspect one another at the 29th degree, there is often a feeling of culminations, ultimatums, and a universe-enforced need to make up our minds about something. Today this happens in the love and pleasure-seeking arena of our lives, as well as perhaps our deep connection to the divine and how that influences our relationship to this world we live in and the people, places, animals, and items therein. Some profound clarity is possible if we remain open to new beginnings and overcoming stagnant attitudes we have hung on to out of fear for however long. 


Friday, July 12, 2024 👇


Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct its South Node in Libra

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini


The newly vivified hope for what lies ahead of us must also contend with the shadows and secrets we have buried inside. Breaking free from these troubles is not for the faint of heart, nor for anyone lacking courage and bravery. Sometimes in order to liberate ourselves from our fears and anxieties we need to come clean with our wrong-doings, our faults, and our prejudices. Though this can threaten others’ perspective of us and the relationships we have with them, it will ultimately allow us to be more openly and authentically ourselves, thereby helping others know who we sincerely are, too. The longer we wait, the less time we have to evolve and awaken.


Harkening back to the past may impose some unwanted reflections today, even if they are necessary and helpful. And while they may not seem necessary or helpful, we should always take some time to do this so we continue to develop a clearer picture of where and who we have been. This should also teach us that what may have seemed like mistakes were merely lessons learned, and that creating a more positive perspective of who we have been helps us create a more positive attitude of who we are now and who we are becoming.


Saturday, July 13, 2024  


Moon in Libra sextile Mercury in Leo

Moon in Libra square Sun in Cancer (1st Quarter)

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries


How do we know what others think of us? How do we feel about other people? Do we feel superior to certain people but inferior to others? This theme of how people feel about others, and in particular what level of superiority, is cast across the fields of today. It should be no surprise that everyone judges others against themselves nearly every day. Some may be much more prone to it than others, but we all end up doing so to some degree. This creates an unconscious push-pull in our psyches that often plays out aggressively, antagonistically, or by belittling ourselves or others. Keeping a close watch on our hearts and minds to avoid such traps will help show us where we need improvement in this realm.


Along these lines, today acts as a sort of test to see if we are learning how to perceive the difference between judging and discerning. One affects our ego in a way that inflates or deflates our self-esteem, and the other affects our ego in a way that helps us make healthy and informed decisions for the sole purpose of evolving and becoming more enlightened human beings. It might not be a bad idea to look up the definition of these two words to help us on our way today.


How do our relationships affect our progress toward developing the mastery we seek in the field of study or work we do? Is a personal relationship getting in the way of this progress? Or is that relationship an integral part of our progress? What relationships help us on our way and which ones do not? This can be a painfully difficult assessment to make, but perhaps we can discern how our relationships are helping us in different ways, even if they seem to impede our advancement toward certain goals. Maybe they are teaching us other lessons that will prove invaluable down the road a taste. Let’s work on discerning more than judging! We are all just working it out. 






Whether or not we realize it, what we need is not always what we want. But when what we need becomes what we want, there can be tremendous forward motion in the development of our ego and emotional maturity. Such evolution helps us arrive much sooner to the summits of the goals we set for ourselves along the way. If we remain mindful of how to be proud, how to refine that pride, and how to relate with ample discernment, humility, and compassion, we are sure to grow into much happier, loveable, and satisfied individuals. May we keep working out all our kinks, healing all our bruises, and finding the courage to authenticate ourselves for the sake of sincerity and liberation!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-06-27T07:00:00-04:00 2024-06-27T07:22:29-04:00 Sailing Through the Straits of Sensuality & Inspiration ⛵️ Chauncey Erskine

June 30 – July 6, 2024 

This week sails us through the straits of sensuality, inspiration, and nurturing ourselves and our loved ones more than we have been. There is depth and excitement to our imagination in the middle of the week that is sparked by Mercury’s anaretic aspect to Neptune followed by its ingress to Leo and opposition to Pluto. Taking time to allow our imaginations to flourish will certainly help establish a healthier outlook on our future, thus better preparing us for Friday’s New Moon in Cancer. There can be some resistance in relationships, but once we make mutual efforts to nurture and understand each other we are bound to feel inspired by where we are going together...



June 30 – July 6, 2024


This week sails us through the straits of sensuality, inspiration, and nurturing ourselves and our loved ones more than we have been. There is depth and excitement to our imagination in the middle of the week that is sparked by Mercury’s anaretic aspect to Neptune followed by its ingress to Leo and opposition to Pluto. Taking time to allow our imaginations to flourish will certainly help establish a healthier outlook on our future, thus better preparing us for Friday’s New Moon in Cancer. There can be some resistance in relationships, but once we make mutual efforts to nurture and understand each other we are bound to feel inspired by where we are going together.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, June 30, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius


This lone, stubborn aspect could cramp our Sunday style, but if we dig our heels into some gardening, financial planning, bodywork, or culinary delights, our experience today will be much less irritating and tenacious. There can also be a resistance to change that is not uncommon among most of us, but today especially we are all likely more inclined to stick to the things that we know and love most.

That said, while we are focused and meditating on our familiar tasks it would not hurt to ponder how we may be able to improve upon those facets of our lives. Can we enhance our garden? Should we consider newer technology or more advanced methods of banking or investing? Is there a breathing exercise, new posture, or unexplored bodywork practice we might want to try out? Staying away from confrontation is not always possible, but we should be prepared for incorrigible rebuttals.


Monday, July 1, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus

Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Cancer

Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces


The tension remains a bit charged this morning, but if we harness it wisely we can encourage ourselves and others to better focus upon the tasks at hand. Any handiwork, carpentry, or new household projects are worth pursuing today, though probably best done alone. The continuance of stubborn tendencies remains for the better half of the day, so putting our blinders on and earbuds in until this afternoon is not a bad idea.


Later in the day, Moon’s midpoint sextiles can spark some important and perhaps emotional conversation about our living situation. Is the home we live in where we want to stay long-term? Do we want to move? Do we want to move in together? Is our lifestyle draining our resources? These are pertinent questions to ask as we slip into the night for some cozy jams and nesting snuggles.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

*Neptune stations retrograde at 29° Pisces*

Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

*Mercury ingresses Leo*

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces


Though we might encounter a turn of events today that catches us off guard, we are not without a laid back vibe to absorb it. Our minds might seem a little mushy, confused, or out on another planet, but this will gradually pass throughout the day and tomorrow. The good thing about it is we can really tap into some intuitive understandings about the harmony of the natural wonders of the universe. There is a very enhanced psychic sensitivity that permeates the collective consciousness, so if we allow ourselves the silence and stillness to listen we might discover revelations we were not expecting. 


Mercury’s Leo ingress promises our minds will shift a bit into planning for some more fun and creativity in our lives. If we have been pondering the possibility of starting a new creative pursuit, it is quite likely we will begin to give that a lot more serious thought. What we create becomes something of a legacy, especially if we follow through with it until we experience a sense of exhilaration from it. What exactly does thrill us, captivate us, and make us want to howl for joy into the stars around a bonfire? Let’s follow our imagination and see where it takes us!


Speaking of imagination, we may find deep pools of inspiration in the cool windy wells of our shadows and secrets. Though at first mention this may be an unassuming place for inspiration, sometimes the deepest trenches that have been carved into our psyches are chock full of material for creativity. The greatest poets, painters, and musicians have dipped their bucket into the deep wells of their souls for millennia, so diving down inside ourselves may reveal some startling waves of magic rippling up to greet us.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius


Our inquisitive minds are offered quite an array of opportunities today to discover more of the deep, unique realms of our psyche. We are all strange, so why not embrace all the different ways we are strange? These realms were likely tapped into yesterday for inspiration, and inspiration may indeed be what we find when we continue to roam these strange and beautiful fathoms today. Considering our capacity for creativity when there is ample inspiration, every rock in our minds should be turned over in search of such sacred sparks. 


There is also a good chance we will find ourselves having a conversation with someone about emotional topics that may be difficult to discuss. While the chances of such a conversation are high, the desire for one is probably not on the top of our list. However, we might actually find some enjoyment dissecting the things that we find fun, exciting, and creative. As long as the conversation is geared toward positivity and an opportunity to learn and grow through the darker, shadowy corners of ourselves then we are heading in the right direction. Intensity can flare up if we are not careful, so abiding by the terms of the heart is called for in this situation. 


Thursday, July 4, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


Trauma we have endured may spill over into the forefront of our minds today, conceivably crippling our forward motion on whatever project or work-related tasks need to be accomplished. It is very difficult to focus on these things when we are emotionally destabilized. And though we may not find ourselves entirely destabilized, there can seem to be a fog hazing over the clarity and serenity we might prefer or expect. Instead of getting frustrated about the fog or the trauma reminders, we can embrace these as something to learn from. What is it about our traumas that maybe spilled over into our consciousness? If we were to let go of any expectations, does clarity once again flood our minds? 


These wavering possibilities hold a valuable key to discovering more about how we have shaped our path as a result of our pain and suffering. Is there something we can do about where we go from here and how we go from here? Perhaps if we challenge ourselves to find mistakes in the landscape of choices we made in our past we just might come across some revelations that point us in new and healthier directions. It seems today could be a good day to learn more about ourselves, despite the struggle to go to these places.


Friday, July 5, 2024 👇


Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

*New Moon at 14° Cancer at 6:57pm EDT*


Though today is a New Moon, which is typically a good time to start new endeavors and set new intentions, any efforts to take substantial action on anything today will likely be met with road blocks, setbacks, or some version of the universe telling us today is not the day. This is not to say we should not set new intentions, but attempting any literal acts to set those intentions in motion should be set aside for another day. Sometimes the driving force of Mars is tamed and subdued by its sign or aspect, and in this case it is both. 


What kinds of new intentions and beginnings are we sculpting in our minds? Are there emotional woes to contend with? Is there some way we can learn how to better nurture ourselves and others? Maybe we should make plans to spend a little more time with our family and relatives. Whatever the case, the pace of what we intend to do will very likely be more glacial than not, even if it is days or weeks into the future. But this should not dissuade us from following that course of action. Sometimes such a pace helps ensure we embrace and unfold the entirety of such endeavors, leaving no stone unturned, if you will. Feeling into our intentions for the inner wisdom sleeping there will undoubtedly help fortify our efforts in the days and weeks to come. Let’s listen carefully!


Saturday, July 6, 2024  


Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


Moon’s medley of activations with other planets today helps bolster the intentions we set during yesterday’s New Moon. While it is still not ideal to set a lot of things in motion, we are at a good stage for processing the journey that lies ahead to manifest the changes we are emotionally committing ourselves to. We are also contending with the intentions of others close to us and how their intentions might affect our own. Do we feel like certain boundaries need to be addressed in our relationships? Have we neglected to address any abuse, trauma, or wrongdoings by others for fear of their reactions? Maybe it is time we stand up for ourselves and share our feelings.


It should be no surprise that with such an active Cancer Moon today we will be feeling deeply into whatever is conjured. As mentioned above, of primary potential is certainly our relationships and how caring and nurturing we are to one another. Is there a reciprocal amount of affection displayed and conveyed between partners? Have we lost sight of how valuable affection is between two people? If we spend a lot of time with someone, sometimes we forget to touch, caress, hug, kiss, and embrace them. It never hurts and it almost always helps, so reminding ourselves of this today can help bring back a little love and affection that may have gone astray somewhere behind us. 




Taking all the time we need to set the best intentions for this week’s New Moon in Cancer will undoubtedly reap important and valuable rewards for those relationships in the future. Despite quite an active Gemini Moon, there is a good deal of patience needed to help us make it through the early and later parts of the week. The themes are planning a healthier and more nurturing future, embracing our unique and strange minds and inner worlds, and establishing a more nurturing and protective environment for those we love. We are constantly emotionally maturing, so we must always be patient with ourselves and our loved ones as we all learn these fraying ropes and the complex array of uncertainty.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-06-20T06:30:00-04:00 2024-06-21T08:14:46-04:00 Singing & Dancing Through the Great Gig of Life 🎶 Chauncey Erskine

June 23-29, 2024

This can be a very exciting week to implement the inspirational findings of the week before. We are building a future we believe in, and this requires a steadfast adherence to our personal integrity and authenticity. More inspiration is on its way, but we are sure to stumble upon emotional and relational upheavals and detours that can distract and deter us from our motivations. Finding balance and maturity is not easy, but there are valuable lessons therein that help us walk the most ideal and venerable path forward into our triumphant future...



June 23-29, 2024


This can be a very exciting week to implement the inspirational findings of the week before. We are building a future we believe in, and this requires a steadfast adherence to our personal integrity and authenticity. More inspiration is on its way, but we are sure to stumble upon emotional and relational upheavals and detours that can distract and deter us from our motivations. Finding balance and maturity is not easy, but there are valuable lessons therein that help us walk the most ideal and venerable path forward into our triumphant future.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, June 23, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces


Today’s back-to-business Capricorn Moon realigns our consciousness with the hopefully enjoyable work we do. Taking time to organize our thoughts, plans, and strategies for what lies ahead on our agenda will make tomorrow a much more productive day. Do we know what needs to be accomplished? Have we forgotten something important? The ground beneath us is solid today, so utilizing that secure footing can help get our heads back in the game. The responsibilities are calling, and we must go! 


Forging ahead into our work is not always about our career or making money. It is also about the inner work and how that affects our capacity to thrive in the outside world. We all face challenges from many fronts throughout our lives, and sometimes those challenges are subtle, quiet struggles we grapple with within. The lessons we open ourselves up to learning about are always available to us, so if we put down our defensive egos to better glimpse how to follow through, we just might come out victorious. We just have to keep going, even when the trauma and pain creep in at the worst times.


Finally, we can feel inspired today by what we hope to accomplish in the future. Spiritual insights and flashes from unexpected places can help reinforce our commitment to the work we do, perhaps shifting our tack toward a slightly different heading. The winds, both inner and outer, do not always blow in from the same direction, so we should be prepared for any sudden changes.


Monday, June 24, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus


There is a hope this morning that stretches out across the vast landscape into a beyond we likely will feel compelled to dream about. All the winds may feel as though they are gently blowing against our backs, pushing us into those new dawns of our dreams. However, it is wise to always remember that when life looks like easy street there is danger at your door. This is never to say that we do not deserve a blessed life filled with wonderful days, but life is life, and we have to understand that shifts happen. Shifts that are beyond our control.


Those shifts can arrive as early as this evening, as a matter of fact, when Moon squares Mars in fixed signs. This can feel very testy, in a way that actually feels like a test. Can we weather the stark gradation from a beautiful morning to a conceivably frustrating evening? What is likely going to feel tested is our resolve to upgrade certain facets of our lives in order to provide sincere and lasting sustainability. And by that I do not necessarily mean our financial sustainability, but more so the sustainability of our physical and mental health, our commitment to our goals and ambitions, and the overarching theme of whether or not we can continue to live our day-to-day lives the way we have lived them for however long.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus


Just as yesterday’s stark contrasts may have thrown us up and down the roller coaster, today might by very similar. As Moon traverses the celestial sphere around us, it activates the same planets by different aspects every few days, which means similar themes remain in play, only they might resolve, fall apart, or find new tidbits of challenges or possibilities. Today opens up with a productive bent toward our fighting spirit. Not the aggressive kind, just our gumption to manifest what we deeply and reverently want to see happen to us. We have what it takes, but are all cylinders firing? Is the compression in the chambers strong and balanced enough to see it happen? Let’s make progress in that direction!


Perhaps reluctantly wriggling into the evening, we again can feel a tension not unlike yesterday evening. The stakes seem to be high, the standards need to be raised, and the wherewithal to see what these stakes and standards are and should be are staring us in the face. How are we going to enjoy life as much as we have if we make changes we are afraid of making? Why bother? Well, will they affect our relationships? Will they affect our work? Will they bring a heightened state of consciousness or clarity that can help stabilize our otherwise volatile emotional condition? This is a beautiful day to let go of something for something better in exchange.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 👇


Venus in Cancer square Moon’s Nodes

Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Pisces trine Venus in Cancer


Feelings are swarming everywhere today. The windows that open up onto the vast expanse surrounding us expose the immense beauty and majestic landscape we need to soak in and cherish, because it is difficult to not get hung up on our inside emotions. Our relationships may be in need of mutual introspection to decipher how we each sincerely want to proceed, but how they affect our authenticity can be blurred by the haze of the heavens. Thus, seeing ourselves clearly requires we look within. 


It is a good day to sit down with deeply sincere intentions to discuss our feelings with as much absence of judgement as possible. We might find our boundaries do not quite align with our partner’s boundaries. Or perhaps we are sitting down with ourselves for a deeply introspective meditation to discover what our boundaries are, what our intentions are, and ultimately how we perceive our intimate identity. Are we at peace with ourselves? Do we cherish our time alive and alone? Perhaps we need to address our shame and guilt about whatever plagues our self-consciousness. Do we really deserve to feel terrible about things that likely only make us human? Forgiveness starts with ourselves. If we cannot find it in us to forgive ourselves, how can we forgive others? 


Thursday, June 27, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces trine Mercury in Cancer

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus


Our impulses can carry us through today quite serendipitously. When the two timekeepers meet in Pisces, we feel our way instinctively as though our plans are virtually unnecessary. Along the way, however, we should be keeping close watch on those impulses. Do we recognize anything about them that are out of alignment with our moral compass? Have we neglected to address behaviors that seem ill-fated? Doing the right thing is often a subjective issue, but if we listen intently to our hearts, our needle will begin to point in the best direction for us. 


So much of Moon-Saturn aspects, especially when conjunct, have to do with identifying with our code of ethics, seeing the universal truths, and learning to better abide by them. It is as though we can reconfigure the internal wiring schematics in our psyches in order to better manage our impact upon the world. How are we faring in our efforts to become a respected leader, mentor, and authority in our field of work? Do we make the grade? Have we broken any oaths? How to repair these possible quandaries is at stake today.


Furthermore, the gig of life is sometimes upended by unexpected turns of events. And welcoming these is sometimes not easy when we are not prepared for them. This sort of experience can unfold today, throwing us into a new arena of uncertainty. Like every unexpected event, however, we are better off avoiding frustration to instead embrace what fate has in store for us. Today can be another lesson in humility to let go of our grasp on expectations, trust the natural order of spirit, and follow its guidance through the day and beyond. 


Friday, June 28, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini

Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


This highly activated day of aspects reestablishes our desirous aspirations that drive us toward our highly anticipated goals. But first, we check in with our deep intuitive life force to finalize what, where, and how we will follow through with. As we worked on settling a few days ago, we must learn to better adjust to accepting our flaws and unique quirks and instead embrace them in order to find our unique path of mastery. So often we are told to follow our dreams and we will achieve them, which is quite cliché and even shallow. There is so much more to what this entails.


First, we must identify with what we sincerely love. This requires a level of solitude, quietude, and time to acquire. But once we know in our hearts what we love, we can begin to plot a path toward attaining whatever those things are. That path, though, is fraught with tremendous effort, sacrifice, and gumption. Today, we are afforded an opportunity to witness our heart’s desires, carve a bold plan to manifest and sustain them, and find ourselves that much further along than we thought we were.


The mix of emotional and intellectual stimulation is exciting and transformative today. What we need and what we want are not always the same thing, so discerning the two will show us much more of what we are up against when it comes to the challenges that lie ahead. But reveling in our soul purposes can be an exhilarating experience, so creating a solid foundation upon which those purposes can flourish should be the most important plan of action today. Our bodies and emotions have the answers. We just have to listen and abide.


Saturday, June 22, 2024  


Moon in Aries square Venus in Cancer

*Saturn stations retrograde at 19° Pisces*

Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


Our independence may seem to vanish in the haze this morning, usurped by emotional dramas that often interfere with our life’s work. Reconciling such dramas requires time, psychic energy, and emotional maturity to help iron out the wrinkles. This is exhausting and frustrating, but we must not avoid the process of growing wiser, which is an invaluable result of such drama. We can glean clues about what needs to be worked out before we proceed again down our path of awakening.


Like all seemingly messy entanglements with others, somewhere there is a silver lining that encapsulates a lesson. In due time, we recognize those lessons and utilize them as rungs on the ladders we climb. Eventually, we make it up to the top and can see exactly who or what has been calling us all these years. Today we should uphold our courage and bravery by finding and holding on to our own creative pursuits, not the creative pursuits someone else thinks or wants us to have. Once we embody that bravery, we are sincerely on our way to the fulfillment we desire. 


Saturn is stationing retrograde today, providing an additional keen lens to focus on our diligence, integrity, and aspirations. It is the beginning of a five month window to help reestablish these facets of our journey toward our goals. We should embrace this time by turning inward upon those goals to refine them, restructure them, and design a new, more solid, foundation. It is as though we are deconstructing what we have built thus far in order to notice where we can make improvements for a stronger infrastructure moving forward.



This is a week that takes us up up and away into hopeful and inspiring heights we may not be prepared for. That is not to say we will not find gratitude for reaching those heights, but the unforeseen can play a role in shaping what we find when we get there. We should remain open to such whims and flow downriver patiently trusting where life takes us. The pace is slowing, we are finding our footing again, and the ambitions we have are being exposed, sorted, and prioritized for maximum efficiency to get where we hope and dream to be sooner than later. Blessings to everyone on this sacred solstice and Full Moon.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at

]]> 2024-06-13T06:00:00-04:00 2024-06-13T15:12:03-04:00 Reflections, Full Moon, & Summer Solstice 🌞 Chauncey Erskine

June 16-22, 2024

Taking stock of all the valuable information accumulated over the past few weeks will help us better assimilate what it all means to us personally. We are entering the season of sweeping emotional acknowledgements and awakenings. The core data that we intellectually absorbed during Gemini season now needs to be processed and understood much more instinctually. Do we know why we feel the need for certain people, things, and experiences in our life? We will also be paying close attention to what our ambitions are and whether they are rooted in our core values and desires or someone else’s. The solstice and Full Moon at the end of the week promise deep reflection and reconnection to our identities and aspirations...



June 16-22, 2024

Taking stock of all the valuable information accumulated over the past few weeks will help us better assimilate what it all means to us personally. We are entering the season of sweeping emotional acknowledgements and awakenings. The core data that we intellectually absorbed during Gemini season now needs to be processed and understood much more instinctually. Do we know why we feel the need for certain people, things, and experiences in our life? We will also be paying close attention to what our ambitions are and whether they are rooted in our core values and desires or someone else’s. The solstice and Full Moon at the end of the week promise deep reflection and reconnection to our identities and aspirations.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, June 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


When we consider the inner work we need to do and how valuable that work is to accomplishing our outer work, we have to face the pain we suffered throughout our lives in so many ways. The trauma we endured is never easy to revisit, and it is often brushed aside for fear of experiencing the pain again. But the more we can learn about what we went through, the more we heal that pain. This helps recondition our perspective and brings greater potential for genuine healing. We have a unique opportunity today to consider the perspective of anyone who may have been involved in our trauma. We can feel compelled to see things through someone else’s eyes for greater awareness and understanding, however troubling that may be.


As the day folds into night, we should prepare for potential struggles communicating with loved ones. The messages rising like a spring tide could be about escapism, addiction, passive-aggressive behavior, neglect, abandonment, or any similar theme. We should be very mindful not to get caught in any undercurrents that can sweep us away into confusing and irrational arguments. Instead, we would be better off either retreating to a space where we can be alone or trying our best not to take anything discussed so personally. We should also be very careful not to shame or blame anyone for their perspectives or lifestyle decisions. We are all doing our best to make it through each and every day.


Monday, June 17, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra trine Mercury and Venus in Gemini

*Venus ingresses Cancer*

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

*Mercury ingresses Cancer*

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer

Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus


There is a lot of volatility to contend with today. We may sail through things welcoming the shift from fast and fickle to slow and stable, but the rubber meets the road exactly at a crossroads we may be very unsure about. It can feel like we are trying to work out so many things but have no idea how to do so. We might even decide to just throw in the towel on our to-do list. Considering the gravity of today’s aspects, that kind of levity may be the best thing for us. But it would definitely behoove us to at least prioritize the important matters at hand and focus on them more than the more inconsequentials. 


We are experiencing a slowdown in our minds, our relationships, and how we functionally manage our lives. We are turning to compassion and understanding toward others and ourselves. Our emotions are beginning to take center stage, and they are asking we pay more attention to them so we can finally process everything we have gone through. Lately, we have been so concerned with getting our words out, absorbing the words of others, and trying to make sense of the madness surrounding us. It is as though we are suddenly in need of open spaces and quiet to feel deeply into our human experience with intense caring and compassion. 


Tensions begin to seep in with the night, reminding us again that we need to abide by our own standards and not get lost in arguments with those who shun and shame us for expressing ourselves honestly and courageously. Deep matters may surface with intensity and manipulation, so if we prepare for this with an awareness that it will pass, we should be able to skirt any fires that otherwise would ensue and engulf our evening.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024 👇


Mercury and Venus in Cancer quincunx Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces


The residue from yesterday’s onslaught of perfecting aspects may still linger through the morning, but eventually we can take a deep breath and allow whatever inner and outer shifts happened to organically roll us through today. While Mercury and Venus make a unified quincunx (150°) to Pluto, there may be some unsettling emotions behind the power dynamics in our relationships, particularly the ways in which we communicate with one another and the subtle tones that are often involved. This wanes as night falls, so the evening is bound to feel a bit relieving. 


There is a deep chasm opening today that can reveal, and help us better decipher, what we instinctually need to address in our lives. The rules of the road, the boundaries surrounding ourselves and others, the hard work necessary, and the leadership skills required are all showing up to teach us what we must understand deep within. The game is often misconstrued to mean one thing or another, and we can get lost if we place all our eggs in one basket. Today can show us exactly how, where, and why we should proceed and not proceed.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini


Moon activates all the outer planets today, which is likely going to influence us in more luminous and unconscious ways. The day may start with a surprise, shaking up an otherwise normal Wednesday morning. Perhaps we are feeling a bit adventurous and want to do something we have never done before, or maybe someone else’s whims trickle into our life to show us something we are not expecting. The values we place on the ordinary and expected may be overturned to reveal different values we had not considered before. These can shift our consciousness into new states that help open our eyes and minds to new possibilities in life.


The magnificent beauty that is inherent in all that surrounds us can be felt on a deeply instinctual level today. Maybe such beauty astonishes us to the point we let go of certain old patterns and conditioning. These moments should be relished for all they offer, because the unconscious stirrings are quite capable of leaking into our consciousness today to expand our vessel of awareness and enlightenment. After all is said and done, we might just recognize the world with a completely new assemblage of senses.


Thursday, June 20, 2024 👇


Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

*Sun ingresses Cancer at 4:51pm EDT (June Solstice)*


Just before today’s solstice, Sun squares Neptune in Pisces to remind us how mutable life can be. Are we open to the unforeseen? How well do we adapt to the fickle winds that blow through our life? Cause and effect is a natural law, but sometimes life seems to exhibit atypyical or otherworldly oddities. We would do well to be prepared for strange or confusing happenings today, particularly marked by experiences we have no control over. Our plans may get thwarted by unexpected follies of others. The weather may change on a dime, forcing us to reconfigure the trail system we started on.


Once Sun ingresses Cancer, however, we begin to slow down and notice more of what affects our emotional experiences in life. The piquant flavor of Gemini season is now mellowing across the forest like a babbling brook. We feel compelled to connect with others more sensitively than cerebrally. It is a time to reflect and process our past from where we stand on this day. The knots that seem to be perpetually tightening in our lower abdomen are beginning to loosen and untie themselves, allowing the channels of those psychic waterways to flow more freely and with greater compassion and understanding. May the season enrich us all with a stronger sense of identity and a more nurturing temperament. We are all in this together!


Friday, June 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

*Full Moon at 1° Capricorn at 9:08pm EDT*


Leading up to tonight’s Full Moon, we can recognize how healing inspiration is in our life. Sometimes it is difficult to find inspiration, usually because we are too stressed and exhausted. But when we do find anything that uplifts our spirits and instills joy back into our lives, we get that much closer to healing the wounds that used to cripple us. Today can reveal to us something we need to rekindle the dwindling flame in our hearts. This could very well relate to the inspiration we require to approach our beautiful life goals and ambitions with sincere passion and purpose.


There is also potential for a steady, grounded strategy to be built in order to more efficiently pursue those dreams. Assessing our resources, feeling more deeply what we desire, and understanding the amount of patience necessary to see those dreams come to fruition are all at play. We should again be prepared, though, for unforeseen circumstances to throw us around a bit more than we would prefer. The story is never a dull one, no matter whose eyes are watching it, so we should remember this when wrenches start flying in from left field. 


This is a beautiful day to lay all our ambitions out on the table so we can see them in full, plain view. Do we understand why we are ambitious about all of them? Are any of those ambitions a result of conditioning we were unconscious of all these years? Are we following any of them to appease someone else? Can we decipher the subtle riddles lying beneath each of them to determine which ones feel best and resonate most harmoniously with us? These are the ideal questions and scenarios we should be considering and engaging in today. Full Moons are a time to reflect deeply upon our identity, allowing the blinding glow of the Sun to assimilate its light upon the Moon for us to see more clearly through the darkness that so often confounds us.


Saturday, June 22, 2024 


Moon in Capricorn opposite Venus in Cancer

Moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn square its nodes and opposite Mercury in Cancer


Do we understand the needs of those we love? Are we too harsh in criticizing their faults? These issues could arise today to help teach us how to better nurture each other. We are discovering incredibly valuable tools to better navigate the clogged freeways of our hearts. On one hand we are feeling very pragmatic today, perhaps noticing how important it is for us to get back to the grindstone of hard work and less play, while on the other hand we are seeking to connect with others for the sake of making those relationships healthier and more conducive to growth and mutual achievement. 


This is also another one of those days where we put a lot of energy into honoring and respecting our values and resources. Is our financial situation in order? Can we make changes to anything that will improve that situation? Do we need to pull back the reins on spending too much money on certain luxuries we do not need? Maybe it is time to go through and organize the paperwork, accounts, and even the beneficiaries of our estate. This is a valuable day to address our valuables and better understand why they are valuable to us. There is patience and endurance available, so let’s not waste this opportunity!



This is a week that takes us up up and away into hopeful and inspiring heights we may not be prepared for. That is not to say we will not find gratitude for reaching those heights, but the unforeseen can play a role in shaping what we find when we get there. We should remain open to such whims and flow downriver patiently trusting where life takes us. The pace is slowing, we are finding our footing again, and the ambitions we have are being exposed, sorted, and prioritized for maximum efficiency to get where we hope and dream to be sooner than later. Blessings to everyone on this sacred solstice and Full Moon.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-06-06T06:30:00-04:00 2024-06-06T08:25:33-04:00 The Power of People, Practicality, Playfulness, and Pride 🎭 Chauncey Erskine

June 9-15, 2024


This is another week in which we are working on our personal development and walking the line between pride and humility. We are also beginning to feel a calming and more grounding sense of passion and urgency. The rafters that may have been on fire for the past month or so are smoldering and being rebuilt by the trusty celestial carpenters on high. This helps secure our resources and puts a stronger emphasis on building up those coffers for our future needs. As we get tested by the Leo Moon to see how humble we are remaining in the face of scrutiny or praise, we are learning how valuable that thin line is and how to walk that line with grace, dignity, and truth. The week ends with a blessed reminder of how important other people are to us. We must never forget that we cannot go it alone in this life, no matter how proud we are...



June 9-15, 2024


This is another week in which we are working on our personal development and walking the line between pride and humility. We are also beginning to feel a calming and more grounding sense of passion and urgency. The rafters that may have been on fire for the past month or so are smoldering and being rebuilt by the trusty celestial carpenters on high. This helps secure our resources and puts a stronger emphasis on building up those coffers for our future needs. As we get tested by the Leo Moon to see how humble we are remaining in the face of scrutiny or praise, we are learning how valuable that thin line is and how to walk that line with grace, dignity, and truth. The week ends with a blessed reminder of how important other people are to us. We must never forget that we cannot go it alone in this life, no matter how proud we are. 


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, June 9, 2024 👇


*Mars ingresses Taurus*

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Leo square Mars in Taurus

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius


Though we are fielding a wide array of perfecting aspects today, Mars’ ingress into Taurus is of special note. The tone of our approach to handling frustrating situations is calming down, our overall thrust and zest to go after what we desire is waning into a more stabilized and pragmatic approach, and the folly that has lately been prone to topple whatever house of cards we built has taught us a bit more about pulling back the reins on the horses that lead us onward. Grounding into a much more focused approach to our resources can not only help stabilize them, but it can help diversify and grow them if we are patient and diligent.


The lasting, reliable realities that are always present are coming into broader focus today. The careless and frivolous passions that distract us from those realities are also becoming more noticeable and recognized for what they are. As always, life is a balancing act of managing our time and resources, working hard to the best of our abilities, abiding by the laws of kindness and compassion, and allowing ourselves the freedom to experience the fun, playful, and carefree opportunities of life. Delicate? Yes. We are becoming more mindful of how to stabilize and sustain a life we love and cherish. A life that continues to blossom with beauty, sensuality, and abundance.


We may be scaling back the exuberance of our passions and desires, but that does not mean we are not prone to angst or frustration. Indeed these should be watched for as the day lingers on. Our egos can fall into traps of arrogance and stubborn resistance, so keeping an ear and an eye out for such foibles will help us through these potentials this evening. We should remember that listening teaches us much more than speaking.


Monday, June 10, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo sextile Mercury in Gemini


There is a playful exuberance in the air today that promises some degree of fun and light-hearted joy. Our communication lines are open and flowing in a very friendly and congenial way, and those we are close to and consider our favorite friends are sure to help stimulate some laughter and good cheer. As is always possible, however, we must consider the potential for unexpected downturns or hard exits off the freeway of smooth sailing. Are we being too proud, too boastful, or too special? Are we annoyed at someone else being any of these things? There is always something to learn everywhere we look, and sometimes the one direction we forget to look is back at ourselves. Living and learning always plays out with every breath we take, so swallowing our pride might just be in the queue today.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024 👇


Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


The likely uplifting vibe of yesterday is giving way to some challenges today. Sometimes we are unaware of how set in our certain ways we have become, thus making it difficult to notice where and why change is needed. Being called out for those stubborn tendencies is not unlikely today. The good part, despite the resistance we are sure to exhibit, is that we are being made more and more aware of exactly what we are holding onto so adamantly. And while we still may not admit it or accept it as true, today marks a kind of turning point for some of those traits.


Moon in Leo can imbue a bold sense of expression and exuberance. We are reminded of our creativity and our unique flair. Simply put, we are excited to live! This can take a turn toward disappointment, however, if are faced with recognizing anything about ourselves that feels like a blow to our ego. Humility is often hiding in the bushes during Leo Moons, so when we stumble over ourselves, we can rest assured it is a healthy reminder to be modest and humble. This is not to say we don’t deserve to be appreciated and recognized for our talents, genius, or creations, but we can walk the fine line between pride and humility. This is a good lesson for today.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024 👇


Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


The likely uplifting vibe of yesterday is giving way to some challenges today. Sometimes we are unaware of how set in our certain ways we have become, thus making it difficult to notice where and why change is needed. Being called out for those stubborn tendencies is not unlikely today. The good part, despite the resistance we are sure to exhibit, is that we are being made more and more aware of exactly what we are holding onto so adamantly. And while we still may not admit it or accept it as true, today marks a kind of turning point for some of those traits.


Moon in Leo can imbue a bold sense of expression and exuberance. We are reminded of our creativity and our unique flair. Simply put, we are excited to live! This can take a turn toward disappointment, however, if are faced with recognizing anything about ourselves that feels like a blow to our ego. Humility is often hiding in the bushes during Leo Moons, so when we stumble over ourselves, we can rest assured it is a healthy reminder to be modest and humble. This is not to say we don’t deserve to be appreciated and recognized for our talents, genius, or creations, but we can walk the fine line between pride and humility. This is a good lesson for today.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 👇


Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Virgo square Mercury in Gemini


The rabble rousing Sun-Mercury in Gemini duo is quite activated today by Chiron and the Moon, testing our capacity to make headway on our intimate healing process. The pain we feel from any myriad traumatic experiences usually surfaces on a regular basis and weighs us down with self-doubt, misery, and a bleak outlook on how to emerge joyful and triumphant again. These challenges are exactly the kind of hard work that is so instrumental in determining our capacity to heal. It would be wise to listen carefully to every conversation we find ourselves in today for any clues that can help us on our journey.


As we are once again in the throes of refining our personal development and taming our egotistical bent, hopefully we are eschewing the thought processes that are either self-defeating or inflate our sense of importance. There is a middle way between feeling like the world and other people are out to get us and feeling like we have all the answers and do not need help or to change anything about ourselves. It’s a long and narrow way!


The Virgo Moon’s opposition to Saturn also tests our resolve to accept the things that we do not have any control over. More precisely, it can help us better recognize what is in our control and what is not. The boundaries and rules of engagement set forth by the universe are not too difficult to live by, but some of those rules put in place by society challenge us to think critically and ask questions. What can we learn from the mistakes made by society over the years? And how have we navigated those rules and mistakes with critical thinking?


Friday, June 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini

*Mercury conjunct Sun in Gemini*

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini


The whims of our insatiable, fickle hearts come to a head with the practicality and refinement necessary to do the good work required of us. It may seem as though we are desperately trying to have enough fun but still get our work accomplished. It can practically seem like a battle today. What do we have yet to do to satisfy our sense of achievement? And what can we put down for a little while so we can go out and enjoy life a little more? These do not have to be at odds, but for many of us they are. 


With Mercury entering the heart of the Sun today, we are dynamically recharging our brain cells with the Sun’s healing radiance. This is a natural blessing through which we emerge with a renewed and uplifting perspective of life. Through this process, however, there is an enormous surge of mental energy that can deplete our lifeforce and leave us feeling drained and exhausted. As Mercury gradually separates from the reunion, we might feel an actual sense of relief from the overwhelm. Taking this into consideration, we would be wise to not plan any overly stimulating mental exercises today. We will have enough to contend with.


The ongoing dilemma of chaos vs. control plays out again today, additionally overwhelming our need for good mental health and stability. Taking the day in stride and leaving plenty of space between our tasks to rest and rejuvenate will help ensure we get through this day less scathed than not. And while the evening settles in, we should expect some healthy conversations with people. These can help remind us that we are not alone in the daily struggle to stay on point and stay cheerful, despite the potential odds. 


Saturday, June 15, 2024 


Moon in Virgo square Venus in Gemini

*Mercury conjunct Sun in Gemini*

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini


The whims of our insatiable, fickle hearts come to a head with the practicality and refinement necessary to do the good work required of us. It may seem as though we are desperately trying to have enough fun but still get our work accomplished. It can practically seem like a battle today. What do we have yet to do to satisfy our sense of achievement? And what can we put down for a little while so we can go out and enjoy life a little more? These do not have to be at odds, but for many of us they are. 


With Mercury entering the heart of the Sun today, we are dynamically recharging our brain cells with the Sun’s healing radiance. This is a natural blessing through which we emerge with a renewed and uplifting perspective of life. Through this process, however, there is an enormous surge of mental energy that can deplete our lifeforce and leave us feeling drained and exhausted. As Mercury gradually separates from the reunion, we might feel an actual sense of relief from the overwhelm. Taking this into consideration, we would be wise to not plan any overly stimulating mental exercises today. We will have enough to contend with.


The ongoing dilemma of chaos vs. control plays out again today, additionally overwhelming our need for good mental health and stability. Taking the day in stride and leaving plenty of space between our tasks to rest and rejuvenate will help ensure we get through this day less scathed than not. And while the evening settles in, we should expect some healthy conversations with people. These can help remind us that we are not alone in the daily struggle to stay on point and stay cheerful, despite the potential odds. 




The realms we traverse this week are wide-ranging and quite stimulating, especially on Friday when Mercury joins Sun in Gemini. We should be looking to the heart for guidance through the middle of the week, seeing as how the Leo Moon can shake up our pride and remind us why we need to fail sometimes. Taking that to heart, we must pace our voyage across the mental landscape with peace and tranquility as much as possible. If we can avoid stressful situations as much as possible, we are much more likely to come through the week feeling rejuvenated and restored instead of exhausted and depleted. Let’s never forget the wonders a loving friendship and companionship can provide to our often weary souls!  


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-05-30T06:30:01-04:00 2024-06-03T08:16:19-04:00 Look to the Moon for Inspiration & Guidance, the Future is Bright 💡 Chauncey Erskine

June 2 - June 8, 2024 

This is an invigorating week filled with fervor, reverence, and hope for all the myriad possibilities that lie ahead for us. We are inclined to charge forth at the start of the week, perhaps not thinking enough about what we are doing or why, so hopefully we do not make too many rash decisions. Eventually, we begin to realize the value of strategically planning how to proceed, which gives way to a brilliant renewal of excitement and hope on the Gemini New Moon on Thursday. There is an immense amount of mental activity leading up to and after the New Moon, inspiring us to brainstorm and consider so many opportunities and ideas. This uplifts our spirits and our attitudes, which is always incredibly healthy. By week’s end we are settling in for a few days of contemplation to process all of those brilliant possibilities...



June 2 - June 8, 2024


This is an invigorating week filled with fervor, reverence, and hope for all the myriad possibilities that lie ahead for us. We are inclined to charge forth at the start of the week, perhaps not thinking enough about what we are doing or why, so hopefully we do not make too many rash decisions. Eventually, we begin to realize the value of strategically planning how to proceed, which gives way to a brilliant renewal of excitement and hope on the Gemini New Moon on Thursday. There is an immense amount of mental activity leading up to and after the New Moon, inspiring us to brainstorm and consider so many opportunities and ideas. This uplifts our spirits and our attitudes, which is always incredibly healthy. By week’s end we are settling in for a few days of contemplation to process all of those brilliant possibilities.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, June 2, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Chiron and Mars in Aries

Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces


There is a feisty and passionate air today, inclining us toward acting upon our instincts and independent desires. Do we know what we desire? If we do not, we are more likely to act upon our passions less consciously, which can lead to heated debates and misplaced anger or frustration. If we are aware of what we desire, we can utilize this transit to focus intently upon those desires with tactful strategy and focus. We should all be mindful of the potential for short fuses today, so reminding ourselves to lead with our hearts will ensure a more productive and peaceful Sunday.


The weekend has already likely seen some deeply emotional and evolutionary conversations, which at times may seem overanalytical or too overwhelming to be productive, but there is a very open and flowing opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings with someone we love. It is a perfect, and likely unavoidable, time to be opening up out of our typical shell of resistance to talk about our future, our opportunities, and whatever we may have learned lately about ourselves or anything else. 


All this is coupled with deep thinking about how to manifest and sustain a meaningful practice of love and compassion in our daily lives. The gates are open to consider the value of such a practice and how it can help us grow into happier, less stressed, and more peaceful individuals. Indulgence in the pleasures of life is likely tonight, but let’s consider the spiritual impact of such avenues and how they affect that path of lucidity and love.


Monday, June 3, 2024 👇


*Mercury ingresses Gemini*

Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius


Our minds are sharpening, our tasks are being accomplished with greater ease, and we are finding ourselves more and more enticed by traveling, learning, and meeting new people. Such is the case when Mercury ingresses its domicile of Gemini. We tend to want to break out of whatever monotonous rut we may have felt stuck in, and this is a very welcome shift in our mental landscape. Our inclinations are less fixated on stability and resistance and more likely to seek conversation, new inspiration, and a renewed zest for life, especially with Mercury about to join Jupiter in Gemini tomorrow. These can be very exciting moments, despite other transits.


Speaking of other transits, our consideration of that which helps us grow and evolve is grappling with the sustainability of what endures and remains unchanged. This dilemma may unfurl somehow today. On one hand we should be honoring and welcoming the inner work necessary to raise our consciousness in healthy and uplifting ways. While on the other hand we should be respecting the foundations and resources that help safeguard our stability and sustainability. Learning how to incorporate both of these benevolent approaches into our lives will help create a fulfilling and more joyful life.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

Venus conjunct Sun in Gemini

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus



What has led up to today can show us what our thoughts and aspirations have evolved into. Of course we may still feel confused about some of our ideas and pursuits, but something seems to fall into place today that reveals more about the direction we are leaning towards. There is mental acuity, stable groundedness, and immense love and appreciation for the beautiful bliss we are hopefully desiring more and more of in our lives. So much could be written about today’s transits, but the gist of what is important is summed up as such. 


Sometimes we are given the space and freedom to look off into the unknown over vast horizons of possibility, hoping, dreaming, and figuring out what it is we love and cherish. There are infinite modalities we can embrace throughout our lives, and sometimes those we choose morph into brand new exciting chapters. Today might very well seem like a rebirth of our minds. The transmutation that occurs unconsciously as the days go by is often not noticed, but when sparks set fire to something new in our lives, it is very difficult for these to be disregarded, much less forgotten. 


Let us bask in our blissful sparkling newness and profound revelations that are sure to shape the course of our lives. Life certainly takes its toll on all of us to some degree or another, often much more than we want it to, but when moments such as these arrive, it is up to us to embrace all that it has to teach us about life. Surely we are learning some incredible new things about ourselves, our loved ones, and especially the world in which we live. Love and opportunity abound at this time.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini


The preponderance of mental activity and lucidity abounds today, amplifying the wealth of potential our minds afford us. What have we learned lately? What do we want to learn more about? Where are we pining to go someday? Who do we want to meet or spend more time with in our lives? These are Gemini questions of future hopes and dreams. We are learning, loving, and growing every day of our lives, even though it seems sometimes like we are digressing, imploding, losing, or running aground. Our outlook and attitude practically guarantee the nature of our experiences, so reflecting upon how our outlooks and attitudes have shaped our lives thus far is most certainly in the queue today. 


As summer is coming into the fold in the northern hemisphere, life itself is bursting forth all around us. Flowers are blooming, the warmth of the Sun is embracing us, the lakes and seas are calling us to swim in them, and all the pains and woes of the winter blues are being shed. It should be no surprise that as we head toward tomorrow’s New Moon in Gemini, we are feeling rather exhilarated about what is coming down the pipeline during the next month. Of course there are always challenges, pains, sorrows, and losses, but barring the onset of anything unexpected, which is always possible, it is a most opportune time to look forward to what lies ahead.


Thursday, June 6, 2024 👇


*New Moon at 16° Gemini at 8:37am EDT*

Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


This is a sensational New Moon that carries us forward with hopeful intentions rooted in joy and invigorating mental activity. We all wish to be happy as often as possible, but sometimes certain traumas condition us to believe we do not deserve such joy and serenity. This can incline us toward depression, pessimism, hopelessness, and even victim consciousness. While we cannot live every moment peacefully or blissfully, we are most definitely capable of trying. As we work towards such sustaining such joy, we find out what gets in the way, and oftentimes it is our own thoughts, insecurities, and fears. Taking a time out when we stumble across these cracks in the sidewalk can help us become more and more aware of what or who exactly impedes this process.


The hard realities we suffer facing in life can easily be blamed for what gets in the way of our happiness, but they also teach us where we can focus more energy to help facilitate more happiness. Is something not working well in our career, relationships, financial situation, health, or any other facet of life? Saturn asks us to point our focus there in order to fix those issues, which will in turn help pave the way for greater serenity, grace, and happiness. After all we have learned along the way, how can we put our heads together to design a more loving, stress-free, and enjoyable future for ourselves and those we love? These are uplifting intentions worthy of such a New Moon.


Friday, June 7, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


After all the possible joy and hope we healthily developed over the past few days, we are inevitably faced with the work necessary to facilitate it. Today our fervor for breaking free from the bonds that have held us back fire us up and ignite that instinctive drive to make it all happen. Motivation is the word of the day, despite the likelihood for some confusion and doubt to seep in from the cracks in the walls. Getting excited has not been too difficult lately, but when we fall back into old patterns, that excitement can give way to second guessing any new motivations we have nurtured. This is a test that requires integrity and determination, which are likely available to us but could be hanging in the balance to some degree.


How do we reconcile our light-hearted hopefulness with the deep overwhelm of surrendering to what we cannot control? Does the rest of the world have to watch while we suffer the consequences of not properly planning, designing, or navigating our path forward? Sometimes we act without thinking through what might happen afterwards. This is the pitfall that should be carefully considered today. Not only does what we know and not know determine the fate of our voyage, but how we make decisions based on our knowledge does, too. We would do well to be patient and motivated and not make any rash decisions today.


Saturday, June 8, 2024 


Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square its nodes

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces


We have been consistently dealing with a rather nebulous infrastructure in our lives over the past year. Being unsure of the integrity of the nuts and bolts that hold things together can create anxiety, doubt, and despair, which can lead to giving up on things due to trust issues. What we are learning is how to surrender to that which we cannot control and trusting that when the clouds and fog dissipate we will grow more certain of how to build a new future upon a more reliable and trustworthy foundation. 


What can we trust? Who can we trust? We should know by now that all things come and go, including trust, hope, and doubt. These are cycles that are activated often. The ups and downs of life are always at play. As such, we must not give up on the dreams we still believe in. Processing the magnitude of what those dreams imply is not to be accomplished in a brief period of time, but over an extended period of time. We are working through how we feel about all of this today, taking all of our recent mental stimulation and turning it inward and down into the processing regions of our body to digest it. 





Much of this week may seem a bit out of our control, but we have a lot to learn from what happens along the way. There are bound to be moments of uncertainty and confusion, but we should not let those moments drag us down into rabbit holes of hopelessness. Clarity and lucidity return to reveal to us indelible truths we have waited a long time to grasp. Eventually, we find ourselves grateful for what we cannot understand and excited to seek more of what intrigues us in such ways. The oddities along the way slowly dissipate and we find ourselves staring at the amazing engine that drives us toward our destiny one step at a time. The key is to remain open to what may come and to figure out how to overcome our inhibitions so we can finally take the steps we need to take in that direction.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-05-23T11:00:01-04:00 2024-05-23T11:00:01-04:00 Revelations & Synchronicities, Embrace the Mysteries 🔮 Chauncey Erskine

May 26 – June 1, 2024


Once again we are entering a rather transpersonal week that is sure to comprise revelations, synchronicity, and a deeper appreciation for mysteries. We run the gamut from conditioned resistance to exhilarating dreams and visions. Such is the spice of life! But as we head into the weekend, we are trying to find our way through a strange labyrinth. We seldom can make sense of what mystifies us, but we can embrace the excitement that comes with coincidence and uncanny experiences. Usually we end up reinvigorated to seek more of what we do not know. By Saturday, we emerge less stupefied and more energized to boldly embark on our voyage to all that lies ahead...



May 26 – June 1, 2024


Once again we are entering a rather transpersonal week that is sure to comprise revelations, synchronicity, and a deeper appreciation for mysteries. We run the gamut from conditioned resistance to exhilarating dreams and visions. Such is the spice of life! But as we head into the weekend, we are trying to find our way through a strange labyrinth. We seldom can make sense of what mystifies us, but we can embrace the excitement that comes with coincidence and uncanny experiences. Usually we end up reinvigorated to seek more of what we do not know. By Saturday, we emerge less stupefied and more energized to boldly embark on our voyage to all that lies ahead.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, May 26, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Mars in Aries


Our communication lines are flowing productively today, making this an excellent day to reach out to people who we have been meaning to figure things out with. Maybe we are trying to organize something important, wrap up a project, or just brainstorm ideas for an ambitious endeavor. However, just because communication lines are running smoothly today does not mean our communication can be entirely forward thinking. We may face stubbornness or resistance from others. There may be a wrench thrown in somewhere that negates our attempts to be productive.


As the evening rolls in, we might begin to feel some angst or frustration, which can further complicate our ambitions. This frustration can be directly related to whatever we were trying to accomplish during the day, in particular with someone who is giving us a hard time with our efforts to succeed and make progress. As is sometimes the case, this might be a good night to spend more alone than not, possibly watching a movie, reading a book, or researching something inspiring to us.


Monday, May 27, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces


The forward progress we hoped for yesterday can finally unfold today. We are hopeful, inspired, and excited to get busy with our future plans. New technology may be implemented in such a way that speeds up that progress, as long as we have the support of anyone who we may need to answer to. This matter can be a point of contention that we have to somehow work through as congenially as possible, but if we tactfully impress upon our superiors the value in this technology, they may just listen and understand. Hope certainly can spring forth today, so keeping a positive attitude should not be too difficult.


All that said, and considering the potential for painful reminders of what must be changed in our lives, we should be careful to stick to our word regarding our commitments. When we are in need of changing something important about our lives, it is easy to put it off and tell people close to us that we will eventually get there. But if we really do not want to change, we must share this truth. It will not go well if we build resentment and play the part of others losing their trust in us. Ripping the band aid off is often the best course of action.


Tuesday, May 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius trine Venus in Gemini

Moon in Aquarius trine Sun in Gemini


A very fine and harmonious day this can be! Barring any residual gripes from yesterday, this is a beautiful day to dream about all our future hopes and possibilities. What we love, who we love, where we want to travel to, and how we can make our world a better place for ourselves and others will likely all be swimming in our daydreams. Even though we likely have work to do, it may not seem as frustrating or humdrum due to us having a much more optimistic attitude.


We could hear about or discover something tremendously inspiring to lift us up and carry us forward. We are quite possibly wanting to speed up our manifestation of this inspiration, but it would be best to talk with someone about it and share all our ideas instead. In such a way, it is a fabulous day for a vision board project. Not all our days have to be tedious or exhausting!


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius square Mercury in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mars and Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini


Hopefully we milked every last drop of inspiration and excitement our of yesterday, because today can pose challenges that may be difficult to accept. Someone probably does not want us to pursue one of our dreams, and this can make it seem as though our hopes come crashing down around us. But we must endure these setbacks and pushbacks because they end up strengthening our resolve and upholding our dignity toward ourselves. Nothing like this should be thrown out just because of some things that stand in our way. Instead, strategically devising the best plan to forge ahead is the ideal course of action. 


One thing we are certain to experience in some form or another today is a realization that what we truly want to master requires a bold attitude, a bold commitment, and bold action. And the commitment part is what may be most challenging for us. There is stubborn resistance again, and we must dig down to figure out exactly what is causing it. It may be someone we love who is not on board with our bold vision, but it could also be something deep within ourselves trying to hold us back. Such a dichotomy is not uncommon. When we know we want to pursue something but have reservations about embarking upon such a voyage for some old conditioned reasons. What are they?


Maybe our inhibitions or lack of self-confidence play a major role in holding us back. Maybe this is due to some early wounding or trauma and we cannot figure out how to get out of our own way in order to take that once giant step into the unknown. Whatever it is that is causing a roadblock should be dissected, clearly understood, and shared with someone we trust and love. This can help clear the path ahead and encourage us to embrace the bold power of the Mars and Chiron reunion in Aries, which is incredibly intrepid and adventurous. Let’s forge a new meaning of fortitude for ourselves and conquer our fears!


Thursday, May 30, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces square Venus in Gemini

Moon in Pisces square Sun in Gemini


Much akin to Tuesday but quite a bit more challenging, today’s alignments are probably bound to teach us a thing or two about mutations. The uplifting and inspiring optimism felt on Tuesday showed us how valuable and exciting our dreams can be when we perchance to dream a little dream. Today we must reconcile the inevitable element of chaos that exists in life. We go about life often trying to understand what happens to us so that we can make better decisions in the future. We also try to understand 10,000 other things because they fascinate and intrigue us. But what we do not understand does not always have to throw us into a spiraling void of confusion, fear, and anxiety.


“The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking.” (Ken Kesey) This is the magic available to us today. Why do we need mystery in our lives? Because it creates a sense of humility, innocence, and imagination in us. We need to wonder about things in order to remain fascinated and invigorated by life, this beautiful planet, and the cryptic cosmos that surrounds us in space.


Friday, May 31, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus and Mercury in Taurus

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces


Our minds are racing today, trying to keep up with wherever it is our consciousness is taking us. The rush is intoxicating and oddly grounding, but only from the standpoint of what it is we are feeling so energized about. What exactly are we energized about today? Do we feel a very keen sense of clarity about something? Has something surfaced that we have been waiting and wanting to understand? Something shocking could startle us too, however, so we must be vigilant and aware of our surroundings, our encounters, and, as always, the unexpected.


Meanwhile, we are also continuing to stew on the enigmatic travails of yesterday. We may not be entirely sure about something, and that can feel rather unsettling. Today’s transits are reminiscent of the uncanny. We can feel a strange lucidity not unlike a déjà vu. This can carry on throughout the entire day, but will likely wane as the day moves into night. It would be good to pay close attention to omens, coincidences, and even our dreams for Mercurial messages from Spirit. It could be a very powerful day of revelations and awakening if we remain open and ready to receive anything and everything Spirit has to offer us. These are graceful blessings we deserve!


Saturday, June 1, 2024 


Moon in Aries sextile Venus and Sun in Gemini

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


Today we are emerging from the mysterious womb of intoxicating bliss into the purpose-driven tangible realities beneath our feet. We may feel an enormous push to go forth with all engines in overdrive, and indeed that feeling is also a kind of intoxication, but such carelessness should always be avoided through conscious intention. What is our goal? What is the point of charging into the future if we do not have a viable purpose to abide by? Of course, sometimes such action is called for in certain situations, but ideally we think about what we are about to do before doing it. It is that simple.


Our individuality is on the table today. That strange and beautiful identity who, by its own nature, must perpetually reveal itself to itself day in and day out. We can get lost if we stop paying attention to who is being revealed moment after moment. The walls close in around us and make us forget that there is a astounding and enchanting world out there to discover and experience, so much of which will inspire us, teach us, and expose to us more and more about who we are under the barnacles of time. Our destiny awaits us, and it is up to us to follow our own righteous, unique, and bold path of love and magic.




Much of this week may seem a bit out of our control, but we have a lot to learn from what happens along the way. There are bound to be moments of uncertainty and confusion, but we should not let those moments drag us down into rabbit holes of hopelessness. Clarity and lucidity return to reveal to us indelible truths we have waited a long time to grasp. Eventually, we find ourselves grateful for what we cannot understand and excited to seek more of what intrigues us in such ways. The oddities along the way slowly dissipate and we find ourselves staring at the amazing engine that drives us toward our destiny one step at a time. The key is to remain open to what may come and to figure out how to overcome our inhibitions so we can finally take the steps we need to take in that direction.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-05-16T09:30:07-04:00 2024-05-16T09:30:07-04:00 Full Moon in Sag, Celestial Geometry, Gemini Season ♊️ Chauncey Erskine

May 19-25, 2024


This is a very influential week that reaches its apogee on Thursday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius, but is not lost thereafter. We are gliding into Gemini season with giddy anticipation and inspiration for what is to come. Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all ingress Gemini this week, and these are the most benevolent celestial bodies, so what we are in for, while still reeling around the confines of chaotic and confusing overwhelm about where we have been, is a pressure drop and blessings of newness and hope. The week is building us up to find where we belong. This will unfold as revelations we have resisted, plans we must redesign, and new commitments we are excited to embrace. Let’s embrace each other and relish the friendships we share...



May 19-25, 2024


This is a very influential week that reaches its apogee on Thursday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius, but is not lost thereafter. We are gliding into Gemini season with giddy anticipation and inspiration for what is to come. Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all ingress Gemini this week, and these are the most benevolent celestial bodies, so what we are in for, while still reeling around the confines of chaotic and confusing overwhelm about where we have been, is a pressure drop and blessings of newness and hope. The week is building us up to find where we belong. This will unfold as revelations we have resisted, plans we must redesign, and new commitments we are excited to embrace. Let’s embrace each other and relish the friendships we share.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, May 19, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra opposite Mars in Aries and conjunct the South Node

Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Mars conjunct the North Node in Aries


Turning points are not always clearly identified or obvious, but when Moon and Mars oppose one another on the Moon’s nodes, there is certainly some element of change afoot. There is reflection upon our relationships more than anything else, but there is also a degree of desire for separation and independence from our relationships. This is not to say our relationships should be ending, it is only to say there may need to be more separation and independence within the relationships. How free are we to make our own decisions? How often do we feel the need to check with our partner before we do something? Let’s analyze this topic today.


Today marks the final day of Sun in Taurus, aptly sextiling Neptune. We are reaching for the gold ring down inside that we never truly reach but are always trying to. The gold ring of our spiritual quintessence is often trying to manifest on the material plane within the vessel of our body. When we experience the manifestation of our spirit through any conscious practice, we are expanding the vessel in which it can be contained. This bridges the division between the two and shows us how they are actually not divided at all. How can we reconcile this notion?


Driven, as mentioned before, by a desire to assert our individuality and retain our birth right to think, feel, desire, and achieve what the entirety of our spirits seek requires compassion, love, and acceptance, especially when immersed in a committed relationship. Furthermore, we may just begin to recognize with amplified astonishment exactly what we are most driven to pursue, especially if our space, both physical and mental, are clear enough and well-intentioned enough to notice it. What drives us most? What really exhilarates every cell in our body? 


Monday, May 20, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

*Sun ingresses Gemini*

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius


With a very early morning Moon-Chiron opposition, we are continuing to seek what we need to heal our wounded identity. This is a long-standing journey of discovery, however, and not just present during this fleeting Moon aspect. That said, there is opportunity for reflecting upon how influential our relationships are in seeding discoveries along the way. It is no surprise that we often take our relationships for granted, so any chance we get to sit in silence to specifically contemplate the importance of our relationships, even if they are sometimes rocky, can teach us a lot about ourselves.


This kind of mental stimulation is apropos for Sun’s ingress into Gemini today. We begin to remember how to express ourselves a bit more light-heartedly. We loosen our grasp on the emotional weight of life in favor of good conversation and good humor. We feel a growing insatiable appetite for learning more about life and how that knowledge can ground us through developing a greater understanding of the world and universe we live in. We want to scurry off into the foothills of our dreams, skip rocks in the streams, climb trees, talk to the squirrels, and barrel downhill through the brush delighting in life’s wonderment. It is fascination season! Perhaps we will meet somewhere down on Fascination Street!


Later in the evening, the emotional depths and woes can creep in again, reminding us, however reluctantly, that there are challenges in life we must not disregard.  We may not feel motivated to venture into such voids, but perhaps someone will take us there anyway. The pot can boil over if we are not privy to fair warning, so when we get home from our giddy flamboyant jaunt in the foothills we should be prepared to venture elsewhere into the uncharted territories of our psyches and feelings. Who knows, maybe we have a lot more to learn today, especially since Sun is about to trine Pluto!


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio opposite Mercury in Taurus


While this is the only perfecting aspect today, there are two potent applying aspects that will perfect tomorrow and Thursday, respectively, and they are Sun trine Pluto and Jupiter sextile Neptune. Briefly taking these into consideration, we are fielding a release of immense pressure put upon us by wavering Pluto while also fielding an amassing overwhelm of chaos and confusion that is wracking our tendency to resist anything involving change or expansion. More on these tomorrow and Thursday.


Today we are analyzing our depths and considering subtle shifts in our value system. I often speak of our values, especially lately with so many celestial bodies in Taurus, so I understand it may seem rather redundant at times, but these are not just personal values that are at play. These are also the values of humanity. The subtle intangible shifts in what we deem important and essential are very difficult to notice most of the time. They often appear as barely audible whispering thoughts that may be so fleeting we only realize a few of them here and there. But eventually we reemerge with new perspectives and approaches to how we want our lives to unfold.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus


Our emotional experiences are sometimes a lot to handle, especially when they disrupt our everyday lives in such a way that interferes with our work and accomplishments. Perhaps today will uncover something we have been preparing, possibly unconsciously, to see and accept as a truth we must abide by. There may be boundaries that need to be put in place. Or maybe there is karmic retribution that must be endured. This is not to say today must be deeply emotional or challenging, but we might want to be prepared for something unexpected and possibly disrupting to occur. If we are vigilant and prepared, these sort of things can be faced with less shock and suffering.


And while we are mulling over the boundaries and emotional swings that may have started our day, there can be a growing uplifting feeling stirring within us. In fact, we may actually start recognizing how transformative our struggles can be. How valuable and important the pain we experience due to our own resistance to change actually is. This may be difficult to understand, but when we resist change, our problems can fester and become putrid stains on our lives, slowly burrowing a void that becomes increasingly challenging to emerge from. Once we vanquish our resistance, billows of fresh air come blowing in to fill our sails so we can continue our voyage with renewed hope and excitement again. This can feel like a powerful release of pressure that allows us to land safely in a new world of tranquility.


Thursday, May 23, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

*Full Moon at 2° Sagittarius at 9:53am EDT*

*Venus ingresses Gemini*

Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces


This is a remarkable day in celestial geometry and influence. There is a tremendous amount of change subtly, or not so subtly, flowing beneath the streets of our daily lives. We go about them often nonchalantly and unaware of the undertow, but when full reflection is afforded us, we can be astounded by what has transpired in the course of both a long period of time and a short period of time. When so many alignments and activations take place during a Full Moon, especially in Sagittarius, very big things are going on. We begin to reexamine the world we live in, we actually become excited to shake up whatever status quo we have been living under, and the clouds can seem to part to make way for fresh golden magic to shine down upon us. 


It may not seem so, but we are always building a new life. And today we can see this fact as an inspirational revelation, as if understanding it for the first time. The pinnacle of our hopes and dreams can be imagined, and our confidence that those hopes and dreams can come true can flood through our veins today with deep reverence for our greatest potential. Taking stock of where we have been is called for, but we must not slide into old patterns or habits that depleted the feasibility of realizing our goals. We are looking ahead into the sparkling skies to see where we are going from here.


All that said, it is very possible that we can feel tremendous overwhelm today, especially if anything in our lives have been spiraling out of control, which may be true for many of us. This overwhelm has likely been building for some time, so it is probably not new to us, but we can rest assured that overwhelm passes just as the clouds pass. At this point, the pressure is beginning to release, which allows for action and progress to take place. If we hold fast to our visions, the doing can become more effortless and enjoyable, perhaps even igniting new passions and hopes to look forward to. Letting go of our own fears and resistance is the key to finding the trail we belong on. 


Friday, May 24, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries


Hot off the heels of such an impactful Full Moon yesterday, likely anticipating what lies in wait around every next corner we come upon, today offers an incredible opportunity to strike a sacred new match to light the fires that will guide us forward from here. There is excitement and verve to seek out the visions we have pondered throughout our lives. It really cannot be emphasized enough how much potential there is for us to grasp what we need and want to do with our time that is left to us. This may come after a spat with reality that shakes us awake, so we should be willing to wake up to what is possible.


Our pursuit of mastering what inspires us is seeping from every pore in our skin. Coupled with yesterday’s Full Moon, there is a charge to affect the change we desire deep within the sanctified pools of our emotional body. We know what must come and what must go, and our realization that time is fleeting and the future is uncertain starkly comes into sharp focus today. Where do we see ourselves on that path toward mastery? What steps do we need to take next? What smaller goals can we set for ourselves to make it where we hope to be in six months, a year, two years, five years? Let’s commit to our love of life and make it as beautiful as we possibly can!


Saturday, May 25, 2024 


Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

*Jupiter ingresses Gemini*


“See here how everything leads up to this day. And it’s just like any other day that’s ever been.” Indeed these words of Robert Hunter’s ring true today. Our loving relationships are being brought up for discussion to discover how to enrich them and overcome the struggles that have plagued them over the years. Communication lines are open, revelations could be flying in our faces like sparks from an axe to a grindstone, and all we want our future to behold can be seemingly summarized succinctly, if not in words then in the love swirling between us. 


The overwhelming confusion and chaos that has been in and out of our lives lately may resurface again today, but as is always the case, we must trust that this will flow away again and leave us at peace once more. Too much stuff, too many plans, too much responsibility, and too much to think about can act like an electrical storm crashing and booming all around us. But those dark storm clouds will pass and the glorious golden beams of love will again shine upon us. It would be good to engage in organizing a portion of our lives somehow somewhere today. 


Speaking of glory, Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini today marks the beginning of a year-long journey in the sign that beckons us to learn, discover, travel, engage, lighten up, and find fun in socializing and even the trivialities of life. There is an influx of desire to learn exciting new things to satiate our appetite to become rounder and rounder individuals. How can we smooth out the sharp corners of our life? Who inspires us? What inspires us? Why do these things inspire us? Jupiter in Gemini is uplifting, exhilarating, and expanding our minds to dimensions we have yet to imagine. May we all bask in this inspirational transit that will hopefully inspire all beings to lighten up, learn how to embrace new things, and rezestify their lives. 



The churning wheels of life can be formidable, but the rewards that unveil themselves usually make the entire struggle worth every moment. Often there is a preponderance to highlight the difficult and challenging parts of our lives, but if we begin to reframe our minds to pay closer attention to what intrigues us, inspires us, and imbues us with excitement, happiness, and serenity, we just might begin to notice a shift in the quality of our lives. Of course we will never avoid suffering and pain, that is part of the endurance of a life with desires, but if we seek to expand our capacity for hope, intrigue, and wonderment, the world will open its wings and lift us up and across the magical seas and landscapes of our wildest imagination.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-05-09T07:00:00-04:00 2024-05-09T13:45:01-04:00 Swimming Shore to Shore Across the River of Life 🏊‍♂️ Chauncey Erskine

May 12-18, 2024


As we emerge from the informational hurricane of Moon in Gemini, we find ourselves steeping like herbs in hot water trying to process and make sense of our personal journey through life. This week amplifies our inner work and our inner determination to shine, despite all odds. We seek comfort, shelter, and security. We seek excitement, confidence, and our creative identity. And finally, we seek refinement, clarity, and cleansing. As we grapple with stubbornness, let’s consider the purpose of being stubborn. Once we realize why we are stubborn, we can step up to the plate and make our impact with grace and beauty. This week holds unique keys that can surprise us by showing up out of nowhere. Stay watchful, my friends!


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, May 12, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer sextile Venus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


This is a feel-good kind of day in which we can embrace the nurturing delights of taking care of our home. We are likely to feel a sense of nesting and unwinding, so anything we can do to enjoy that process would be perfect today. Perhaps we have guests coming, or maybe we have just been putting off making love to our sacred space. We seek comfort, security, safety, and an overall pleasant environment.


The afternoon and evening might find us rehashing the critical importance of following our independent healing process in ways that induce these same feelings of comfort, security, and pleasantry. As we gradually discover exactly what we need to feel more secure on our road to mastery, we can better decipher how to adhere to that path and what challenges lie in our way. Ultimately, we hope to trod into our glorious future with redemption and serenity, so anything we can do to strategically design that road would be ideal today.


Monday, May 13, 2024 👇


Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces


The unexpected might just show us something very important we have been too stubborn to accept. What lies in wait when Sun and Uranus come together is often something we are not anticipating, so if we remain open to spontaneity and surprises while not fixating on expectations, we are going to be able to sail through this day much more easily.


The emotional river of the day finally makes its last bend before opening up into the everlasting seas, allowing an opportunity to merge our efforts toward tranquility with grace and acceptance. It is time to “see here how everything leads up to this day.” What has brought us to this moment in our lives? What are we finally being called to embrace?


The frequencies oscillate a bit more rapidly as the day carries on, bringing us into active reflection about how momentous our tidal shifts have been and how notable the shifts to come may be. There have been hints swimming in the undercurrents trying to break free from our unconsciousness lately, so it is up to us to enlighten ourselves to the births and rebirths that are gestating for the sake of grace and serenity. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Mars in Aries

Moon in Leo square Venus in Taurus

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries


Today is a much better day for going after our own creative pursuits than to cave to the demands of someone else. This is not to say we disrespect or disregard a loved one or their wishes entirely, but we can find ourselves resentful if we acquiesce to someone else’s wishes and disregard our own desires and focus points. Furthermore, it is quite possible for someone who imposes upon us in this way to be stubborn and even quite demanding about it, so keeping our cool and breathing through our retort will help ease any tensions that arise.


We are feeling quite feisty and excitable today, so allowing ourselves the freedom to chase our dreams in our own unique way is sure to carry us that much closer to manifesting whatever those dreams are. Do we feel prepared to pull back the curtain and enter the spotlight? Do we know our song well before we start singing it? Let’s embrace the frequency that is coursing through our veins and circulating throughout our bodies. It’s abuzz with excitement and inspiration! Perhaps we can even find ourselves on the right tracks toward healing our insecurities and inhibitions in the process. 


Wednesday, May 15, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo square Uranus, Sun, and Jupiter in Taurus

*Mercury ingresses Taurus*

Moon in Virgo trine Mercury in Taurus


The excitement we felt yesterday about our creative pursuits could quite likely run aground today on the sandbars of monotony. Though we may still be feeling the excitement, someone or something is making us realize some cold hard facts about our resources and the feasibility of our dreams. While this can make us angry at first, we should not scoff at the value of cold showers. By reeling it in, we can actually recalibrate our course and refine the plans we have to get to where we are so excited to be. 


When it comes to our finances and wherewithal to realize our hopes and dreams, today we begin a two week process of assessing and adjusting those means to our end. We will be spending time analyzing the financial feasibility of our personal goals as well as our long-term plans. How can we make it all work so that we are satisfied, content, and proud to be on the tack we are on? This day seeps into an evening of refinement, refinement, refinement. The perils of neglect may be showing their gruesome faces and startling us into bug-eyed awareness of what to do and what not to do moving forward.


Thursday, May 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo square Uranus, Sun, and Jupiter in Taurus

*Mercury ingresses Taurus*

Moon in Virgo trine Mercury in Taurus


The excitement we felt yesterday about our creative pursuits could quite likely run aground today on the sandbars of monotony. Though we may still be feeling the excitement, someone or something is making us realize some cold hard facts about our resources and the feasibility of our dreams. While this can make us angry at first, we should not scoff at the value of cold showers. By reeling it in, we can actually recalibrate our course and refine the plans we have to get to where we are so excited to be. 


When it comes to our finances and wherewithal to realize our hopes and dreams, today we begin a two week process of assessing and adjusting those means to our end. We will be spending time analyzing the financial feasibility of our personal goals as well as our long-term plans. How can we make it all work so that we are satisfied, content, and proud to be on the tack we are on? This day seeps into an evening of refinement, refinement, refinement. The perils of neglect may be showing their gruesome faces and startling us into bug-eyed awareness of what to do and what not to do moving forward.


Friday, May 17, 2024 👇


Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Venus and Uranus in Taurus


Resistance impedes current, but on this perilous voyage through life, resistance sometimes teaches us what we must learn before we are ready to continue flowing with the current again. This is often how squares play out in our lives. Are we prepared to make big changes right now? Maybe we need to dig our heels deeper into why those changes are so important before we let go and see where we land. Today we honor resistance at first, and eventually find it in us to flow in the grounding sweetness of bodily sensations and sensual delights. 


But all of this must contend with the recycled juxtaposition of chaos and order. Our timing may be off today, we might feel incredibly overwhelmed by the ensuing chaos all around us, but we instead may feel as though we are having the last laugh at chaos after finally putting all our ducks in a row. It is sometimes hard to determine which way the pendulum will swing when oppositions involve such potential for stark differences. Most of all, we should be keen to observe serendipitous moments today. They just might point us in the best direction.


Saturday, May 17, 2024 


Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius

Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus


As we wrap up our personal development during this lunation, signs of relational importance eek their way into our lives. But first, we should spend our morning recapping all the ways we determined to be become better people than we have been. And not just how we can become better people, but how we can manage our lives such that calm and peace of mind play a much more important role than they ever have before. The swells are mighty and the voyage is testing all our resolve, so making time to sort through and delete the files of chaos can help allay further calamities. 


This afternoon holds new insights about our relationships. Why is it so important to have other people in our lives? Why can’t we just live alone, answer to no one, and be at peace with that? Perhaps we should first consider reflecting upon our past to see how others have influenced us, encouraged us, loved us, taken care of us, and taught us so many new things we might never have discovered or learned without them. The community we may be an integral part of shows us the benevolence of working together, and the friends we cherish show us the benevolence of kinship, trust, and camaraderie.


While these rekindled reflections remind us of why we love our partners, friends, and family, the intimate and infinite luxuriousness of sensual delights may truly astound us on a wholly different level. We should most certainly be considering the value of physical affection, beauteous environments, and financial stability, because these all help ground our fleeting fears and misguided misgivings so we can remember how to live fully, love, freely, and forgive hopefully. Opportunities arise for those who feel confident, loving, and loved, and none of these are traits any of us should live without.




Though the week tends toward personal development, it ends with a potent reminder of why our lovers, friends, and family are so important to us, even when we second guess it. We learn a lot about ourselves by interacting with others, even when they anger us, disappoint us, or betray us. Are these reflections of our own actions in the past? Do we deserve something we forget may have been coming at us? Swimming back and forth across the river of life slows down our otherwise unimpeded journey, but there are so many things happening along both shores. If we neglected the experiences waiting for us all along the river, we would never enter the sea as enriched, enlightened, or fulfilled as we could have been. Let’s explore the shores of our lives together!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-05-02T07:00:00-04:00 2024-05-02T12:48:14-04:00 New Moons, Feisty Clarity, Baby Raccoons 🦝 Chauncey Erskine

May 5-11, 2024


This week is about letting go and getting ready. Out with the old and in with the new. But what exactly is going to be new besides the Moon on Tuesday? That is mostly for us to decide. Some things we cherish and hold on to with white knuckles have festered and created turbulence and upset in our lives and the lives of those around us. Maybe we need to find something brilliant to replace what has gone dim. This week is one of inner personal development: breaking free from the shackles of the masses, assessing what we value, discovering new directions and people, and taking it all in for deep processing. What we find throughout this week can help pave the way for a brighter season of sustainability and tranquility...



May 5-11, 2024


This week is about letting go and getting ready. Out with the old and in with the new. But what exactly is going to be new besides the Moon on Tuesday? That is mostly for us to decide. Some things we cherish and hold on to with white knuckles have festered and created turbulence and upset in our lives and the lives of those around us. Maybe we need to find something brilliant to replace what has gone dim. This week is one of inner personal development: breaking free from the shackles of the masses, assessing what we value, discovering new directions and people, and taking it all in for deep processing. What we find throughout this week can help pave the way for a brighter season of sustainability and tranquility.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, May 5, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


Today brings an emphasis to our individuality and our motivation to strive toward what we desire to manifest in our lives over the next several months. This aspect is like a turning point that helps reveal to us what we are truly seeking in our deepest core. There are burning desires, hidden passions, and even a sense that we are unsure of what we really want out of life. These kinds of things can emerge today, seemingly welling up from our root chakra and winding their way up through our heart and into our psyche to reveal themselves as epiphanies not to be dismissed and disregarded. 


If we take a long and close enough look at the separations that need to take place, we can recognize the reasons for them more clearly. While change is always afoot, we often forget, neglect, or resist the most fundamental types of change necessary for our growth and well-being. When Moon is in Aries, we can feel a much more poignant push to act upon our needs and desires. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves, however, to act carefully and with due diligence. It is a very apropos day to focus intently upon what we love, what we want, and how to bring into existence that which honors both of those things AND respects and honors those we love.


Monday, May 6, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Mercury and Chiron in Aries

Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries


The flavor of the day is mastery and action with a sprinkle of resistance. The stark reminders of what we are passionate about and what we seek to become masters of beckons us through the gauntlets we must endure to achieve such mastery. Chiron wants us to learn from our struggles and our suffering so that we do not have to live with such pain anymore AND so we can bring the evolutionary lessons we learn to those we encounter along our voyage through life. When we are driven by our desires, the work becomes much more effortless and natural, so taking into consideration what we love and want our future to look like can help us determine what we truly wish to master.


Others may confront us about these desires and question their validity, pragmatism, and purpose. This can frustrate us, depress us, and send us reeling into questioning who we are, what we want, and why. We must resist the resistance imposed upon us by others so that our life’s purpose is not tainted, disregarded, or left unheeded. Taking the reins of our own life into our own hands to ensure we enable ourselves to master exactly what we feel called to do requires a sacred respect for our individuality and unique identity. Today we can see the summits of the mountains we have always dreamed of climbing, not just someone else’s mountains.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024 👇


Sun in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Venus in Taurus

*New Moon at 18° Taurus at 11:22pm EDT*


We find our footing today by taking the time to appreciate what we value in this life. Counting our blessings often requires a reminder to do so, so I will remind us all to do this today, including myself. Working with this concept of values, we can scan the hard drive of our soft, supple hearts to discover everything that holds a sacred place in our lives. The people, the places, the things, and the experiences we have had and will have are touchstones and testaments that help define us. But more importantly, they help tell the story of our lives. What exactly do we hold so dear to our hearts? 


One thing is for sure, we are bound to find ourselves looking around us, daydreaming about someone or someplace we love, and realizing they are all integral facets of our individual unique lives. But what we are being called upon to do on this New Moon is assess the sacred presence of what we value and ask ourselves what we wish to value much less or more than we have before. Have we stubbornly neglected anything that should be held in much higher esteem than we have previously? Is there a trait, a person, a behavior, a resistance, an addiction that needs to be changed and either left behind or brought on board? 


Realizing what we cherish sometimes requires concentration and meditation, because so often we run through our days forgetting to pay attention to them, which in turn makes us take them for granted. So, holding space for our values is asked of us today. And considering how anything we hold dear to us affects our relationships can help us notice if we are disregarding certain boundaries we should be respecting and honoring more diligently. The possibility of facing consequences related to boundaries we have neglected to pay attention to is present today, so staying vigilant and aware of the whims of our unconscious behavior can help us become more aware of why we love what we love.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius


As we venture into this new lunation, Moon passes before Uranus and Jupiter, coaxing us to pay close attention to the sustainability of our lifestyle. Do we need to upgrade something to improve our outlook ahead? Do we need to change jobs? Do we need to let go of a luxury that unnecessarily depletes our bank account? Can we invest in something that will help us in the long run? Opportunities might present themselves around this time, so staying cognizant of where those may be coming from can help guarantee we do not miss out on something that can make our lives considerably more comfortable and more sustainable.  


And while we ponder the hope and inspiration available to us today, we can relish the enormous abundance life provides us when we step back and honor all that we actually have to be thankful for. We may also find ourselves wavering on our inner security and self-confidence, instead retreating into old familiar patterns in hopes of avoiding any changes we might have previously begun pursuing. If we hold the line and stay strong in our convictions to make our lives a better place for not just ourselves, but also our loved ones, we can revel in the late-night uplifting influence that helps us release our initial propensity to retreat to the old. 


Thursday, May 9, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini sextile Mars in Aries


As the fresh Gemini Moon sweeps across the skies today, we are reminded to honor our giddy spirit to socialize, discover, and adapt to our circumstances, whether they are unchanged or new and exciting. Even more enticing is our zest for newness that emanates from today’s sole aspect. There are likely going to be plenty of directions we want to take from here, and we may not know exactly which one excites us more, but at least we are hopefully finding such exhilaration a reminder that life ebbs and flows with an eagerness we cannot always satiate.


Being prepared for what awaits us down the line can help us breeze through any possible setbacks with greater serenity and poise, but if we jump the gun on anything that revs up our motors, we can miss the mark entirely and end up back peddling across any array of missteps and poor decisions. It would be a good idea to anticipate what lies ahead without fixating upon a specific fantasy outcome. Pragmatism and patience are usually called for when Aries and Gemini dominate the day. Feisty, yes. But remaining hyper aware of our reactions can help avoid any sudden entanglements.

Friday, May 10, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron and Mercury in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


While we dust off our boots after yesterday’s foray in the hills of adventure, we can reflect upon the consequences of our actions, the lines we should be respecting, and the relevance of the conversations we shared while venturing about. Along with these reflections, we can begin to notice today how to design the path ahead so that our light shines brighter than it has before. What are we trying to achieve, hoping to master, wanting to elevate and bring into the full spectrum of the world view? The freedom we seek so that we can invest our time and energy in being all that we can be usually requires some sort of sacrifice, so what will we choose to lay to rest so that we can shine our brightest?


The challenges we face on a day-to-day basis are sometimes huge and sometimes none, but overall they usually silently convey the work we must put forth to get to where we hope to be someday sooner than later. How do we know if a challenge is worth conquering? We can ask ourselves whether or not we see progress on the other side of that challenge. Confusion often gets the better of us, as does lack of confidence, so grappling with these challenges, at the very least, should be our first line of work toward rekindling that golden glow that once shone brilliantly within us. 


Saturday, May 11, 2024 


Moon in Cancer square Mars in Aries


Just as we felt the heat of the flares of our hearts beaming with excitement on Thursday, now we must contend with how to process any outcomes that arose from our actions. Did we pursue something prematurely? Did we jump the gun? Did we make a new friend too quickly? Going back over the choices we made to find where we took a wrong turn can at least teach us more about our capacity for patience and due diligence. Wrong turns are inevitable in life, even for the most astute decision makers out there, so we must not suffer the consequences of our actions too harshly. Instead, we can learn from our mistakes and make better ones moving forward.


All in all, the emotional upsets we encounter along the way show us where the work is. If we remain open to these upsets and challenges, and especially the lessons therein, we emerge on the other side of them with an enhanced perspective, greater awareness, and more emotional maturity than we had leading up to their arrival. For this we can be grateful, and with that gratitude we can accept future upsets and challenges with more grace and understanding, and an openness to what we might learn the next time around. May we all find peace and acceptance within our souls to honor the hard work life brings us so we can help ourselves and those around us conquer the inevitable emotional turbulence we all experience.





This week is filled with a deep assessment of our values and sustainability, along with pursuing yet tempering our passions to coincide with those values. Do we know what we want to bring into our lives? Do we know what we want to get rid of? How stubborn have we been to let go? Do we feel like a baby raccoon hopelessly dangling from a branch high above with only some random human to rely on to catch us? Once we let go, what we were afraid of becomes much more clear and apparent to us, teaching us that change does not have to involve such resistance. But when we cling to what does not help us grow, something inside of us begins to rot and fights to be set free. The journey requires change no matter how hard we resist it, so letting our guard down to accept the journey will surely show us how glorious the whole experience of life can be.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-04-25T06:30:01-04:00 2024-04-25T06:30:01-04:00 Enjoy What Comes Naturally & Let it Be ✌️ Chauncey Erskine

 April 21-27, 2024

This week holds some blessings and some transitions that will help us move into new territories for the advancement of our objectives, the expansion of our consciousness, and the empowerment of our relationships. Venus gleefully lands in her domicile of Taurus on Monday, and Mars scorches its way into its domicile of Aries on Tuesday. Contradicting these very enhanced reunions is Moon’s journey through the transpersonal signs, sweeping into the weekend in the dreamy bewilderland of Pisces. Temperatures can run hot on Saturday when Moon joins Mars in feisty impatient Aries, so our patience and expectations should remain calm and limited, respectively. This way, our days can remain organically joyous and adventurous...



 April 21-27, 2024

This week holds some blessings and some transitions that will help us move into new territories for the advancement of our objectives, the expansion of our consciousness, and the empowerment of our relationships. Venus gleefully lands in her domicile of Taurus on Monday, and Mars scorches its way into its domicile of Aries on Tuesday. Contradicting these very enhanced reunions is Moon’s journey through the transpersonal signs, sweeping into the weekend in the dreamy bewilderland of Pisces. Temperatures can run hot on Saturday when Moon joins Mars in feisty impatient Aries, so our patience and expectations should remain calm and limited, respectively. This way, our days can remain organically joyous and adventurous!


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, April 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Venus in Aries

Third Quarter Moon in Capricorn

Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces


The overwhelm we experience in the face of chaos and uncertainty may make an indelible mark upon the start of our day, leading us to second guess certain pursuits we have committed to. We might find ourselves wanting to run from the weight of such commitments in order to save our sanity. But if we hang on and breathe through the struggle, that tension and anxiety will release and remind us once again that these feelings ebb and flow throughout our lives, even our daily lives. And once we work through all of this, we are bound to feel better and more motivated to proceed confidently.


The day can certainly come off feeling like a challenge we need to face, and indeed it might be. When Sun and Moon square one another in earth signs, we are called to find some simple grounding techniques to help quell any emotional or mental overwhelm. Walking in the woods, gardening, exercise, or any kind of bodywork will surely help keep our feet on the ground while we sort out the challenges facing us.


Sensitivities are high this evening, so employing any of those invaluable grounding techniques can help ensure more peace of mind than if we neglect them. We should not be surprised if frustrations erupt into arguments or disputes, but if we remain as mindful as possible, we should be able to avoid saying or doing anything rash, hurtful, or regrettable. This might be a good night to watch a movie, read a book, or get lost in something that allows our minds and emotions to wander harmlessly elsewhere instead of towards others who can too easily become targets for us.


Monday, April 29, 2024 👇


*Venus ingresses Taurus*

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square Mercury in Aries

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus


Our senses are beginning to awaken to new delights, and what we once felt delighted by may no longer seem so delightful. With new loves and new joys comes the potential for old loves and joys to gently drift away. Remaining open to all that comes our way helps us remain open to what needs to pass on. Through this inevitable process we learn to better discern our values and respect our resources. All of this begins to play out today as Venus ingresses into its happy place of Taurus, bringing a fresh outlook on what is to come and where we are going.


Throughout the rest of the day, which has great potential to be productive and rewarding, we can face pushback from others if we are not mindful of our impulses that otherwise get the better of us. These impulses may spur us to make decisions or do things without thinking them through thoroughly enough. It would be best to stay focused on the goals we have our sights on and not get hung up on emotional struggles that can creep in unexpectedly. Of course we should address our emotional needs when necessary, but the Capricorn Moon would much prefer we keep our eyes on the prizes we are striving for and stay grounded in the effort needed to achieve them. 


Tuesday, April 30, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn sextile Mars in Pisces

*Mars ingresses Aries*

Moon in Aquarius square Venus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius


No holds barred! Barreling into our future can be exhilarating and inspiring, but we must heed the lesson of Mars in Aries by not rashly acting upon our instincts and desires foolishly. Sure, this ingress ignites our passions with amplified verve, and we can find ourselves inspired by and interested in many new things, but knowing when to pull back the reins a little can help prevent certain unforeseeable consequences. With that caution in place, it is indeed time to relish the intoxicating excitement inevitable with Mars now in its thrilling domicile of Aries. 


This excitement can contradict our otherwise stubborn refusal to make any drastic changes, because even though we may be inspired to make progressive advancements in our relationships, our financial situation, or in our evolutionary growth, the fixed nature of many aspects today create much more of an “I’ve got this” and “leave me alone” mentality. Perhaps we can marry this conflicting drive and hesitation with strategy and tact to make our gameplan much more feasible and successful. After all, we have to weigh the impact our passion will have upon our future and learn to tame it to prevent careless and recklessness damages.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024 👇


Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius sextile Mercury in Aries

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries


All that we find beautiful in life swirls into a tapestry of love and gratitude, but sometimes a few of those beautiful things are taken away from us or corrupted in some way, leaving a bittersweet stain in their wake. If we learn to disengage and detach from the emotional bonds that chain us to such beauty, even just occasionally, we find the quintessence of our perspective enhanced and liberated from those chains. Such is the elevated lesson of today. 


When we let go of our attachment to what pleasures us, we can see the value we place upon it much more clearly. This can drive us to make changes in our lives when we are discovering new joys and loves and letting go of old joys and loves. The emphasis on the day is most certainly learning how to cope with the loss of certain things we love and cherish, while at the same time developing inspiration and an understanding of how to forge a new path forward without those things. How do we develop a more manageable life with a new set of values and gratitude.


Thursday, May 2, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius square Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Pisces sextile Venus in Taurus


Enhancing our perspective is difficult to measure or even convey, but any tension today can be released by trying to more clearly understand our place in our community. This can be a local or online community that plays an important role in our personal evolution. When we spend time with other people, especially others from different cultural, racial, or class backgrounds, we develop a much greater appreciation for and acceptance of the diversity of our species. These themes will likely be running through our day helping to instill upon us some relaxation of our hang-ups and childhood conditioning.

As the day rambles along, it may seem as though our appreciation for the magical and beautiful things in life grows and grows. We are noticing how sacred and precious so much of what is all around us really is to us. The people, the forest, the ocean, the animals, the wind, the stars, and even the creative expressions teeming from the pores of all whom we meet. This afternoon/evening can bring some very intimate moments with a loved one or friend, so if we can plan on a pleasurable evening of something tranquil, joyous, and lovely, we will be ever so thankful to have planned it that way.


Friday, May 3, 2024 👇


Mars in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces


The whimsical patterns of our joys from yesterday transform themselves into more audacious patterns of gumption, morality, and structured forms. We are leaving the whims of Narnia and entering the folds of pragmatic reality once again. Did we regrettably overreact to something we did not think through properly? Are we on track to make necessary changes with drive and excitement? Are we afraid of losing control of something we really do not want disrupted?


How do we reconcile our fleeting butterfly hearts and minds with the cold hard realities of existence? This is something that has become an incredible struggle for many, if not all of us. Working with the influences of today’s need for more structure can help us better align with the needs and demands of our daily rigamarole so that when the whimsical days arrive, we are able to fully immerse ourselves in the sanctity of such blessings. 


Saturday, May 4, 2024 


Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Mars in Aries


The sensitivities within and surrounding us are increasingly heightened today. If we are hoping for a grounded productive Saturday, we may be sorely disappointed by what the space spheres have in mind instead. We should plan on a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants kind of day because any other plan may not unfold how you think it should, thus not meeting our expectations, thus frustrating our egos, thus making us upset and angry. 


Instead, spending the day by the ocean or any other sort of water would be a nice harmonious gesture to the Pisces Moon. Unless of course it is raining, in which case we can go play in the puddles. The filters are off, which means the gloves can come off, so again, reining in our expectations and practicing exceptional patience will help the day unfold much more peacefully and harmoniously than if we neglect either. It is on days like these that we would be wise to explore something independently, and if we end up with others, we can at least sit back and let the fun and games play out organically. If things heat up, just need to calm down!




There is a lot to work through this week, as always, but Venus and Mars ingressing their ruling signs less than 30 hours apart beckons us to continue our efforts evolving the state of our relationships. The masculine and feminine influences from both planets are becoming incredibly strong and will often be in need of recognition, so learning how to respect these constantly intertwined forces will most certainly help us through the trials and travails of especially our intimate relations. But fun and relaxation are on the docket if we lower our expectations to enjoy what comes naturally. So often it is best to just Let It Be.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-04-18T06:30:02-04:00 2024-04-18T06:30:02-04:00 Wild Rides, Seeking the Summits of Our Dreams 🏔 Chauncey Erskine

 April 21-27, 2024

A week that promises growth is not for the faint of heart, so whatever we can do to find peace and breathe through the forest along our trail of life will help us through the intensity. Relationships are the spark of the week, especially the relationships that take us on that deep passage through the dark streets of our psyches. This theme surrounds the Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, but is initiated by Sunday and Monday’s activations, so we have some time to ease into those deep waters. Once Moon begins to wane into Sagittarius, we find the elevations we have been seeking and can better assess how marvelous our treacherous pilgrimage through life has been, despite all the pain and suffering. The goal is to hold fast to our hopes and dreams we are willing and capable of achieving...



 April 21-27, 2024

A week that promises growth is not for the faint of heart, so whatever we can do to find peace and breathe through the forest along our trail of life will help us through the intensity. Relationships are the spark of the week, especially the relationships that take us on that deep passage through the dark streets of our psyches. This theme surrounds the Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, but is initiated by Sunday and Monday’s activations, so we have some time to ease into those deep waters. Once Moon begins to wane into Sagittarius, we find the elevations we have been seeking and can better assess how marvelous our treacherous pilgrimage through life has been, despite all the pain and suffering. The goal is to hold fast to our hopes and dreams we are willing and capable of achieving.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, April 21, 2024 👇


Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries

Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius


With all the hard work required of us to see our grand plans come to fruition, we often need to ask ourselves why we are pursuing those goals to begin with. They hold significant value to us, but why they are valuable is often what we need to remind ourselves about. What inspires us, drives us, and illuminates our spirit are usually not very difficult questions to ask, but why they inspire, drive, and illuminate us are a little more challenging to decipher. 


We may also be reckoning how our relationships are playing a role in our personal efforts to achieve more autonomy. Any signs of codependency must be mitigated if those efforts are to reap any progress. This can be quite a challenge for those of us who spend a lot of time with a partner, but eventually the relationship will need to resolve such matters for the healthy growth of each individual. Working through this process requires patience, trust, and love.


We likely are feeling quite stubborn today, especially when it comes to making any progress on our personal growth. When we examine our surroundings, our belongings, our resources, and the sustainability of all of them, we might feel just fine letting the sleeping lie. But most importantly, this is the exact moment to examine all of those very important facets of our life. Are we secure, prepared, and able to continue down the path we are on? Sometimes cold, hard facts are difficult to believe, but we should expect some of them to show up in our lives today.


Monday, April 22, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct its South Node in Libra

Moon in Libra opposite Mercury in Aries

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron and Venus in Aries


Relationships, relationships, relationships. What have we to learn about ourselves from all of the myriad relationships we are in? Some inspire us, some aggravate us, some make us feel at peace, and some make us feel sad. The whys will surely be chattering through our thoughts and feelings today. Why does this person inspire me? Why do I feel angry when I have to talk to this person? Why do I feel so sad when I think about that person? The windows of opportunity to reconcile our differences with others are wide open, so we would do well to tactfully address them with compassion and humility.


If we exercise fairness and compassion for reconciliation, we can allow some very deep healing to take place in not just ourselves, but also in those we are reconciling with. Grudges are painful barnacles that taint the natural beauty of our souls, so anything that seems to linger beneath the surface of our thoughts should really be carefully analyzed and prepared for exposure and release. After we get through this agonizing process, we will feel better than we have in a long time, depending upon the gravity of the situations addressed. In the end, it is up to us to bring love into the ring of life.


Tuesday, April 23, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

*Full Moon at 4° Scorpio at 7:48pm EDT*


This Full Moon in Scorpio is preceded by a tense Moon-Pluto square, amplifying the intensity of the Full Moon and driving home our collective need to suss out whatever we may be hiding from not just others, but also ourselves. Too often we sweep our troubles and resentments under the rugs in all the rooms of our psyches without making any plans to pull those rugs out from under our feet to face what we have forgotten. The more we do this, the more we threaten our own journey with fear, anxiety, and any multitude of setbacks. So, today may unfold as a day of reckoning all that has held us back over the years. What can we do to remedy this struggle?


Pouring all our energy into purifying the deep, churning waters of our emotional body requires a certain level of inspired motivation. Motivation that is rooted in our desire for liberation from the bonds that hold us back can help us muster the strength necessary to purify those waters. This is the Full Moon of the same lunation that began at the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, so we are revisiting the vast psychic landscape that moment was cast upon, namely the driving force behind our need to heal the wounds that affect our freedom to fully individuate. How can we uncover the pain, the trauma, and relieve that weight from the shoulders of our future? 


What are we facing deep within? What are we afraid to face deep within? Walking through the dark streets of our psyches requires love, faith, and compassion, so if we are going to walk this journey with someone, we must be sure it is with someone we trust and who loves us deeply and compassionately. Going down into those depths is the crucible of Scorpio, so no amount of resistance can thwart the need to plumb those caverns. The blessing, of course, is the metamorphosis that takes place as we make our way through everything and return to the glorious light of the world at the other end. It will be brighter and more liberating than anything we could have imagined.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces


The weight of yesterday’s Full Moon may still be exhausting us today, but hopefully we are feeling some sense of release from the shackles that we have been bound to. Realigning ourselves with our work ethic, our hope and faith in the timeliness of the universe, and our dedication to the goals we have set forth should all be on the docket. Where we are going requires all that we have acquired thus far, so we must have faith that what we have been through contained incredibly valuable secrets of wisdom for us to uncover at the most auspicious and serendipitous moments. Such moments may reveal themselves today if we are diligent with our work and vigilant with our senses. The onward journey we face ahead starts with one breath and one step in the direction we seek. The more steps we take in that direction, the closer we get to the summit of our dreams. 


Thursday, April 25, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus

*Mercury stations direct at 15° Aries*

Moon in Scorpio trine Mars and Neptune in Pisces


Reflections show us what we thought we knew but now see more clearly. They are opportunities for illumination and enlightenment. It is the sister of contemplation and requires focus and determination. As Moon opposes the slowly separating dynamism of Uranus and Jupiter, we gain deeper insight into the value and meaning of progress and opportunity. Our free will is calling us to ante up and take the reins of our destiny into territories that excite us to the core. We know we have what it takes, but do we know why we want to better our lives and redesign our core principles? 


As Mercury stations direct just on the whiskers of Moon’s North Node, there is a poignant reflection upon the trajectory of our tack in life. Again, where are we going? What are all the things we want to do and be? Stepping back into solitude and silence may not feel what the day is asking of us, but doing so can reveal some indelible truths we have been yearning to understand about how and why we chose the heading on our compass. As Mercury begins to appear to crawl forward again, our internal combustion chambers are igniting and preparing to show us so much more about what we came here to be and do. 


These poignant reflections and indelible truths may waver as the day wanes on, but we should rest assured their value is not lost or lessened in any way. We just have to contend with the volatility of what is beyond our control and comprehension, as well as the current celestial conditions of uncertainty. But these conditions always teach us new lessons, so scoffing them off as unhelpful will not serve us in any way. Embracing the wisdom of spirit as the life force that flows through all things teaches us to have faith in its unfathomable design.


Friday, April 26, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius


This early morning aspect colors our day with ample zest and inspiration to follow our dreams and reach for the stars, but we should be careful to remain grounded and intent upon those goals and not get sidelined by lofty ideals and impossibilities. There is a fine line between ideals and attainable goals. Of course we should always dream big, and most importantly never stop dreaming, but sometimes what seem like certain possibilities are not very possible after all. 


If we have been wanting to find inspiration for anything, today is a perfect day to do that. It is quite likely we will feel a pull to revamp our outlook on certain parts of our future, so it might be best to carry a notebook and a pen around with us, unless of course we have an unhealthy addiction to our screens, in which case we can take notes on those. Either way, we can always use a cheerful day, so hopefully it is one for all of us!


Saturday, April 20, 2024 


Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries


We can be quite stimulated today to charge forth across the moors of our passions, perhaps forgetting the gear we need to survive the weather out there. But charge we must sometimes, and lessons can show up when they’re supposed to. If we do indeed take action and make advancements toward our achievements, it would not be a bad idea to take care of what is required of us back home first. This is not at all to say we should divert our attention and intentions away from the good work our dreams are made of, but shoring up any loose ends will certainly help us focus and stay centered on that work.


Getting caught in the act of acting upon our passions can teach us that those passions should be triple checked by our internal ethics committee. We may not falter to such disgrace, but keeping an eye on the truths that hold our dignity and integrity in place might be worthy of our consideration today. Boundaries can feel crossed or unnoticeable, making us vulnerable to consequences we otherwise may not have anticipated. It is always important to hold ourselves accountable for our actions, even if it humiliates us. May our inspiration and motivation be kind, compassionate, and for the love and good of everyone! 



Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride is reenacted this week by all the characters in our lives. The pressure we feel early in the week relating to others and trying to understand those relationships and where we stand inside them can be exhausting. That exhaustion can be compounded by the Full Scorpio Moon on Tuesday, which, coupled with Mercury stationing direct on Thursday, reignites the drive and hard work we began on the Solar Eclipse. This intensity thankfully wanes as we traverse the week into a Sagittarius Moon for the weekend, inspiring us to touch up the paint job on our hopes and dreams. May the week find all of us at peace, hopeful, and maybe even meeting each other somewhere to imbibe in mutual joy!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-04-11T06:30:00-04:00 2024-04-15T08:47:26-04:00 Bask in the Blissful Songs of Springtime 🎶 Chauncey Erskine

April 7-13, 2024

With so much always unfolding in the great cycles around us, it is difficult sometimes to catch our breath and find solitude, serenity, and silence. But what we really need during times like these is exactly that. The influence of last week’s eclipse continues to be integrated into the composition of our psyches and souls, but this integration requires we continue to diligently work towards our goals and visions of a future we love and cherish. This week also brings an expansive opportunity to realign our values with the evolution of our consciousness, beckoning us to enter that place of solitude, silence, and serenity to determine what and who we find sacred and cherish more than anything else in our lives. These things are always morphing and changing as we mature and discover more and more who our blissful selves really are...



April 7-13, 2024

With so much always unfolding in the great cycles around us, it is difficult sometimes to catch our breath and find solitude, serenity, and silence. But what we really need during times like these is exactly that. The influence of last week’s eclipse continues to be integrated into the composition of our psyches and souls, but this integration requires we continue to diligently work towards our goals and visions of a future we love and cherish. This week also brings an expansive opportunity to realign our values with the evolution of our consciousness, beckoning us to enter that place of solitude, silence, and serenity to determine what and who we find sacred and cherish more than anything else in our lives. These things are always morphing and changing as we mature and discover more and more who our blissful selves really are.


Daily Astrology Forecast



Sunday, April 14, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square Venus in Aries

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer square its own nodes

Moon in Cancer trine Mars in Pisces


Our feelings hold immense wisdom, though we are often too hung up on trying to handle them and process them to garner what else they might hold for us. Somewhere between our relationships and our daily grind we can find a way to behold ourselves and all the ingredients simmering deep within. That soul stew could be extra spicy today if we are not mindful chefs tending to such a fragile flavor palette. 


Relationships can stumble over some rocky ground today, igniting some unexpected frustrations that have been irritating us unconsciously for however long. It might be a good day to spend more alone than not, ironing out some of our frustrations in solitude. Maybe a long walk or a lengthy immersive swim to help get any stagnant hang-ups unstuck and flowing freely again. This can really improve not just our outlook, but it can also help us envision a healthy structure for our hopes and dreams to abide by. When we do not have a plan in place for our dreams to unfold into, we run the risk of losing our grasp on those dreams, forgetting what we really want, and wasting time wondering what we are doing.


Monday, April 15, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square Chiron and Mercury in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


Whatever we were feeling deeply during last week’s eclipse is sure to resurface today, perhaps with some clues about how to further proceed toward our desired goals. There could be some agonizing debates with a loved one, friend, or sibling about those goals, but if we remain open to suggestions and cautious advice, we are certainly more likely to recognize the value in their wisdom than if we scoff any commentary off as unhelpful. In other words, we s


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius


This is a very early morning aspect that can leave a lasting imprint on our day, especially considering there are no other major aspects. The dichotomy between our self-expression and its impact on our close friends or community certainly could prove challenging. This can play out as a lesson in humility. We all need to experience humbling situations throughout our lives in order to keep our ego in check, and this is the kind of aspect that can influence such circumstances.


At the same time, if we are humble and mindful of the potential for such arrogance, this aspect could provide a bevy of strength and power to lift our spirits, boost our confidence, and enable us to enact the shifts necessary to bring us that much closer to being a more authentic and expressive individual. It is a good day to play in the fields of fun, as long as we keep a close watch on any inclination toward boasting. Otherwise, wag you tail and sing your song!


Wednesday, April 17, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Venus in Aries

Moon in Leo trine Mercury and Chiron in Aries

Venus conjunct Moon’s North Node in Aries

Moon in Leo square Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus


The harmonious aspects to the Leo Moon can make for a fun and expressive day, as long as we heed our call to focus on the good work we are doing to secure a lively and joyful future. We are once again tuning in to our inner reflections on the state of our efforts toward landing that lively and joyous future, but instead of quietly sitting with those reflections, we will probably feel more inclined to express ourselves through some creative means. Tapping into our imagination to find the magic requires we open ourselves up fully to what could be, so bear that in mind as you navigate your way through the day.


Venus’s meeting with Moon’s North Node can provide some much needed guidance through our relationships, especially regarding where we stand as individuals within those relationships. Are we free to express ourselves within our relationships? How conditional are they? Is there codependency that needs to be delicately addressed? These are invaluable lessons to pay attention to within our relationships if they are to grow more fulfilling and not more oppressing. 


As the evening sets in, we might feel some tension and resistance developing around the important facets of our life. The facets that matter most to us, such as our children, finances, friends, home, or anything else that we value deeply. Changes are coming, so we should be actively reflecting upon what exactly we cherish most and how to sustain keeping those people and things in our lives. It is quite possible we are feeling a shift to value different things than we used to, so wrapping our minds around what that transition looks like would be a good idea.


Thursday, April 18, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Sun in Aries


Even though this resonant, luminous aspect is the only aspect of the day, much is shifting through the Pisces-Aries portion of the skies. We must always remember that where the players are on the field is where the action is taking place, and where the players on the field show up in our chart is even more pertinent to the action taking place in our lives. This means we have been in the thick of some deeply enlightening and emerging experiences, quite possibly shaking up situations in our lives that have been in place for a long time. Of course I hope all of us are faring well enough through it that we can find some excitement and joyful anticipation for what lies ahead.


All that said, today’s fiery luminary trine can really spark that kind of necessary excitement deep within, charging us up with a zest for actualizing whatever it is we can’t wait to bring into our lives. This can truly be a day of harmony, joy, and excitement, maybe even with some good news about something we have been hoping would work out for the best. May we all enjoy this day in joy and peace!


Friday, April 19, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries

*Sun ingresses Taurus*

Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces


As the transitions unfold, we begin to see our past in a different light. We recognize our failures, our shortcomings, and our foolishness. But we must not dwell upon these aspects of our life experience, because they are the tools that teach us how to grow and learn from our mistakes. Without their guidance we would never learn our lessons or become better people. So, despite the pain of the past, we must understand that it is up to us how we approach our future, how we perceive our future, and how we manifest our future.


These are lessons in values and Selfhood. What we esteem helps define who we are, and who we are plays a big role in how we are, so taking all of that to heart when we traverse this day can encourage some meaningful contemplation regarding the values of our future. After all, Sun’s ingress into Taurus harkens the beginning of numerous transitions out of the Pisces-Aries-dominated skies. And this has so much to do with our belongings, our financial security, our senses, our bodies, and all the things we love in life. 


What of the chaos that creeps into our psyches from time to time? Is it manageable? Are we afraid of it, or do we embrace it? The polarity between the control we have over many parts of our lives and all that we cannot control in our lives makes its way into our evening buzz. Do we fend off chaos every chance we get because we are afraid of losing control? Does the behavior of other people whose lives are chaotic give us anxiety? Spending a few moments to ask ourselves these questions might help us better understand why we might need to gain more control in our lives, or how we should consider trying to let go of needing so much control. This theme will be playing out through tomorrow too, so setting some intentions in this arena is not a bad idea.










Saturday, April 20, 2024 


Moon in Virgo opposite Mars in Pisces

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

*Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus*


Carrying on the theme of chaos and order today, we are likely experiencing some version of one or the other more predominantly. The evolutionary lesson in the bigger, eagle-eyed vision of things is whether we tend toward one or the other more often than not. It is quite common in this day and age to be much more inclined to controlling as much as we possibly can in not just our lives, but the lives of those around us. Why do we go so far as to try to control what other people do or say? It shows a lack of trust in their competency as individuals. It shows that we are afraid of life unfolding in ways we are not expecting it to. This breeds depression from disappointment when our expectations are not met.


We should be very careful and mindful today of our emotions and frustrations, especially surrounding our exacting and expectant tendencies. The fuses can be shorter, the obsession with perfection stronger, and our ultimate control over everything dissolved. 


Zooming even further out, we have reached the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. These two planets only meet up every 14 years, so this is a formidable rebirth of this duo’s cycle. We are talking about our values, opportunities, and advancements. Our extreme opinions that may be way too out of the box for others to get on board with. The job offer that seems like the chance of a lifetime. More than anything else, we are elevating our values and aligning them with the steady expansion of our consciousness. How can we redesign our core principles to reflect the vision we have of our most joyful future? This is the work we are setting out to do at the birth of this new 14 year cycle.





This week, we are assessing the impact the eclipse had upon our psyche and soul. We are sorting through the remnants of what was strewn across the road behind us for anything we might find useful and valuable moving forward, and leaving the rest behind. The shifts that continue to unfold this week are in step with the influences that were imbued upon us during the eclipse, so we should continue our due diligence and adhere to advancing and expanding our efforts to actualize the goals, ideals, and visions we have been excited to bring to fruition. All our dreams can come true if we trust in the love that overflows with abundance in our hearts.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-04-04T06:00:03-04:00 2024-04-07T11:26:26-04:00 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries = New Horizons 🌝🐏🌚 Chauncey Erskine

April 7-13, 2024

This is the big week of the Solar Eclipse in Aries! Do we go out to watch it? Do we run and hide? That is up to you, but what comes from such an eclipse as this will be nothing short of powerful change for the fortification of your will to thrive. The power that lies in eclipses has played out through millennia and is not to be taken lightly. But it is also not something we need to fear or suffer anxiety over. What we need is the change that will come, whether we know it or not. There is actually a whole lot to be excited about, because new vistas and horizons are up around the bend, and as long as our ride holds out for us, we will live to see the majestic beauty that awaits...



April 7-13, 2024

This is the big week of the Solar Eclipse in Aries! Do we go out to watch it? Do we run and hide? That is up to you, but what comes from such an eclipse as this will be nothing short of powerful change for the fortification of your will to thrive. The power that lies in eclipses has played out through millennia and is not to be taken lightly. But it is also not something we need to fear or suffer anxiety over. What we need is the change that will come, whether we know it or not. There is actually a whole lot to be excited about, because new vistas and horizons are up around the bend, and as long as our ride holds out for us, we will live to see the majestic beauty that awaits. 


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, April 7, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Venus in Aries


While we anticipate tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse in Aries, we should naturally expect some confusion and apprehension in certain areas of our life. If we are feeling any anxiety or confusion about the magnitude of the eclipse and how impactful it could be on our lives, we should take a step back to understand that eclipses happen 4-6 times per year, so this is not our first eclipse rodeo. In other words, we should take a deep breath, breathe through our anxiety, and remind ourselves that we can handle whatever comes our way with grace.


That said, if we are going to feel any apprehension, it is likely going to be early this morning, so waking up to some meditation, yoga, a walk, or any form of quiet contemplation and introspection would be ideal. After the mists drift away, we should find some grounding and clarity through our natural intuition, perhaps even some excitement surrounding the ways in which we intend to evolve through this experience. There is enormous potential for powerful personal growth and revitalization, so keeping that in the forefront of our consciousness can help alleviate any previous doubts or fears. They simply distract from what is most important.


Speaking of what is most important, this is where we should be focusing our train of thoughts. What are we hoping to birth anew? What are we worried about within that process? If we envision ourselves standing strong in the face of those fears, we will be able to make it through that door into an emergent future of horizons we had never imagined possible for us before. Just remember that love is the answer and we're all as bold as love.


Monday, April 8, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries

*New Moon Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron at 19° Aries at 2:22pm EDT*

Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries


Before today’s formidable Solar Eclipse occurs, Moon meets its own North Node, signaling a timely call for auspicious direction. If we heed the resonant chords strumming deep within us, we will emerge through this experience more aligned and prepared for what lies ahead than if we ignore what those winds have to say. Somewhere within us there is a river of tranquility waiting to be discovered, we just have to quiet the inner chatter to find it.


What is so formidable about this eclipse is what comes of the perfect conjunction between Sun, Moon, and Chiron all at 19°24’ Aries. This reaches deep down into the hidden chambers of our unique identity and traumas. There are painful memories covered in dust there that have been forgotten, misunderstood, and are in desperate need of resurfacing for the sake of truth, acceptance, and fortitude. While we may never fully heal those wounds, we can learn to courageously make peace with them and accept that they are an integral part of our unique identity and our emotional and psychic constitution. When we replay those experiences over again in our minds, we will have to relive the pain again to some degree, but if we softly walk our way through them, we are likely to find priceless wisdom along the way.


Our emotional maturity is cultivated during our evolution through life. Over the years, we learn to forgive, accept, yield, and practice compassion toward not just others, but also ourselves. Because we develop these benevolent traits throughout our lives, when we revisit our painful experiences, we get to witness them through different lenses and a warmer, kinder, and more forgiving heart.


Having this broader and more compassionate understanding of what we went through and how it has shaped our lives allows us to better understand that everyone has gone through pain and suffering in their lives to some degree. This helps foster empathy for others, and thus helps us mature emotionally. Through all of this, we gain acceptance and confidence, strengthening and fortifying our determination and ambition to flourish in the face of oppression, intimidation, and especially our own inhibition. Something is indeed disintegrating and breaking down into compost that will provide the nutrients necessary to emerge stronger, braver, and more willing to take life by the horns of the ram to pursue our dreams and bliss with the entirety of our spirit.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius


Eclipses can induce fatigue and exhaustion, so if we can find some time to rest today that would be a healthy approach to processing the intensity of what yesterday invoked deep within. With so much Pisces and Aries influence happening right now, it is nice to find some stable grounding in today’s Taurus Moon. That stability, however, will very likely contain within it a good deal of tension and resistance to the changes summoned during the eclipse.


We should be taking deep breaths to work through this transitional phase, allowing ourselves to embody what we have been called upon to endure and master moving forward. It may seem like there is a lot at stake, and there very well may be, but we need to remember to trust the will of our spirit within to comfort us and guide us through the overwhelming needs we are being asked to meet. Our resistance to unfurl our sails could set us adrift and threaten to run our ship aground, so we must muster the courage to rig our ship in order to be completely prepared for the exciting and illuminating voyage ahead.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus sextile Mars and Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus


The stubborn tendencies we found ourselves holding onto yesterday continue to play out through a series of recognitions today. These could be recognitions of conceivable opportunities we should be diligently heeding and not resisting. We are deeply reflecting upon our resources, our values, and our sense of material security in life. Do we have all we need? Can we survive with less in order to pursue our passions more authentically and whole-heartedly? What is enlightening about the visions of our future, and how can we build such a future to embrace more frequent and sustaining enlightenment?


We must remember that eclipses bring changes, even if we cannot seem to recognize what could possibly be changing. There are life forces at work all around and within us, sparking curiosity, inspiration, and sudden excitement to break out of the shell we have been living under for however long in order to see the world in which we live through not just new eyes, but through all of our senses. We can find ourselves wanting new scents, music, vistas, affection, and tastes that stimulate and invigorate a completely new perspective on the world in which we live.


Thursday, April 11, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries (cazimi)

Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Aries


While we sat or walked pondering the enlightened visions of our future yesterday, our spirits were conjuring the conceivability of them so that our hearts could decide what tack we will take. This process continues through today by way of sharing our thoughts with others, listening to the dreams they have, and gathering all the information necessary to help facilitate the manifestation of our dreams. 


These are powerful medleys of transits affecting not just our ideas and actions, but also instilling in each of us a newfound sense of love and joy for what is possible. Sure there is myriad suffering, carnage, and corruption rampant around the world, but what can we do to counter that pain? How can we affect change to make the world more manageable, hopeful, loving, kind, and sustainable? These are the horns of the dilemma. We must work diligently to sustain optimism and hope, and realigning our values to fit this paradigm is a crucial part of that road ahead.


Friday, April 12, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini square Saturn and Mars in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


After all these hopeful efforts toward positive change and growth, we could find ourselves slipping into an old familiar pessimism today. The battle rages on and we can feel overwhelmed and at a loss for how to make the world a better place. Staring us down from the mountaintop is a reality we may have not been anticipating. A reality that reminds us that not all things are possible. That we can be suckers for blissful ideals and far-fetched pipe dreams. This is all necessary for us to experience because it teaches us where the boundaries are between possible and impossible. 


Someone might tell us we can never make our dreams come true. They might scoff at our hopes, knock us down five or six rungs on the ladder, blatantly scathe our optimism with shame and humiliation. But these are all the tactics that pessimists and so-called realists use to make themselves feel better. If we all fall into that fathomless pit of despair, we will never know what may have been had we held fast to our conviction that where there is a will there is a way. We all suffer difficult days, and while this may be one of them, we must remember that good days always lie ahead. 


If we remain hopeful and do not get sucked into despair today, we can find ourselves excited about the willful adventure we have committed ourselves to. The fortification of our will can return today with giddy exuberance to make a new mark on the world; to imbue our little neck of the woods with joy, fun, and laughter. Talk to friends! Talk to strangers! Find connection and resonance through communication and socialization!


Saturday, April 13, 2024 


Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Moon ingresses Cancer


The resistance, the pessimism, and the despair can tangle us up in blue confusion about what we are really doing here and why. The mind can run away with thoughts about all of these things, leaving us feeling hopeless and helpless. But what if we took a slew of steps back to view our journey from afar, like an eagle gazing upon us all from on high? We would see the ups and downs that are strewn across our days and hours and minutes. We would see the gradual ascent of how far we have come through the muck and mire of our past. 


As we grapple with our mindset surrounding this struggle today, let’s soak in the vast ocean of the timeless Tao. All that is is imbued with love. We hide from it behind our egos and attachments. But what of our moments of clarity and sparks of ingenuity? How do we return back to honoring and respecting how valuable those moments are and what they teach us? 


Today’s tense confusion may be difficult to avoid, but there is latent potential for waves of inspiration to wash over us, cleansing our stifled perspective and revitalizing our imagination to strive for what is possible. Through all of these challenging days we endure, we must know that we are not alone. So many people feel the way we do, suffer the way we do, and hope for a better world the way we do. Perhaps we need to reach out to friends, family, and strangers more often to remind ourselves that this is true. 



This week is chock full of intense swings and bridges that can carry us over the troubled waters of our pain and suffering. While we trudge on through these bogs of memories and experiences, holding onto each other and the dreams we still believe is paramount to arriving at those greener pastures and pristine mountain lakes. May we always remember to be there for those we love, trust in our spirit to see us through, and practice compassion as much as possible.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-03-28T09:00:02-04:00 2024-03-28T09:00:02-04:00 Follow Your Bliss 🌼 Chauncey Erskine

March 31 – April 6, 2024

A transpersonal week that takes us from the peaks to the valleys and back again in rapid succession. Just when we think we are out of the proverbial foggy woods, we find ourselves in a turquoise tranquil sea of bliss, and then we are back at our desks banging out mounds of pragmatic responsibilities one on top of the other. Such is the journey through this portal of a week between eclipses. The overarching theme playing out is the intimate relationship we have with ourselves. There are new discoveries, reinventions of our identity, and an emphasis on the value of friendship and community. In the words of Joseph Campbell, “Follow your bliss!”


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, March 31, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Venus in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Mercury in Aries and square Neptune in Pisces


This Easter Sunday presents to us all a reminder of the importance of honoring the sacred in not just our relationships, but also our values. It is so easy to be led astray by the entanglements woven into our lives that we forget the simplicity of the essence of it all. Are our beliefs being challenged in some way? Have we lost sight of what really matters in this often painful voyage through existence? Taking a step back to witness our morals, values, principles, and ideals should help us adjust our sails and realign our heading towards a more pious and honorable future.


When these adjustments are made, there can be inspiring and uplifting progress, albeit perhaps with some otherworldly influences. Do we understand the importance of inspiration? How long has it been since we experienced indelible inspiration? Such inspiration can not only change our mood and minds, it can alter the direction we choose to take in life. During this powerful eclipse season, it would be wise to ponder deeply within which course of action we will be pursuing from this point forward. And that should be driven by the quintessence of what inspires us most.


Monday, April 1, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn sextile Mars in Pisces

*Mercury stations retrograde at 27° Aries*

Third quarter Moon in Capricorn (Moon square Sun)


Yesterday’s etheric persuasions give way to amplified motivation today, albeit with some hesitating uncertainty surrounding our intentions. At the same time we are feeling inspired to achieve our goals and fulfill the whims of our destiny, we are also being pulled inward to begin a very personal journey of self-reflection.


Today’s menu contains a recipe that beckons us to reckon our motivations, desires, and intentions with where we have been and what we have done. How we think, act, and manage our lives may all come into very stark focus and provide realizations we were not anticipating. Ultimately, life is a journey of awakening to the Self. In what ways are we coming to terms with who we are, what we desire, and where we are going? The path is fraught with peril, pain, and sacrifice, but weaving its way through that is redemption, healing, and illumination. It is a tapestry woven with the magic of our spirit.


This is the midpoint between the two eclipses, both of which are lassoing us into the confines of our inner sanctums to listen, reflect, and awaken to the essence of our identity. More than anything else, we should be making time for ourselves to be quiet, serene, and open to everything we might find there. This will undoubtedly birth new motivations to live by.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus


We are grounding ourselves today to regain a firmer grasp on our capacity for societal functionality. Depending upon our unique, metaphysical psychology and astrology, we may be more or less prone to pragmatic behavior, but today instills such an influence that can help us align our hopes and dreams with our mental faculties to manifest what we want our futures to look like. There may be tremendous work involved to get us there, but today we can see how possible it all is. 


Part of this process, however, requires a good deal of dependence upon our own confidence and determination to master what we set out to achieve in the first place. We must not lose sight of our goals and intentions if we are to continue down the path of personal development, growth, and evolution. What are we trying to accomplish? Why are we trying to accomplish it? These values speak volumes about our identity. 


Wednesday, April 3, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces


The peaks and valleys of life are often felt in rapid succession, waylaying us from the serenity of an otherwise stable journey. As this week would have it, the grounding and determination of yesterday is immediately usurped by the mystical shadows and confusing seas of today. We are likely feeling the subtle tectonic shifts occurring across the zeitgeist, and how powerfully those shifts are simultaneously occurring deep within our own psyches and souls. This can be disconcerting and horrifying, but such shifts always find us emerging from darkness into the sparkles of sunlight glistening on the dew of cornstalks in the psychedelic fields of our lives. 


And where would we be if it were not for the love and communion we feel with our family, friends, and tribe? There is boundless profound wisdom emanating from the auric tentacles that connect us all to one another. We get so hung up on the dictates of our minds and egos that we forget to forget enough to reunite with the sacred groove that flows through the death of all of us: spirit. This is the song of today.








Thursday, April 4, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Sun conjunct Moon’s North Node in Aries


Tuesday’s grounding influences have evolved through the wisps of yesterday’s mists to remind us of the importance of friends and community and how valuable such collectives are for the fate of not just our sanity, but for all of humanity. There are evolutionary lessons steeped in today’s celestial geometry. Where are we going alone? And where are we going together? There are always changes occurring in our personal lives and in the world around us. Sometimes we resist those changes and are shocked through them. Other times we open up to those changes and surf our way out of the pipeline, victoriously drifting back to shore. 


The tension today can be akin to fixations we feel about any of our myriad attachments in life. We do not want to sacrifice those comforts of familiarity for the uncomfortable unknowns that are queued up waiting for their turn. Perhaps we can compromise a little today by at least thinking about where we have been, where we want to go, and what that transition looks like. The more we prepare for the inevitable, the easier it will be to traverse the metamorphosis. The world should take a good look at the signs and omens of today, for these show us where we are going.











Friday, April 5, 2024 👇


*Venus ingresses Aries*


How we relate to each other and what matters most to us becomes of paramount importance today. It is as though we are embarking on a brand new adventure across the universe with our loved ones and our most sacred belongings and core principles. We are feeling a rekindled spark of inspiration, passion, and desire for our freedom and independence, while at the same time wanting to embrace the magic of love and lust. 


There is a fiery, sexual, and exciting charisma burning its way into our psyches and souls today that begs for physical affection, sensuality, and creative expression. We should not dismiss how valuable such an influence can be for artists of any medium. Regardless how creatively or artistically inclined we are, we would all do well to find creative inspiration by any means possible today. What do we value most? What do we want more than anything else? What gets our pheromones exuding from the depths of our deepest roots?








Saturday, April 6, 2024 


Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus


Although Moon remains in the misty depths of tropical Pisces today, there are activations that can churn benevolent progress. We are reminded once again of the value of a disciplined framework around which we can structure our daily lives. Have we designed and built such a framework? Are we adhering to it diligently? Do we see progress as a result of it? If our answers to these questions are limited, perhaps it is time to take our potential more seriously by making time to design a system that helps facilitate actualizing that potential.


Everything we need to bring our dreams and goals to fruition lies within the wisdom of our hearts and minds. The distractions that plague our moments are the petty thieves we let in to prolong the process. It is time to relinquish their grasp on our hopes and visions by identifying them, categorizing them, and strategically eliminating them from our daily psychic repertoire. Habits can be diseases that infiltrate our tranquility and block the roads that lead to the realization of our wildest dreams. 


We are in the deep throes of eclipse season, which means we are witnessing the undulation of acquisition and loss. What are we losing or letting go of? What are we gaining or learning? These periods teach us immeasurable wisdom, but usually not without some level of sacrifice. So, what is it we are willing to sacrifice so we might gain something sacred and worthy for the sake of our future? May we all be willing to understand the value of such an exchange.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-03-21T06:30:00-04:00 2024-03-21T11:08:36-04:00 The Ebbs & Flows of Eclipse Season 🌚 🌝 Chauncey Erskine

March 24-30, 2024 

This week is one of somewhat perplexing contrasts, but ultimately a cleansing of our perceptive faculties. We are going through the process of understanding how valuable our interaction with others can be for our own growth and serenity. This not only involves devotion to interaction, but also commitment to traversing the fragmented stories of our trauma for wisdom, clarity, and acceptance. Eclipse season begins Monday with a penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra. What we take away from our interactions with others teaches us indelible evolutionary lessons about ourselves. Most importantly, we are becoming more and more aware of who we are, even if it feels like we are losing ourselves in the process. Sometimes when we find ourselves lost at sea, we suddenly “wake up to find out that we are the eyes of the world.”...



March 24-30, 2024


This week is one of somewhat perplexing contrasts, but ultimately a cleansing of our perceptive faculties. We are going through the process of understanding how valuable our interaction with others can be for our own growth and serenity. This not only involves devotion to interaction, but also commitment to traversing the fragmented stories of our trauma for wisdom, clarity, and acceptance. Eclipse season begins Monday with a penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra. What we take away from our interactions with others teaches us indelible evolutionary lessons about ourselves. Most importantly, we are becoming more and more aware of who we are, even if it feels like we are losing ourselves in the process. Sometimes when we find ourselves lost at sea, we suddenly “wake up to find out that we are the eyes of the world.”


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, March 24, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius


We likely feel prepared to fix things up around our house today, but those plans could get waylaid before too long if the topic of household finances surfaces, which it very well could. It is a great day to get our Sunday chores taken care of first thing in the morning before our physical duties get overtaken by our metaphysical tendencies. Lovely loving Venus in Pisces is not just prone to waxing poetic, she is also prone to nonchalantly tossing aside any concerns about our finances and sustainability, so it would be wise to allow our thoughts to wander through the financial forests. 


This can help set the stage for a more confident and relaxing evening enjoying some good conversation amongst friends or just with someone we love dearly. There is a bit of a relieving decompression emanating through the atmosphere that will feel very welcoming and perhaps even intellectually stimulating. It would certainly not be a bad thing to consider future ideals and plans with a partner or friend tonight. The mental faculties are excited and exciting our other bodies, especially as Moon waxes full late tonight.


Monday, March 25, 2024 👇


*Lunar Penumbral Eclipse (Full Moon) at 5° Libra at 3:00am EDT*


Today’s early morning Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) in Libra may be the only major aspect today, but there is no shortage of value in understanding its impact. Of course every Full Moon is impactful due to its complete reflective emanation of sunlight, so let’s understand the impact of this eclipse. 


This penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra shows us how relevant and valuable other people are to us. From the perspective of individualism and solitude, we often forget that we literally need other people to be a part of our lives. Sure, we can live alone, go to the store for food, eat at restaurants, go bowling, exercise, and read, but at what point are we experiencing any baseline for our actions and beliefs? At what point are we noticing the subtle inferences in gesture, tone, and feeling from someone else? And when do we recognize how similar or dissimilar other people are to us? 


These are the invaluable and lasting influences other people have upon every facet of our being. We need interaction with others to uplift us, inspire us, and help us come to vital realizations about who we are, what we stand for, how we feel about ourselves and others, and to essentially identify with ourselves through social interaction. When we experience social exchange, we develop our individuality, our identity, and our capacity to relate to the world around us in all its myriad forms and feelings. How have we developed our unique identity and learned to love ourselves? How can we learn to cherish the impact others have upon us more than we have thus far? Let’s delight and relish our relationship with everyone who means something special to us. And let’s take at least a few moments to feel deeply into the importance of them. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Libra opposite Mercury in Aries


As we continue to contend with the medley of planets in Pisces and Aries, Moon swings through all the other signs sometimes gleefully and sometimes forebodingly. Today’s opposition to Chiron and then Mercury from its tenure in Libra reiterates yesterday’s Full Moon influences, but takes it to the arena of self-mastery through healing our perception of our personal trauma. This is no casual matter, of course, so the subtle growth of intensity throughout the day might cause us to shudder to think about our personal trauma. But can we carve a little window of time to sit and ponder the pain in our past?


As I have mentioned numerous times when delineating the influence of Chiron, we are dealing with somewhat abstract memories that are oftentimes fragmented and unclear, mostly due to our repressing them from our consciousness. When we allow ourselves to patiently replay the stories, all the while nurturing our inner child with love and compassion, certain realizations, truths, and falsehoods arise. These allow us to discover something even more sacred: a clear and informed perception of the source of our pain and suffering. Once we gain that, we have abundantly fortified our capacity to thrive moving forward. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces


Shifting away from the acquiescing tendencies of the Libra Moon, we dive headlong through the portals of our psyche into the fluctuating dark depths of our unconsciousness. This might be undertaken with a loved one or friend, but ultimately that road is our own and no one else’s. There can be an agitating fixation upon the dilemma of doing our inner shadow work and avoiding it for the sake of sanity and joy. While the former eventually helps us heal and evolve into more peaceful and compassionate individuals, the latter is alluring for its short-term solution to those otherwise heavy barbells suffocating us. 


We may find ourselves caught between these choices at some point today, so if we prepare for the possible onslaught of this potentially unconscious experience by reminding ourselves that our darkness is not unique to us, we just might be able to make it to the other shore by the end of the day, or at least by the end of tomorrow. Steeping our own compassion in those deep waters of our psyche will most certainly help quell any fear or anxiety such recesses might otherwise induce. We must be loving, patient, and kind to ourselves if we are to make valuable progress through such evolutionary voyages. 


Thursday, March 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces

Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Venus in Pisces


Are we ever experiencing the meaning of bringing spirit into form today! When we consider the contrast between the physical and metaphysical, we begin to recognize the simple serenity within their relationship to one another. When we stretch our body through practicing yoga or other similar disciplines, we eventually experience the sensation of the subtle energies awakening within and around us. This is a perfect metaphor for our day. When we put forth the effort to awaken to our spirit, we eventually experience what it means to embody our spirit. 


These metaphysical experiences are not to be taken lightly, especially if we diligently notice exactly what is happening in our surroundings and in our minds when they occur. While we strive to pay close attention to this today, we might also more mundanely be inclined to consider our financial sustainability and our ability to stabilize anything that may be spiraling out of control in that area of our lives. Money is an issue for most people, an issue that requires faith and confidence. When we have both of these virtues tucked securely under our belt, we already have the majority of what it takes to create abundance in our lives. Not just financial abundance, but emotional, sensual, and spiritual abundance.


Friday, March 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius


Basking in the etheric hum of Neptunian frequencies may not get our daily banal work accomplished, but it sure does realign our life force with our physical body. Think of any powerful low frequency music you have heard. By that I mean low hertz, not low vibes. Such deep resonating music can restructure our cells and facilitate physical healing. When we open ourselves up to allowing such an experience to engulf us, we may not be checking humdrum items off our to-do list, but we most certainly are advancing the evolution of our consciousness. 


This practice of allowing depth resonance to heal us will also facilitate an enlightening perspective of the world in which we live. What heights can we reach if we consider the possibilities no one has considered before? Are there ideas worth implementing that only we have happened upon? So much growth, opportunity, and expansion can occur in our lives if we are only willing enough to accept that certain subtle changes might need to happen along the way. How can we undergo such a metamorphosis if we vehemently cling to methodologies that are no longer expanding and inspiring our consciousness?


Saturday, March 30, 2024 


Moon in Sagittarius square Mars in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius trine Sun in Aries


The dichotomy between astute knowledge and bliss through reckless abandon may seem stark, but ultimately, the former informs the latter of how to achieve that bliss. Like one translation of chapter 48 of the Tao Te Ching says, “In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is added. In the practice of the Tao, every day something is dropped.” These words may resonate to each of us differently, but there is also a dissonance within them that may more accurately convey today’s experience.


As that dissonance sorts itself out and the tension therein gradually releases, our celestial luminaries regain harmony and inspire creativity and action in any sphere of our life that calls for the expansion of our consciousness. The vessel that contains our consciousness is ever growing if we water it with knowledge and shine the light of wordless, majestic beauty upon it. Whatever tension may start our day, it is quite likely to dissipate enough to enjoy our Saturday night with peace and serenity. Have fun and be safe out there!


This week is the invocation of eclipse season. This brings with it chimes of mystery and illusion, tidal ebbs and flows, and the experience of gain and loss. What are we gaining and what are we losing? While these may be tangible, there are quite likely a few intangible, metaphysical facets of our lives that are being exchanged for more polished gems to resonate our souls into a brighter future. May the journey be adventurous, inspiring, and find us alive and reveling in our metamorphosis on the other shore!

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-03-14T06:30:04-04:00 2024-03-14T06:30:04-04:00 Seas the Days as we Sail into Spring 🌱 Chauncey Erskine

March 17-23, 2024


This is a rather formless and fluid kind of week that eventually begins to solidify and fire us up. As the watery beginning finds us swimming in swirling waters off the coast of nowhere, we have an opportunity to discover some lost magic. This might appear as dreams or ideas we have long forgotten about, or it could appear as new perspectives. New perspectives are never anticipated, but when they show up unannounced, we are enthralled by their power and inspiration. As we surf across the equator through the equinox, we are driven by the new winds at our backs taking us into the folds of our exciting futures...



March 17-23, 2024


This is a rather formless and fluid kind of week that eventually begins to solidify and fire us up. As the watery beginning finds us swimming in swirling waters off the coast of nowhere, we have an opportunity to discover some lost magic. This might appear as dreams or ideas we have long forgotten about, or it could appear as new perspectives. New perspectives are never anticipated, but when they show up unannounced, we are enthralled by their power and inspiration. As we surf across the equator through the equinox, we are driven by the new winds at our backs taking us into the folds of our exciting futures.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, March 17, 2024 👇


Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer trine Venus in Pisces


It is a good thing today is Sunday, because our motivation is likely nowhere to be found. Even if we have plans, our expectations should remain limited, because the unforeseen is sure to appear. Beyond this likelihood, however, we can tap into the poetics that shape the strange madness of our soul. Everyone suffers the whims of this challenging process called life, so when we recognize the mysterious absurdity and beauty that exists around every corner, we would do well to dwell in the profundity of those moments from time to time. 


How can we cherish this watery influence without losing ourselves in the whirlpools and rapids? While we may not get lost, we certainly may experience some confusion and disorientation. The love bug is crawling through all the misty forests of our hearts today. On so many levels, we will likely find ourselves immersed in the deep, warm waters of joyful and careless love. We are feeling the feely feels to nurture and be nurtured by ourselves, others, and even the healing waters that flow and sway across this beautiful world.


Monday, March 18, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Cancer square Mercury in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Moon’s North Node in Aries


Our foundations have been fluid and rather formless lately, making it difficult to establish the growth we may have anticipated. This fluidity, however, offers an opportunity to shape and mold a new foundation over the coming year. The old foundations that conditioned and pigeon-holed us have fallen out from underneath our feet. This is our chance to not just build a new future, but to begin that future upon a foundation we get to shape and cast ourselves. 


There are also plentiful chances to work through our emotional stresses and struggles today. From the pains that accompany our finances to the challenges of communication to the sudden changes in what we consider important and valuable to us. We cannot escape the calling we hear to quietly consider these facets of our lives. What we dwell upon may not always be what we should dwell upon. Sometimes something much more important is lurking in our churning bellies just waiting for us to notice it. 


As we wrap our inquisitive minds around these concepts like water around rocks and stones, we should also relish the incoming swath of fresh gusto to stay the course on our most recent passionate pursuits. What exactly is it we are doing to manifest our dreams and destiny? Are we lollygagging or are we putting in the hours, days, and months to get where we have envisioned ourselves? May all our emotional processing help establish a greater inner capacity to see our dreams through to fruition. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer trine Sun in Pisces

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

*Sun ingresses Aries (March Equinox) at 11:07pm EDT*


The feelies are lingering for one more day before tonight’s Equinox launch. As we try to pry our way out of the crabby clutches of our feelings, we are met with a fold of potential spiritual inspiration. While Sun and Neptune in Pisces often create confusion and delusion and disorientation, they also have the capacity to deeply inspire us. After all, Neptune and Pisces are the bringers of poetry, art, music, and all the beautiful affections our souls invoke in us. We are probably going to experience some slice of the heavenly pie today, especially if we spread our wings and allow those winds to lift us up.


As those lofty ideals inspire us, we may discover our hearts wish to be back on the ground so we can get to work on that inspiration. Moon’s opposition to Pluto can spark some emotional angst in the hearts of friends, so we must be mindful how our relationships are handled today. Either ego can get in the way of seeing each other’s true good work through to the next phase, so we should bury our hatchets and high five each other’s wings, because our most formidable and all-pervading celestial being is renewing its contract to show us around the zodiac once again. 


The March Equinox is one of two times each year that the Sun rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west everywhere on Earth. It is also one of two times each year that the Sun is exactly overhead at midday on all points of Earth’s equator. This is ultimately a day of balance, for the great circles are resonating in celestial harmony, and day and night share the skies equally. This is also a time of rebirth, separation, and excitement. There is such newness to relish and rejoice in. Let’s soak in the warm harmonics of Sun’s rebirth into Aries together!


Wednesday, March 20, 2024 👇


Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus


Sometimes it is important to pay close attention to subtle messages that drift across our path on certain days, and today is one of those days. Mercury’s union with Chiron alerts us to notice exactly how we are utilizing all the lessons we have learned from our past humiliation, trauma, and suffering. Though these experiences were likely against our will, there are still lessons contained therein which can help us heal and grow. Chiron has a mysterious way of showing us the pain so that we might see the fortitude it imbued us with. The messages of the day might show us a direction we had not considered taking, and this could be a direction that shows us a lot more about our identity and independence. 


It may also be that we find ourselves in conversation with someone who points out certain things that trigger either painful memories or excite our inspiration to follow our passions with more fervor and determination. If painful memories are triggered, perhaps there is a figment of truth and wisdom sleeping in those memories for us to unravel and decode. 


Our spendthrift attitude may come back to haunt us if we have been getting too lax with our money. This is a wakeup call to pay attention to our finances, our resources, and our real estate. This is tax season, so it would be good to make sure we are not skirting anything in that process. Crossing all our t’s and dotting all our i’s helps ensure we do not come face to face with financial issues down the road. It is best to do it all correctly the first time through.


Thursday, March 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo trine Chiron and Mercury in Aries

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

Sun in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces


The fiery release we might feel today helps quell any misconceptions we may have had after yesterday’s subtle messages brought through the wires of wisdom. This release can allow us to see more clearly the harmony and resonance our passionate pursuits bring to our lives. Do we feel good about something new we have brought into our lives? Have we had a chance to bask in the glory of its arrival into our lives? 


Further review of our finances and resources helps allay any further complications regarding taxes, investments, or just our day-to-day balance sheet. It is always worth staying on top of this facet of our lives. We may also want to have some Leo Moon fun today, but Uranus wants us to pay attention to how much we spend. Therefore, we would be better off finding thrifty fun to fulfill our monthly Leo Moon excitement quota.


Figuring out how to take advantage of our newfound burst of energy can be a challenge, but starting with some variety of a cardiovascular workout might be ideal, seeing as how it helps raise our heart rate, work out our lungs, and clear our heads, which are all the things Pluto in Aquarius wants for us. It can be a very active day if we muster the willpower to make it such.


Do our relationships seem a bit heavy and confusing? Are they seemingly bogged down by resistance, restrictions, rules, and repercussions? It can be quite a challenge to harmoniously relate to others, in particular our partners, when Venus joins Saturn. When they meet in Pisces, the rules just seem vague, not clearly defined, and even contradictory to what they may have seemed to be in the past. It is best, during these few days before and after today, to put our heads together, get busy with the work needed to help maintain harmony in the relationship, and not let up until the transit has passed. These restrictive tendencies Saturn imposes upon our relationships when Venus comes to town are fleeting, but the lessons contained within certain restrictions could teach us valuable things we both might need to understand better.


Friday, March 22, 2024 👇


Sun, Pluto, Moon Yod

*Mars ingresses Pisces*


There is a transformative flair to the day, but not one that seems typical. The recognition and polishing of our identity is being guided by a need to address how we are taking the initiative to forge new and exciting paths for ourselves. Are we stepping out of our comfort zone to face the evolving soundtrack of our lives? Do we see glimpses of our changes in the distance, and are we traversing the obstacle course to get there? There is quite a burning desire to forge into new territory, and what comes of this can lead us to heights we had not previously imagined we could attain. How are we sculpting our future selves for our what our future holds?


Trailing behind all the other planets, save Pluto, Mars finally ingresses Pisces this evening. This brings a subtle lull to the influence of the otherwise feisty war god, thus pacifying our bravado. However, this can be a very charming and alluring time for the active romantic in all of us. We may also wish to consider more peaceful means of pursuing what we want. Furthermore, we may begin to lose sight of what we thought we wanted all along, creating a dissolution of our passions so that new passions can be born from the deep seas of love. We just have to let our desires drift to and fro and morph however they choose to on their own.


Saturday, March 23, 2024 

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo opposite Venus in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus


The refinement we can accomplish today is potentially impressive. If we get our heads out of the monotony of our egos, we will find a number of healthy possibilities available to us. We might be noticing the structure, or lack thereof, in our lives and how we utilize that structure to see our visions through to completion. We may instead recognize the lack of structure and how that keeps us from making forward progress toward our dreams. The refinement of the foundations and framework that help our lives function optimally is an invaluable key to our success and lack of stress.


How does our functionality play an important part in our relationships? Are we missing any marbles? Do we know what is required of our relationships to make them healthy and able to thrive? The dreamy visions we may be having for our love life cannot manifest if we do not put together all the pieces that such a dream requires. Where can we make improvements in our own personal development to therefore enhance our chances of romancing with grace and integrity? These are the lines being drawn in the sand today.


Finally, how are we staying on top of our financial picture so carelessness is not getting in the way of growth and conservation? Refining our sustainability helps enhance our confidence and sense of security in life. This can also be a wonderful day to begin planning our summer garden. Perhaps we can buy our seeds online or in a local store, pick up fertilizer, compost, or any other garden materials to help us get excited about the season ahead. Digging in the dirt is always good therapy, especially with the Virgo and Taurus influences of the day.


How can we find the patience to make it through the early part of the week without losing our drifting, capricious minds? If we know what is coming later in the week after we traverse the equinox, we should be able to feel our way like the days before enough to make it into the glorious seas of inspiration and hope. What awaits us down the line is a feast of potential, especially if we hold on to the aspirations that are reshaping themselves before our very eyes earlier in the week. May we not lose touch with where we have been so we can be grateful for where we are going.

Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-03-07T17:00:00-05:00 2024-03-07T17:08:00-05:00 Sail Away from the Piscean Waters of the New Moon & Find Yourself Free ⛵️ Chauncey Erskine

March 10-16, 2024


Following Sunday’s early morning New Moon in Pisces, the week begins to pick up speed and take us on a journey of the spirit into the potentialities that lie ahead. As Moon passes through the first three signs of the zodiac this week, there is an undeniable element of new beginnings and the re-establishment of our principles and values. The push-pull of stubborn resistance and unabashed excitement for what is to come seems to jerk us to and fro, but eventually it is those principles and our resolve that carries us into a transformative week of directions we may have never anticipated going. Whatever we might come across that seems to get in our way could hold a priceless key to a door we never knew we needed to go through...



March 10-16, 2024


Following Sunday’s early morning New Moon in Pisces, the week begins to pick up speed and take us on a journey of the spirit into the potentialities that lie ahead. As Moon passes through the first three signs of the zodiac this week, there is an undeniable element of new beginnings and the re-establishment of our principles and values. The push-pull of stubborn resistance and unabashed excitement for what is to come seems to jerk us to and fro, but eventually it is those principles and our resolve that carries us into a transformative week of directions we may have never anticipated going. Whatever we might come across that seems to get in our way could hold a priceless key to a door we never knew we needed to go through. 


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, March 10, 2024 👇


*New Moon at 20° Pisces at 5:00am EST*

Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Capricorn

Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries


This morning’s New Moon in Pisces sets in motion the annual rebirth of our spiritual life. The lunar cycle is one that we experience most predominantly, and it is what shapes the evolution of our emotional body and how we process everything we experience. When we collectively undergo the monthly renewal in this maturation process, we are, however subtly, developing a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other, and how much we need to be there for each other through the unfolding of civilization, society, and humanity. 


Our connection to all that is on the subtle etheric plane of existence is ultimately what we are seeking to immerse ourselves in, even though many of us resist it. How are we breaking down the walls that divide, separate, and imprison us into believing we are in this world alone? The windows of the world not only show us what is out there, they open enough for us to climb out and venture off to discover so much more than we can simply see through them from the inside.


We spend our days anxious, anticipating, expecting, and, more often than not, eventually disappointed that life did not unfold how we had hoped or wanted it to. This is a result of our attachment to desires and fears. For some of us, it is very hard to let go of the control we feel we need to maintain stability, routine, and reliability. And while we must exercise control to maintain some semblance of structure and responsibility in order to survive and thrive, we also must make time to put those frameworks down so we can slip into the everlasting bliss that calls out to us. This is not to endorse escapism through unhealthy means, but quietly removing ourselves from the fray of entanglement and anxiety requires dedication to reconnecting our awareness to the life force that emanates from all existence, starting within our own bodies and through the quintessence of inspiration.


The eventual ingress of Moon into Aries today helps see us off into the wilderness of our individual rebirth and enlightenment. As Moon joins Mercury to sextile Pluto, we are discovering how vast our landscape is when we take our life into our own hands by thinking independently and not codependently. Where exactly do WE want to go, and what exactly do WE want to do? And how exactly do WE want our future to unfold? 


We need to be cautious when proceeding with our journey of rebirth and redemption, however. As is always the case throughout life, there is a need for balance in all we do. On one hand we have the wind at our backs and filling our sails to bless our voyage of individuation, while on the other hand we have a shortsightedness of the impact such a glorious embarkment can have upon our partner or other loved ones who cherish our commitment and dedication to those relationships. How do we balance this dichotomy? With as much grace, communication, transparency, compassion, and faith as possible. We can all do what we love and still love one another. Just temper the flaring potentials indicative of Moon and Mercury in Aries.


Monday, March 11, 2024 👇


*Venus ingresses Pisces*

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries


As we are making our way through the fold of whatever new beginnings have sprung into our lives, that letting go must encompass our relationships in some way or another. It never hurts to step back to objectively analyze our relationships for any codependency, manipulation, gaslighting, or any other subliminal abuse. Even if we only discover a trace amount of any of these, that is something we would be better off letting go of. In letting go, we can regain a more authentic and sincere sense of faith in the force that pervades. Once we establish this faith, our relationships can liberate us and allow us to better honor and respect each other’s individuality and uniqueness. 


The winds are calling us from multiple directions while we swim in the Piscean seas and sprint across the mesas to wherever it is we are going. There seems to be a pull to let go and escape to the wilderness and a push to strap up our boots and get focused on our destiny that lies ahead. Embracing the power of spirit’s wisdom and poetics with the fierce and zesty wherewithal to take meaningful action is the song and dance of the day. 


Tuesday, March 12, 2024 👇


Moon in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces and square Pluto in Aquarius


The firebox is full and ready for full steam ahead down the tracks to where we want to go in life. There can be hints of angst and frustration today, agitating our resolve to take significant action regarding our deepest passions and desires. First, however, we must consider the implications our passions have upon our loved ones, as well as how aligned those passions are with our values and other commitments in life. Is there an important sacrifice we forgot to make? Is there someplace we forgot we needed to go that requires a deep introspective cleansing of our shortcomings and secrets?


Perhaps we should inquire about these things with our vulnerable inner child. Perhaps we should come clean with those especially close to us before we carry on. It’s hard to run with the weight of that pain and suffering, which will only follow us everywhere we go. We can run, but we cannot hide. So, we must scour our attic and basement for anything that will keep us from truly liberating our spirits as we click and clack down the railroad tracks. 


Wednesday, March 13, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus


The ambiance and beauty of the wilderness is unparalleled. What has more innate purpose and enticing mystery imbued throughout? Today, our foundations are called into focus again. Foundations, by definition, are the underlying principles behind everything we stand for and do in our lives, therefore they dovetail succinctly with our values and all we cherish. It should be no surprise if these principles and values take center stage under the spotlight today. What are we rooting for? What do we stand for? Who do we respect and honor in our lifetime? What are their principles? Are ours the same? How are they different and why?


So much of what we need to establish before building something we love is purpose. What will be the purpose of what we are embarking upon? What is the purpose of its inclusion in the river of life? What is our purpose within that purpose? In the end, our principles, values, beliefs, and resolve are what define the tack we choose to take in life. These are hard truths that must be nurtured if we wish to see any growth and evolution on our voyage.


Thursday, March 14, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces


As we continue to wrestle with our sack full of principles and values, someone just might show up in our driveway, honk their horn, and drive off leaving a stuffed bag of new principles and values for us to think about. It is exciting to change our minds, look at things in completely new ways, and totally redefine the world in which we exist. There are challenges along the way that can unexpectedly spur us toward any of these inclinations, even if those challenges are nearly impossible to overcome. Perhaps the purpose of those challenges is to reframe our outlook and perception.


Though changing our perspective is all well and good, and may even occur this morning in one way or another, we are more likely facing a barrage of stubborn resistance. This resistance, however, could very well be one of those challenges that forces us to stare down our own stubbornness for the sake of awakening to it. Where are we undeniably stuck, even if we resist admitting it? What are we adamantly unwilling to let go of, change, or begin? Perhaps if we harken back to a moment in our past when we made a big change in our lives we just might remember how incredibly rewarding and exhilarating experiences like that can be.


Friday, March 15, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini square Venus in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Mercury in Aries

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces


Now that we have established our most valued principles and become more aware of our greatest resistance, we can begin to develop a course of action to apply these awakenings to our lives. This requires, more than anything else, strategic planning, useful information that can help us on our way, and perhaps most importantly advice from those who have come before us through the ice fields of uncertainty. 


Today’s Gemini Moon makes a few hard-hitting aspects that can test our fickleness against our resolve. Do we have the will power? Did we forget to incorporate the values of our loved ones, our friends, our family? Is there a power play going on within our partnership that we are becoming privy to? Might we just throw all caution to the wind and take the giant leap off the cliff? Whatever we determine is strategically best for the implementation of all we love and wish to see happen, we are sure to come face to face with someone or something that holds us back. And while I might normally advise going for it anyway, instead we need to respect that person or event so we can understand what we forgot to do or what we are missing. Trust me, there is a reason for the setback. 


Saturday, March 16, 2024 

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Gemini trine Mars in Aquarius


The release of tension in today’s aspects allows their very active components to play out significantly. Our thinking becomes more attuned to our pursuit of mastery, and our inspiration to discover new ways of perceiving things is keenly enhanced. The resistance we felt on Thursday has evaporated into purified, intoxicating gumption. We just have to understand that if they come our way, handling feelings today is not going to be easy. We just want to turn that oven off and go out to meet the breeze on our cheeks. 


The mind is fertile and active, our excitement is mounting for the dreams and goals we have established, and what gets in our way can seem more out of our way than not today. We would do well to take advantage of anything that needs figured out, analyzed, planned, implemented, or even advanced and enhanced for the betterment of all. Once we scope out our Saturday for all it could possibly bestow upon us, we can put our jetpacks on and make like Wile E. Coyote. Just watch out for cliffs and roadrunners!













As we make our way through this week from the onset of Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces, we begin to see vague traces of what is to come, whether through unmasking new perspectives, awakening to our greatest resistances, or the importance of foundations imbued with our principles and purpose. As most of the inner and outer planets are scattered throughout the closing signs of the zodiac, Moon and Mercury launch themselves into new territory early in the week, helping us redefine our methods of personal development. What can we do differently this time around? What new ventures are on the horizon for us to nurture carefully, tactfully, and compassionately? All that we wish to create and accomplish moving forward rests on our core values, principles, and sense of purpose and desire. What do you hope to be, do, and inspire?


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-02-29T06:30:00-05:00 2024-02-29T09:22:06-05:00 Between the Pages of Belief and Reality 📕 Chauncey Erskine

March 3-9, 2024

This is a week of reckoning our beliefs with reality. Could they be friends? There is no shortage of information in the world today. Compared to even 20 years ago, much less 40, we are faced daily with an onslaught of innumerable opinions, beliefs, declarations, and facts. With virtually no one to turn to but our hearts and intelligence, it can be quite exhausting and disheartening to have to sift through all of it with some semblance of discernment to make our own conclusions. The disillusionment that can come out of this experience can waylay us on our otherwise clear path forward through life. These are the themes of this week, with some possible hard lessons and challenges to bring us back into the fold of truth and integrity...



March 3-9, 2024


This is a week of reckoning our beliefs with reality. Could they be friends? There is no shortage of information in the world today. Compared to even 20 years ago, much less 40, we are faced daily with an onslaught of innumerable opinions, beliefs, declarations, and facts. With virtually no one to turn to but our hearts and intelligence, it can be quite exhausting and disheartening to have to sift through all of it with some semblance of discernment to make our own conclusions. The disillusionment that can come out of this experience can waylay us on our otherwise clear path forward through life. These are the themes of this week, with some possible hard lessons and challenges to bring us back into the fold of truth and integrity.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, March 3, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Sagittarius square Sun in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries and square Mercury in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Venus in Aquarius


Moon makes quite the display of activations today from her expansive perspectives in Sagittarius. Our day is bound to be one of tense observations and intangible uncertainties. The wide berth we may have spent many years giving to our beliefs and understandings is likely narrowing and closing in on us. What exactly is it we believe in? Do we have an explanation for the mysteries and oddities in our lives? Have we ever come to any conclusions about the synchronicities we have experienced?


Venus enters a 90° mutual reception with Uranus today, meaning they are in each other’s signs in a square aspect. This is an amplification of our need to advance and improve the clarity of consciousness within our relationships. While we might be involved in healthy and progressive relationships, there is always room to make things more clear, make ourselves and each other more aware, and improve the likelihood of a more liberating and enlightening experience within the relationship. 


This will not come easy, but with an open heart and mind, some accumulated serenity and patience, and a plethora of love and compassion we can make this Sunday a bountiful day of growth and opportunity. We need to pay attention to even the smallest things that cross our path today, because within even the smallest things we find flecks of golden wisdom to add to our medicine bags. It would be wonderful to honor this day of tremendous celestial geometry by outwardly displaying our gratitude for how far we have come and how committed we are to what has yet to unfold.

Monday, March 4, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon ingresses Capricorn


Today’s Moon-Neptune square and Mercury-Uranus sextile exude conflicting influences upon our capacity to engage productively. The Moon-Neptune square will be highlighting any extreme, unfounded beliefs we have developed over time, perhaps as a challenge from someone we trust and care about. These days, it is not difficult to stumble upon claims by strangers online about any myriad theories, sometimes sucking us into concepts and beliefs that cloud our judgment. We must learn how to keenly discern our beliefs and perspectives so as not to lose ourselves in the fog of disillusionment. 


Despite the energizing sextile between our rebel Mercury-Uranus duo, the signs they are in soften their otherwise exuberant flair. There is a tendency for more high-minded and thought-provoking twists and turns today, as opposed to substantial action or execution. Taking stock of our resources and sustainability while brainstorming how to improve both is called for. As Moon shifts into Capricorn, we are bringing stability, truth, and right action into our local arena. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Capricorn sextile Sun in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn square its nodes

Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries


Today can be a day of reckoning that brings our dignity and integrity into stark focus, thus challenging any of our delusional beliefs. We can stop to wonder what we will think of our current selves in five or ten years. Are we holding honesty, truth, and virtue close to our hearts so as not to stray from them? Do we understand how to distinguish between truth and lies?


Once we feel confident in our beliefs, we can begin to implement our truth by pursuing our goals and dreams with righteousness. Not the kind of righteousness that degrades others, but the moral decency we should all learn to cultivate and honor so as to instill goodness and truth in others as a mentor and authority in our field. This is a powerful day to consider all our values, beliefs, and deeds, and how we have refined them over the years. Have we grown to be more transparent and truthful? Have we experienced the feeling of liberation and inner peace such growth imbues upon us?


Working closely with our inner truth will bring forth fields of fragrant wildflowers upon which all the birds of our feathers can alight and all the bees and butterflies can delight. The work is deep, important, and invaluable to establishing a happier self in the future. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces

Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius


The theme of delusion and truth carries on through today. We should always be mindful of our decisions, even the subtle unspoken decisions we make in the split seconds of silence. Harnessing the consequences of those decisions with our fortified will helps bring forth accomplishments and change. The lines between delusion and truth, however, can be fragile and faint, thus confusing even the most astute individuals. We can take heart that Moon’s tenure through Capricorn is helping to allay any misguided forays into the frays of illusion. Truth is seeping its way out of all our pores, and we should relish this priceless experience. 


Beyond the veil of this week’s ongoing fog bank, there is an opportunity to make immense progress toward our visions of the future today. The Mars-Chiron sextile is charged with a zest we have perhaps not felt in quite some time about our skillsets and life goals. What is it we are feeling prepared to achieve finally? Do we feel as though it is at our fingertips? Or perhaps we are feeling ready to embark upon that sacred journey of our soul’s purpose. As Moon ingresses Aquarius and joins Pluto, the plot shifts to dovetail with empowerment. There are lessons for our spirit to be found in the pain and suffering of our past. What wisdom lies quietly waiting for us to discover it?

Thursday, March 7, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus


What are we stubbornly attached to? How are we making progress if we are not shifting our focus onto that which makes us better people or more aligned with what we love? Are we holding on to a job that does not bring us the enjoyment it once did? Can we reassess our desires and resources to try and make our future more palatable, productive, and exciting? The challenges brought forth from emotional detachment can surface as an inability to face the music of our innermost passions. Once we find our way into those recesses of our psyches and emotions, we can see, as if for the first time, the golden light of dawn shining upon what we hold most dear to our hearts.

Friday, March 8, 2024 👇


Moon conjunct Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct Venus in Aquarius


Whatever stirred deep within us back on February 22nd is bound to be brought back into the light today. That Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is being reignited by today’s passage of Moon across both planets. How did we experience this union of polarities? Did it spark something exciting we want to embark upon? Did it rustle the leaves in the branches of our tree of life? The sparks can fly far today, so we need to be careful nothing catches on fire we do not want ignited. On the other hand, if we want to intentionally strike a match to start anew, we should be patient for Sunday’s New Moon to do so.


All we hope to accomplish in our lives will likely not be accomplished, but much of it can be. When we make time to sit with these goals, we can prioritize what we want to set out to manifest in the order in which our hearts will be satisfied and elated. While so much can excite us today, and we should not disregard any of that excitement, our tendency to become disillusioned or misled is also strong. It is therefore an ideal day to daydream, take notes, and brainstorm scenarios and outcomes, as outlandish as they may be, so that we can revisit those notes on Sunday during the New Moon in Pisces. That is when we can lay down our intentions with our deep love and respect for our heart’s desires.

Saturday, March 9, 2024 


Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

*Mercury ingresses Aries*


As Moon begins its journey across the current Piscean stellium, first nearly occulting Saturn, we are in the thick of the fog that we likely felt succumbed to earlier in the week. There can be much confusion around how we are going to get whatever intentions we are setting for tomorrow’s New Moon off the ground. The lesson here is to ask our spirit to help guide us through the process of unfoldment. That subtle sacred body of ours is the tuning fork of our life, and it knows just want we need, when we need it, and how we need it. 


The seemingly slow voyage toward our dreams that has been underway indefinitely is once more undergoing a revitalization of the life force that stirs through it all. Mercury’s ingress into Aries heralds a separation from the womb of gestation. This is the genesis of a new cycle of applying our knowledge and wisdom to the whims of our desires in order to create a future we can love and cherish deep within our hearts. The initiatory transition of our inner messenger is thrust into the exciting world of possibilities we have been waiting for. Although the Sun still lags behind in Pisces, we should never underestimate the influence of Mercury’s fearless gall to take us wherever it fancies. 


Remaining mindful of the pitfalls of thoughtless action would behoove us. Though there is still enough patience and wombing going on elsewhere in space, speedy Mercury in impatient Aries can easily take off without remembering its toothbrush and underwear. So, we must allow the slow ticking of patience to humble us at least until tomorrow’s New Moon has occurred. Our engines are idling and revving, our route is mapped, and the finish line seems defined, but we must listen for any misfires, expect detours, and not be surprised when the finish line ends up someplace completely different.



While it is not always peaches and cream, this journey through life, we seek the gold ring down inside regardless. To everything there is a season, and this week’s season is weeding out the incongruent, misleading heaps of information that we have rustled through for years now. There are gorgeous wildflowers of love and truth growing all around us, but they are often shaded by towering brambles of thorns and lies. Truth prevails this week, so making all the time we can to put down our informational surveillance devices in order to listen intently to our spirit’s wisdom will prove vital for the sparks that await us as Mercury ingresses Aries just before Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-02-22T06:30:00-05:00 2024-02-22T06:30:00-05:00 Piscean Dreams, Brambles, Bogs, & Beasts ♓️ Chauncey Erskine

February 25 – March 2, 2024


This is a very relationship-focused week with emotional dilemmas and detachments to wrestle with. We should also expect a thick fog bank to drift in and settle across our fields, creating a challenging, but conceivably inspiring, experience deep within our seeking souls. Our minds and our foundations are bound to feel a bit more unsettled and wavering later in the week, stimulating a soul-steeped foray into the innermost reaches of our life force to sort out exactly what it is we are looking for in life. While the answer to our lives is likely not showing up on our doorstep, we are bound to find some powerful revelations along the way...



February 25 – March 2, 2024


This is a very relationship-focused week with emotional dilemmas and detachments to wrestle with. We should also expect a thick fog bank to drift in and settle across our fields, creating a challenging, but conceivably inspiring, experience deep within our seeking souls. Our minds and our foundations are bound to feel a bit more unsettled and wavering later in the week, stimulating a soul-steeped foray into the innermost reaches of our life force to sort out exactly what it is we are looking for in life. While the answer to our lives is likely not showing up on our doorstep, we are bound to find some powerful revelations along the way.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, February 25, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus


A nice Sunday trine to enjoy our day focusing on cleaning, organizing, and financial matters. If we keep our space clean, our heads are more clear and we can focus much better, so it is a great day to take some time to clean the house, our office, and anywhere else that will become much more relaxing and pleasant to spend time in. 


It is also a good day to discuss our financial matters with a partner or advisor, hopefully generating some new ideas and projections for where we would like to see our situation be in a year or more from now. The trick today is to find something that physically occupies our time, because this earth trine wants us to get our ducks in a row and show some obvious progress, perhaps with even more progress anticipated in due time. If we bring a notebook to bed with us tonight, we just might be able to jot down some vivid dreams we have throughout the night. 

Monday, February 26, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius


We start our day with a waning opposition between Moon and Neptune, which may have conjured an array of strange and wonderful dreams to recall for future reference. The waking morning is bound to instill some residue of the chaos/order dichotomy, so it is once again time to check in with the effects of these polarities in our lives. Are we keeping things aligned and tidy in our lives while still trusting in the winds of change and uncertainty that blow us hither and yon? It is best to cultivate a structured and organized space and lifestyle so we are better prepared when life throws chaos pies in our face.


As Moon ingresses Libra, we can better recognize that life is not always just about our own solo accomplishments, it is about learning to appreciate and cherish the help others have given us along the way. When we feel as though we can do all the hard work ourselves, and that all our dedication could never be rivaled by someone else’s willingness to help us, this is when we must step back, pause, and let the realizations pour in. We ought to be realizing just how valuable our friends, family, and loved ones are to us, and how much more headway we can make in so many directions if we learn to work as a team by combining our efforts intelligently enough to bring the tremendous progress such combinations are capable of. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 👇


Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Libra trine Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Libra trine Venus in Aquarius

Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries


With one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake, we are trying to figure out why we feel like racing toward our future and holding back at the same time. There is certainly some pizzaz to our spirits today, but that should be tempered by a healthy dose of patience, reflection, and reasoning. We might feel anxious about implementing changes we have anticipated making in our lives, but if we take more than a few deep breaths, we can envision the best outcome a lot better than if we gave it no thought at all, which might be how we have been going about things lately. 


This Mars-Jupiter square in fixed signs wants us to work out any tension that has seeped out from under our emotional detachments to determine exactly what does and does not hold value in our lives. This square can reveal our capacity to rise above our angst and frustrations with progressive maturity and wherewithal to become more conscious of our actions and reactions. The tables might turn, the winds might shift, we might not get what we want, but we are learning how to accept these outcomes as a part of life.


As we relate to one another, we discover invaluable keys to our own nature, and sometimes those keys open doors we would rather not go through. But when we flip the light switch, we find that we are not the only ones suffering regret or shame. This humanizes us and helps us realize how similar and relatable each and every one of us ultimately is. Such harmonies can be the soundtrack of our day. It is just so important to relish any opportunity for gratitude and affection towards anyone we deeply love and care for. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 👇


*Mercury conjunct Sun and Saturn in Pisces*


While we only have this lone union of three celestial bodies today, it is a doozy of a union. There are only rare moments when these three come together, much less so in Pisces. We need to take a look at our thought processes, our beliefs, our efforts, and whether or not we are missing anything important. The Pisces influence sometimes misses the details, so when these three join here, we are in desperate need of paying very close attention to any details that need to be considered, especially in any negotiations, commerce, business contracts, or big deals about to go down. As much as we may feel ready to take some new leap, we should not be ruling out the possibility that now is not the right time. 


The wishy washy feel of today is akin to being a little too off our game, which is why it would be best to step back from anything that requires thorough clarity and no mistakes. The good that can come out of this trinity, however, is a much more clear sense of how whatever it is we need to take care of makes us feel on a deep spiritual level. Does the new job opportunity FEEL right? Does the new apartment FEEL like ours? Do we REALLY want to embark on this huge new endeavor? These few days are perfect for determining what our life force is trying to say to us. Use the force! 

Thursday, February 29, 2024 👇


Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn, Sun, and Mercury in Pisces


The lingering fog is still trying to lift and dissipate today, making our thoughts and actions seem somewhat automatic and instinctual. The relative clarity we seek is much more so in our guts than in our minds. And those gut feelings can reveal some critical aspects of some important parts of our lives. 


We might be feeling some strong trust issues seeping into our lives. Do we trust others, ourselves, the government? Are we looking to manipulate a situation ourselves? Is there a chance that all the trust we have built in our relationships contain contingencies? In other words, are our feelings of security conditional? If we are pondering the scope of conditional power plays within our relationships, we might want to begin forging a new sense of authenticity and transparency within our own hearts and minds. This can create a much more reliable framework to build a healthier relationship with not just ourselves, but with others, too.

Friday, March 1, 2024 👇


Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio square Venus in Aquarius

Venus in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus


While Saturn, Sun, and Mercury are still very much close together in Pisces, the confusion that likely consumed part of our lives over the past few days is starting to dissipate. Moon’s square to Venus is capable of triggering some tense discussions about our emotional availability within our relationships. It can also simply set off a chain of attempts to connect with others in a way that our intense feelings might be felt and heard. With Mars and Venus in Aquarius, we may not want to display our emotions, or even feel them, much, but Moon’s tenure through Scorpio has other requirements. 


Stepping on the toes of our loved ones for the sake of getting their attention is not always the healthiest means of doing so, and it is rather manipulative at that. But our deep wounds still need to be addressed from time to time, and when people we trust and love to be there for us in times of emotional struggle do not want to participate, sometimes we go to lengths we end up regretting. We would do well to be mindful of this today and not get too wrapped up in angrily blaming those we love for their distance and fickle natures as of late. 

Saturday, March 2, 2024 

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius


Our week rounds out today with Moon activating the outer two beauties in our macrocosm. There is opportunity for harmony in the home if we expand from the depths we explored over the last few days in the dark trenches of our emotions. Where are we taking all of our inner power and intensity? What are we utilizing that for? Is there something that needs to be rebooted or regenerated in our lives? Did we stumble upon something deeply meaningful during the week that needs to be addressed in a more practical and concrete manner? 


All the nebulousness that surrounded us this week was sure to expose some very personal and even spiritual elements about ourselves, so what showed up that piqued our seeking inquisitiveness? Are we prepared to actively pursue some form of change for the better in our lives? Is there a method we can begin to develop to help facilitate that? Working our way through life is never a journey of profound certainty and clarity. There are brambles, bogs, and beasts that must be conquered. May all our roads to tranquility be lined with teachers, mentors, guides, and a constant elevation of consciousness and mindfulness to absorb the wisdom along the way and apply it as intelligently as possible.



Getting to the heart of our inspiration is a monumental achievement, and there are moments this week where we could conceivably get there. The challenge is going to be having enough faith to trust that when the winds stir the deep dark seas of our souls, we can weather those swells with grace and the wisdom we have acquired thus far. It can be a terrifying experience to find ourselves someplace we have never been before, especially when that place is in the depths of our psyches, souls, and minds. Pisces season is upon us, which means we must relish the beautiful moments of life and not be immediately hard pressed to toss them aside for the sake of constant blood, sweat, and tears. Behold life’s majesty!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-02-15T06:00:00-05:00 2024-02-15T15:57:51-05:00 Striving, Thriving, Shoot for the Stars ✨ Chauncey Erskine

February 18-24, 2024

This week is a journey through the development of our ego, and clashes are possible if we resist the lessons in humility and pride that are also available to us. Those lessons can help us level the playing field and transcend our own inner duel of the sexes. We are also in dire need of naming and lessening the distractions that slow our roll toward our individual mastery and mentorship roles. How are we going to thrive if we do not fortify our genius with respect, dignity, and humility? Saturday’s Full Moon in Virgo helps us negotiate our health and well-being with ourselves and consider how real the struggle is to let go of whatever we allow to debilitate us. Are we ready to let go?



February 18-24, 2024


This week is a journey through the development of our ego, and clashes are possible if we resist the lessons in humility and pride that are also available to us. Those lessons can help us level the playing field and transcend our own inner duel of the sexes. We are also in dire need of naming and lessening the distractions that slow our roll toward our individual mastery and mentorship roles. How are we going to thrive if we do not fortify our genius with respect, dignity, and humility? Saturday’s Full Moon in Virgo helps us negotiate our health and well-being with ourselves and consider how real the struggle is to let go of whatever we allow to debilitate us. Are we ready to let go?


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, February 18, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini trine Mercury in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini trine Sun in Aquarius


As we approach tomorrow’s Chiron-North Node conjunction in Aries, we are fueling up, so to speak, with today’s Gemini Moon alignments. This process includes a healthy dose of emotional detachment, higher consciousness, and personal power to fuel our intentions that should be focused on transmuting our trauma into golden keys to discover just how brilliant and masterful we have the capacity to be. 


There is a talkative, idea-exchanging air about the day, asking us to engage with others light-heartedly yet inspirationally. We might feel like going for a drive someplace beautiful nearby to get away from the hectic headaches our work or home imposes upon us, but we should bring a friend or partner so we can have great conversations on the way there and back again. 


So much of what we are after today is arriving at a metaphorical destination that convinces us our talents, strengths, and wisdom are beyond worthy enough to claim our brilliance in whatever field of study, trade, or endeavor we have embarked upon. This is a very powerful surge of future-focused opportunity staring us in the face. And while an outside opportunity may not be presented to us, the real opportunity is in realizing how capable and badass we already are, the amount of work awaiting us on the road ahead, and the end game potentials inherent in our master plan.







Monday, February 19, 2024 👇


*Sun ingresses Pisces at 11:14pm EST (Sunday night)*

Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

*Chiron conjunct Moon’s North Node in Aries*

Moon in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus


Though Sun entered Pisces late last night, I am delineating that today. This of course marks the annual beginning of Pisces season. A time when we arrive with our diverse array of new ideas, ideals, and visions at the vast deep sea of possibility. These high-minded visions can begin to coalesce with the unseen forces and mysteries surrounding us, thereby guiding us and revealing to us just how formidable and willing the world is to delight in our efforts to manifest them into our tangible reality.


This is all tied in to our deepening emotional experience of our deeply personal voyage through life. As I mentioned in a talk I gave back in December about this Chiron-North Node conjunction, we are fortifying our will to not just survive, but to thrive. What exactly is it that we want to will into existence in our lives? Have we taken a long hard look at all the facets of our lives to determine what it is we are desiring to bring into being for a much more glorious future? Our distractions need to dwindle, our confidence needs to surge, and our determination needs to be fortified and unwavering if we are to brush the most eloquent strokes of genius onto our life’s canvas. Securing our sustainability with such fortification can ensure our emotional security too, thus basking our life in a sense of serenity and satisfaction we have not felt before.


As Chiron begins its journey through the northern reaches of Moon’s path, we too begin our journey in the direction of wisdom, mentorship, and mastery. Humility, focus, and determination are essential to get there.






Tuesday, February 20, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square its nodes and Chiron in Aries

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


Today we are checking in with our emotional body to see how we are faring the swells of this mighty and unforgiving sea. Do we feel as though we are on a road of contentment, a road of massive change, or a road of devastation? Is that road going to smooth out or get rockier when we go around the next bend? Though life can devastate us and throw us around like a beach ball sometimes, how do we respond and react to such challenges? Are we hopeful? Are we victims? Are we even aware of how we respond and react?


These emotional swings sometimes need a little lubrication so they don’t squeak from so much back and forth. Is it time we jump ship and land on our own two feet and walk away? These are very personal considerations that we all should ponder, especially when we find ourselves in the thick of difficult or painful situations. Maybe if we concentrate intently enough we can figure out just how honest we have been with ourselves about what we truly want from life. Perhaps it is as simple as tranquility. What inspires us to find our peace and joy?












Wednesday, February 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Leo opposite Venus and Mars in Aquarius


Our excitement for life today could spark some valuable growth in the department of inner awakening. We might feel less inhibited to express ourselves creatively, less afraid to expose our individuality, and more inclined to wag our tail and relish our own swagger. This is not to say that some highfalutin personality police won’t pass their demeaning judgement upon us, but we have quite a bit of juice in our tanks to devoid ourselves of caring what they think.


Once we experience what it is like to boldly let go of our inhibitions, we begin to recognize how afraid we have been for so long, and we rapidly become liberated enough to find pride in our individuality. The following challenge is of course balancing our pride with humility. When we set ourselves free from the chains of other people’s judgement, we truly embark upon our voyage of life.


We are presented with an opportunity to consider not just the polarity of the sexes and how we feel about that deep within, but the underlying sanctity of these two opposing forces within us. It is likely we could experience a clash of egos on a more mundane front, thus igniting and exposing any imbalance of these polarities in our own conditioning. While this may be unwelcomed and prove aggravating, if we check in with our own conditioning and perspectives, we might find some invaluable lessons lurking there for us to embrace and take to heart. 







Thursday, February 22, 2024 👇


Venus conjunct Mars in Aquarius

Moon in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus


Venus joins Mars in Aquarius early this morning, triggering any salty array of relational ego issues, so it would be ideal to channel this potential into personal reflection upon our own inner polarities. Checking in with our perspectives and attitudes toward the opposite sex is always a good idea, and this time we might find there is still a good deal of growth needed in that department. While it is relatively easy to think we believe and feel we are open minded and not antagonistic toward the opposite sex, there is usually some thread of our thoughts and feelings that still lingers around our conditioning and cumulative personal experiences. Let’s learn to honor the other with grace, love, forgiveness, and acceptance.


Complicating matters, our ego could be threatened by a lack of wherewithal to achieve whatever greatness we anticipated achieving. Perhaps we are afraid we do not have what it takes to get to where we want to be. Or maybe we have been led to believe that by someone whose opinion matters perhaps more than it should to us. Getting ourselves financially situated in a way that empowers us can be a very challenging task, and one that can unfortunately shape our own feelings about ourselves. However, the work always begins with our attitude about ourselves, and today loudly beckons this need into our lives. You are good enough! 








Friday, February 23, 2024 👇


*Mercury ingresses Pisces*

Moon in Virgo opposite Mercury in Pisces


Mercury joins Sun, Saturn, and Neptune in the sign of unity, timelessness, and delusion today, sending our logistics and communication skills off the cliff. Okay, not really. But we should not be too surprised when, over the next two weeks, we have a harder time getting our point across, our plans to coalesce with those of others, or find ourselves daydreaming about the poetics and wonderment of life. These Piscean influences are sure to directly affect how we manage our lives and share that management with others. 


Perhaps this daydreaming plunge into the giant sea of life can be a bit less sudden with the help of opposing Moon in Virgo, helping to allay any delusion-induced catastrophes we might otherwise encounter in the rocks below. The stark polarity of chaos and order begins to chime in again this evening, reminding us that not everything is explainable. Ken Kesey once said that the mysteries are more important than the answers, and if we take a moment to consider that, we find this Piscean statement to be not just understandably true, but necessary to accepting so much of what life presents to us. We are not meant to understand everything. Not even a large portion of it all.




















Saturday, February 17, 2024  

*Full Moon at 5° Virgo at 7:31am EST*

Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus


This Full Moon in Virgo amplifies the importance of our health and well-being. Full Moons are an ideal time to let go of unhealthy or unwanted habits. The Moon begins to wane and fade from sight, allowing the release of something we no longer wish to carry around with us. Of course letting go of any habit has its challenges, and this is no exception. With Sun and three planets in Pisces, it can tough to make it through the challenge of letting go, but if our health is compromised in any way, we should take to the streets of our psyche and protest its insistence upon prolonging whatever is debilitating us unnecessarily. Our minds hold the keys to those jailhouse doors.


Establishing our forte, in light of recent revelatory transits and opportunities, may crawl into focus today, perhaps bringing with it a solid understanding of what kind of solid foundation needs to be under it for that forte to thrive. We are gaining respect for both sides of the coin of clarity and confusion. One implies we have control and one implies we do not. But if we know what we are good at, what we want to pursue, and what matters to us, we can roll with the rolling marine layers that drift in from the vast seascape by anchoring ourselves in those convictions. All we really need to do is believe in ourselves, know what we love and want, and preserve all of that the best we can. 










This week shifts us through the phases of learning what we need to know, processing exactly how we will utilize that knowledge, and showing up to apply all of that wisdom as practically and productively as possible. The world swirls around us, and it is so hard sometimes to catch our breath and stay on task with our passions and desires intact. If we remain focused on what we want out of the whole kit and caboodle, we can at least know we put forth the effort necessary to get us where we want to be, even if we have to keep trying and trying to land safely at that end game scenario. As Casey Kasem said, “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!”


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-02-07T19:00:00-05:00 2024-02-15T17:07:26-05:00 Tranquil Taurean Energy At Terrapin Station 🐢 Chauncey Erskine
February 11-17, 2024


This week we are developing both a grounded sense of destiny and advanced new perspectives to guide us into our brightening future. The bold and often reckless desires of an Aries Moon are challenged by a need for patience as rapid Aquarius season comes into full swing. Both Mars and Venus ingress Aquarius and immediately join Pluto there, amping up our relational growth and personal transformations in ways that we may have not anticipated. The desire for rapid implementation of advancements and perspectives in our lives is quelled by steadfast Taurean and Saturnian influences that remind us to be responsible and methodic on our voyage to such beautiful ideals...



February 11-17, 2024


This week we are developing both a grounded sense of destiny and advanced new perspectives to guide us into our brightening future. The bold and often reckless desires of an Aries Moon are challenged by a need for patience as rapid Aquarius season comes into full swing. Both Mars and Venus ingress Aquarius and immediately join Pluto there, amping up our relational growth and personal transformations in ways that we may have not anticipated. The desire for rapid implementation of advancements and perspectives in our lives is quelled by steadfast Taurean and Saturnian influences that remind us to be responsible and methodic on our voyage to such beautiful ideals.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, February 11, 2024 👇


Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Pisces sextile Venus in Capricorn


Today we are grounding our otherwise sublime feels with sharp focus and rational values. Despite the Pisces Moon, there is motivation available to us if we utilize our mental faculties and maintain an even, rational keel while carrying out our projects and pursuits. Of course, there is a chance that the blissful sways of the Moon lure us into its dreamy lair, but if we have work to stay sharp, we can accomplish what we set out to do, maybe even with some excitement to go along with it.


It is important to know that Pisces Moons can often tempt us or persuade us into doing things we had not anticipated doing, so it would be wise to be mindful that any pause in making decisions should be a bit more thorough than usual. Is the persuasion ideal, helpful, practical, and aligned with our values? Sometimes we need to be tempted to learn how to create healthier boundaries, so perhaps we should exercise due diligence with anything that comes our way in the form of an alluring opportunity, especially with Moon joining Neptune in Pisces in the middle of the night.

Monday, February 12, 2024 👇


Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius


We sure can be energized to tackle our tasks today, as long as there is some form of positive growth and enhancement that goes along with it. We sometimes do do do without thinking about how such doing is not necessarily getting us anywhere. Our motivation today is more focused on getting somewhere we have ideally been wanting to go. And this is not necessarily a physical location or destination, this is about our dreams, goals, and futuristic ideas.


What we may lose in this charged pursuit is the support of anyone who tends to follow rules and do things “by the book.” This is a rebellious aspect that warrants some classy misbehavior. Of course I am not endorsing harmful acts in any way, instead I am simply saying that we should not be afraid to step out of the norms of societal conditioning, because rarely does that get us someplace we have never been. In the words of Lew Welch, “Step out onto the Planet. Draw a circle 100 feet round. Inside the circle are 300 things nobody understands and, maybe, nobody’s ever seen. How many can you find?”

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 👇


*Mars ingresses Aquarius*

Moon in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius

Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon conjunct its North Node and Chiron in Aries


Yesterday’s rebellion to execute some type of transformative experience in our lives is further validated and enabled by today’s aspects. There is further motivation with Mercury now involved, and Mars’s ingress into forward-thinking and rebellious Aquarius pretty much brings out all the stops to step on the gas pedal and floor it to the finish line, wherever that is! Again, this is not encouragement to recklessly speed our way into an unknown future with no foresight or forethought, but it could end up being what happens if we are not careful enough to exercise patience and think through whatever hair-brained ideas we have.


Sometimes we overthink when we want to initiate something by pushing it further and further into the future. Perhaps this is because we do not feel ready, we are afraid of change, we are afraid of success, or we are afraid of failure. But when Mars enters the sign of ideals and eccentricity, there is seldom a better time to take the bull by its horns and ride it like you stole it. What have we been wanting to embark upon? What have we sighted in the distance through our telescope that we are so curious about? Let’s go!


Venus’s sextile to Neptune can help ground and stabilize our otherwise blatant gusto, at least by way of some pragmatic aspiration and sensibility. What we might lose through such blatant verve, we can make up for with this duo imparting their combined, albeit somewhat paradoxical, rationale and reason. 


Something we should all be deeply aware of as Moon passes its North Node and Chiron is that we are learning how to better avoid distractions so that we can more quickly come to master our ambitions, practices, and fields of study. There is no doubt this could be one of the most important conjunctions this year (Chiron conjunct Moon’s North Node on Feb 19). More about that next week, but for now, we must take careful notice of any distractions that just are not helping our pursuit of mastery. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 👇


Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Aries square Venus in Capricorn

Moon in Taurus square Mars and Pluto in Aquarius


All that rebellion? We may be facing the consequences in some form or another today. But we should not be discouraged by this. There is always backlash when we strike out against a norm by standing up for truth and creativity. These rebellious acts could merely be committing to a new path, a new job, or a new perspective. Whatever it is, there can be volatility, sensitivity, and fast, rash, even reckless decisions and actions taken, so we need to be calm, cool, and collected if we want this new venture to endure and succeed.


Taking in all the cues we may have overlooked over the past couple of days would be ideal, if we have the patience for it. We could become so headstrong that we don’t care if we miss any cues, but some of those cues could signal boundaries and limitations we might otherwise forget about. Are we being compassionate, selfless, and thoughtful toward our loved ones and friends so that we do not burn any bridges? Have we taken all conceivable consequences into consideration? Someone could very likely be challenging our progressive approach and thinking, so we should be sure we have sensible and justifiable reasoning behind whatever match we are striking anew. We cannot let the snags of overlooking consequences destroy our visionary pursuit toward our brilliant ideals.  

Thursday, February 15, 2024 👇


Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Taurus square Mercury in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus


As it is natural for us to become much more focused on enhancing and progressing our perspectives and ideals during Aquarius season, when Sun is joined by the inner personal planets through the sign, we must consider how those planets are aspecting planets in other signs and how that affects that progressive unfoldment. Today we have continued opportunity to adjust our sails to compensate for the recent shift in the wind. The winds are blowing from new directions and whispering our needs upon them. What is the wind telling us today?


Again, these new ideals and perspectives may not be extreme or extravagantly outlandish, but there are certainly exciting new thoughts and projects appearing and presenting themselves to us in some form or another. The question is are we prepared to somewhat destabilize our comfortable and stubborn hold on the status quo? This question will need to be answered by the inner master in all of us to determine if we are willing to let go of perhaps gluttonous pleasures to advance our position towards such leadership. And it all comes down, once again, to redefining what we value and appreciate most in our lives. These things can shift, so we must learn to be open and willing to shift with them. 

Friday, February 16, 2024 👇


Moon in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces

First quarter Moon in Taurus

*Venus ingresses Aquarius*

Moon in Gemini trine Venus and Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus


Today’s medley of aspects begins to incorporate a progression of new information and knowledge to feed our building hunger for ideal growth and advancement. Moon’s entrance into informational Gemini is immediately supported and harmonized with Venus’s ingress into fellow air sign Aquarius and Pluto’s still-infantile tenure there. There can seem to be a harmonic resonance with fresh ideas, new input, books and resources we had never seen or opened before, and an all-around thirst to learn more. We should take this as a good sign that our ideals are able to manifest with careful and strategic planning and execution.


With Sun, Pluto, and all the inner planets now in Aquarius and no planets retrograde, we are in the exciting phase of rapid change, adjustment, alignment, and progress. The important thing to realize during such a phase is that nothing good comes quick or easy. We must make every effort to recalibrate our coordinates, our course, and our destination if we are to get where we want to be in the future. Certain blockages or seeming setbacks can arise today that may appear to want to stagnate our forward motion, but this is simply so that we can take stock of our resources, our sustainability, and our wherewithal to make more reliable and achievable plans and goals. 


Where do we see ourselves in due time? What sort of things do we see ourselves casting into the sea so we can get there? All eyes are beginning to roll toward Chiron’s conjunction with Moon’s North Node on Monday. Which reminds me, all these aspects I delineate are perfecting aspects. Their influence is felt before and after in different ways. I have found that some people experience their influence much more leading up to their perfecting, while others, such as myself, seem to feel them shortly afterward. Regardless, it is worth noting the volume of such dissonance and resonance is heard differently by everyone.









Saturday, February 17, 2024 

Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


The conceivable setbacks or stagnation that we might have begun to feel yesterday carries into today, though these are blessings in disguise. As I mentioned before, nothing good comes quick or easy, and this Aquarius season, especially with a Gemini Moon, wants things to rapidly advance to where we want to be immediately. But we would be fools to think that is the most responsible and reliable course of action. There must always be mindful appreciation for, adherence to, and respect given to the laws of the universe, the laws of the tides, the laws of nature that we do not control and cannot manipulate. 


Slowing down, considering where we have been, where we are, and where we want to go are all hallmarks of valuable wisdom. Saturn wants to structure our future and stabilize the foundations upon which we will build that future, and this is a lesson today’s Gemini Moon will be relearning from him. Not only that lesson, but the lesson of how to thread the needle of implementing our immense backlog of lessons and teachings in order to facilitate the brightest and most joyful future imaginable. It begins with shedding the pain, the trauma, and the agony, either self-imposed or imposed by others, that we have lived with for so long.


In the words of Robert Hunter, “Inspiration, move me brightly. Light the song with sense and color. Hold away despair. More than this I will not ask. Faced with mysteries dark and vast. Statements just seem vain at last. Some rise, some climb, some fall to get to Terrapin.”


This week’s increased speed with which we receive, approach, and go about our lives must be tempered by the grounding influence of Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus’s presence in stable and resourceful Taurus if we are to make the kind of progress we want to. The week starts out bold, desirous, and hopeful, and the excitement can be infectious, but we always have to remember the story of the hare and the tortoise. Blue skies are on the horizon and the Sun is coming out, but we have healthy boundaries, due diligence, and an enormous accumulation of information and knowledge to strategically implement if we are to bask gloriously and tranquilly in those golden rays.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-01-31T19:00:00-05:00 2024-02-07T23:07:24-05:00 Mastering the Moon's Magic 🌚 Chauncey Erskine
February 4-10, 2024


This is a week to contemplate our place in the grand transpersonal world in which we live. There are lessons in focus, distraction, emotions, boundaries, progress, foundations, and the unnamable beauty that surrounds and pervades all we see everywhere every day. What we are most needing to address this week is how efficiently we are making progress toward our dreams and ideals. What distracts us on our path toward adeptness? What gets in the way of our growth and evolution? Can we restructure our lives to reestablish optimum efficiency? Let’s absorb what the outer world has to teach our inner world and abide by that wisdom...


February 4-10, 2024


This is a week to contemplate our place in the grand transpersonal world in which we live. There are lessons in focus, distraction, emotions, boundaries, progress, foundations, and the unnamable beauty that surrounds and pervades all we see everywhere every day. What we are most needing to address this week is how efficiently we are making progress toward our dreams and ideals. What distracts us on our path toward adeptness? What gets in the way of our growth and evolution? Can we restructure our lives to reestablish optimum efficiency? Let’s absorb what the outer world has to teach our inner world and abide by that wisdom.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, February 4, 2024 👇


Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces


Today presents us with a lesson in timing and strategy. There are timing lessons in life that teach us how to tactfully act, engage, or withdraw from certain situations or experiences. Moon and Saturn are known for being the timekeepers in our solar system. Moon’s synodic cycle is approximately 29.5 days, while Saturn’s sidereal cycle is approximately 29.5 years. These similarities emphasize how these two bodies represent timing, and thus when they are in aspect there can often be lessons in timing to pay attention to.


Sagittarius and Pisces are the soul-seeking signs that encourage the outward expansion of our consciousness and yielding to the mysteries we cannot understand. Practically speaking, we must at once embrace our passion to seek wisdom and sacred knowledge while understanding there are certain mysteries we are just not meant to understand or grasp. The tension between these facets of life can be frustrating, but ultimately their paradox is the omnipresent magic that flows through everything. We need to learn to be at peace with that which we cannot control, while carefully timing our choices to coincide with what we can control.  

Monday, February 5, 2024 👇


Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries

Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

Moon in Sagittarius sextile Sun in Aquarius

Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces


There is an elaborate, perfecting alignment of many celestial bodies this morning, followed by the Moon-Neptune square late this evening. In an effort to synthesize these alignments, I will offer an encompassing delineation. 


We are facing the music of our own path to mastery and all the ways our wisdom is gathered from transpersonal experiences. These transpersonal experiences, however, directly influence our personal psyche and identity, so we must ascertain what we gather as wisdom and what we should leave behind as distractions. Chiron’s medicine teaches us how to transmute our trauma into wisdom for future healing. These personal planets in transpersonal signs are all directly aspecting Chiron, asking us to focus intently upon exactly how our inner child has grown more wise through our more expansive outer world experiences.


What is it about those outer world experiences that has brought us more clarity about how we identify with ourselves? There can be an amassed array of revelations today showing us how far we have come on our voyage of mastery. We can notice the expansive inspirations that guided us here, the dedication and hard work we put in out of love, and the high standards we set for ourselves to reach further and deeper into our inner space and individuation. 


Unwrapping all of this while channeling the transformative potential it offers can lead us to momentous awakenings and insight into our unique capacities to master, teach, and heal ourselves and those whose paths cross our own. We should be watchful for what morsels of wisdom and revelation unfold before us today. Much can be learned if we lay down our expectations and open our doors of perception as wide as possible. As Moon squares Neptune later in the evening, delusions we had not recognized may come to light, helping us better attune to the wisdom we need to evolve gracefully and productively.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024 👇


Venus in Capricorn square Moon’s nodes

Sun in Aquarius trine/sextile Moon’s nodes

Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces and trine Jupiter in Taurus


Tempting as it may be to charge forth into our future inspired by yesterday’s revelations, we should be patient today by reflecting upon how those revelations relate to our journey thus far. Where are we going? Why are we going there? What do we hope to accomplish along the way? What have we accomplished thus far? These reflective practices help us consider our choices more carefully by analyzing the choices we have made in the past.


Venus in Capricorn teaches us how to work together to achieve our goals, how to embrace our values with pragmatism and realism so that we can sustain how they enrich our lives, and how to balance our hard work with poesy and beauty so that our life is in harmony with our nature. Remember, making an honest living is doing something that reflects our nature. This balancing act is delicate but worth our reflection. 


As we climb the mountains of our aspirations, we must be sure our foundations are secure and stable enough to withstand our growth. We must also be sure we are following our hearts and embracing the values defined by our love and desires. If we understand the importance of these imperatives, opportunities will more often present themselves to us along the way. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 👇


Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon conjunct Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces


We are challenged today by our drive to sincerely be the leader and mentor we hope to be. Even if we are already mentors in some capacity, there is always more to learn that can help fortify our standing in such a role. We should be very mindful of any distractions that lure us off our path and into the brush and bracken. While these dissuasions can often teach us valuable lessons, they also have the potential to unfocus our attentiveness to our goals, thus prolonging our journey toward greater mastery and wisdom. 


It is easy to hang our coat on the hook of stability and security, but what if we kept our coat on and ventured out to see what else we can find to excite our senses and seek greater inspiration? Our values are defined by our desires and inspiration, so what if we were to stumble upon something we have never considered before that ignited an entirely new passion inside us? If we loosen the reins that have guided us to where we are, we might feel more inclined to veer into territories unfamiliar to us. There are doors that open into vast landscapes no one has ever seen. What will we find if we open them?


As the evening settles in, we could feel a pinch to bring our lofty ideals down to earth and ground our priorities into workable achievements. This may sound depressing, but when we live too long in the realm of ideals, we forget that those ideals are often impractical and unachievable. But when we are gifted an aspect such as Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, we can reconcile those ideals with pragmatic possibilities and learn to marry them so what manifests is tangible enough to be an achievement towards those ideals. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024 👇


Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Moon conjunct Mercury in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus


Furthering our efforts to pragmatize our ideals, today’s configurations exemplify those efforts. On one hand we want to push the envelope into uncharted territories, perhaps even stirring up some controversy, but in the end, what exactly is our motive? This is the question of the day.


Though our thoughts may be racing and struggle to slow down enough to contemplate our motives, we would better off making the effort to do so. Today can bring enormous inspiration to bring our career, our goals, or our hopes to new and adventurous places. There may seem to be some other-worldly entities tugging at our line to see if we might follow them into as-yet unexplored areas. What others might scoff at as unrealistic or outlandish, we embrace as enlightening potential to rise to never-before-seen heights.


Our personal ideals are often not nurtured due to fear of embarrassment or shame, but what if we could make our way over that brick wall of shame and race off in the direction of those ideals fleet-footed and unabashed? Sure we might run smack into another wall, but at least that wall would be a wall of impossibility instead of embarrassment. We can at least say we tried and be proud of our efforts. This grounding of our dreams inevitably shows us what is possible and what is not, so we should at the very least consider trying to reach for some of those valuable ideals, even at the risk of embarrassment. We just need to be prepared to be humbled by what is not possible.

Friday, February 9, 2024 👇


Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

*New Moon at 20° Aquarius at 5:58pm EST*


We all become proficient at many things throughout the course of our lives, and some things we may actually become so adept at that we are considered masters of. The adepts journey is not an easy one. It can be fraught with setbacks and failures, all but destroying our confidence and commitment to them. But when we are able to dedicate ourselves despite all odds, we can make considerable headway on that path toward mastery. 


All that said, one of the most intrusive wrenches that can bring our grinding efforts to a halt is emotional turmoil. When people and experiences disrupt the harmonious grace of our daily lives, we often become so sidetracked that we cannot put any energy into the valuable work we are doing to attain mastery in our field. Today’s Aquarius Moon can offer an opportunity to detach from the emotional chaos that may be infiltrating our lives. This can be a challenge, however, that needs to be addressed delicately with those who might otherwise feel entitled to dump their turbulence on us.


As the New Moon ensues later in the afternoon, we are wrapping up a Capricorn lunation and birthing an Aquarian lunation. This again is related to emotional detachment, but it is more precisely about weeding out the distractions to be able to focus on our end game. These annual Aquarius New Moons are opportunities to invest in progress and substantial advancement toward our ideals, so it would be ideal to sit quietly to consider what we are improving, how we can improve them, and what the motives and intentions are behind those passions. Just remember to kindly draw lines in the sand so your focus and determination is not thwarted by unnecessary distractions.

Saturday, February 10, 2024 

Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces

Moon in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus


The functionality of our lives again comes into focus today, begging us to revisit our bullet point list of our most pressing matters. What needs to be prioritized most? What are we doing to generate sustainability and improve our financial position in all matters related to money? Setting aside time to discuss these things with a partner, an advisor, or just with ourselves can help us better understand how we need to proceed in order to make our lives more ideal and aligned with the standards we are hopefully elevating from time to time.


As we grapple with our financial positions, we are also mixing up more concrete to add to the foundation of our lives. Though the mixture may remain wet a little longer than we want it to, we are at least making progress trying to establish a more solid footing that our future can stand on. As we work to establish this more solid footing, we should recognize how valuable our inner candle is. The presence of a desire to seek enlightenment through any healthy means should be part of our standard repertoire. And enlightenment is not reaching some permanent Nirvanic state while sitting in zazen. It can come from a one line of poetry, one bar of music, one sentence of fiction, one flower, one cloud, or anything that reminds us of our incapacity to understand how life can be so beautiful. That unnamable magic that is omnipresent just waiting for any and all of us to see it, feel it, and know that it exists.











This is not a week to be kicking back waiting for the check to arrive in the mail. There is work to do, boundaries to draw, and contemplation to make time for, all while sleeping, eating, drinking, walking, and managing our hectic lives. Though that is always a tall order, and not one we have not had to deal with before, it is becoming more and more critical that we embrace what we choose to excel at. The more distractions we can leave along the trail for others to gather the better, as long as we are not foolish letting go of anything that can help us reach our end game. We are finding our magic, focusing on that magic, and mastering that magic. What is standing in the way?


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-01-25T06:30:00-05:00 2024-01-25T16:55:02-05:00 Harmonious Waves Come From Deep Water 🌊 Chauncey Erskine

January 28 – February 3, 2024


How we relate to other people is one of the most integral and meaningful parts of life. This week allows us to focus on relating and shows us how valuable it is to incorporate other people into our life, despite our tendency to feel like, and want to, do so much alone. Humbling ourselves, recognizing the integrity of others, and allowing ourselves to let go of whatever control we feel is necessary to succeed can help open up doors we had not noticed or expected before. May we all get along and make things work better for the betterment of all...



January 28 – February 3, 2024


How we relate to other people is one of the most integral and meaningful parts of life. This week allows us to focus on relating and shows us how valuable it is to incorporate other people into our life, despite our tendency to feel like, and want to, do so much alone. Humbling ourselves, recognizing the integrity of others, and allowing ourselves to let go of whatever control we feel is necessary to succeed can help open up doors we had not noticed or expected before. May we all get along and make things work better for the betterment of all!


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, January 28, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus

Mars in Capricorn square Moon’s nodes

Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus


Aside from Mars squaring Moon’s nodes today, we find ourselves in the midst of grounding harmonies that reinforce the importance of our worth in our professions and our personal lives. These are personal planets aspecting outer, more social and transpersonal planets, which allows for the decompression of any stress and anxiety we have been experiencing related to our standing in society and our professional reputation. 


It has been said that what does not kill us makes us stronger. While this is arguably false in some contexts, the gist of its implications can be applied to the value of today’s multitude of trine aspects. These aspects often act as a release of pressure that has built up over time, which is usually welcomed in our typically stressful and busy lives. But such a release of pressure can sometimes open up the sluice gates of our grievances, making us (or others) feel entitled to unload them all at once upon whoever is close by, creating overwhelming and uncalled-for chaos.


Today offers a wonderful sense of accomplishment in our field of study and work. We can see the progress we have made, we can feel proud of that progress, and this can refuel our passions to continue pursuing our dreams and inspirations. If ever we needed a pat on the back, a heartwarming compliment, or outward gratitude for the fine work we are doing for others, today can bless us with such possibilities. Just remember that we are all doing the best we can, even if we can do better moving forward. All good things in all good time.


Monday, January 29, 2024 👇


Moon in Virgo trine Mars and Mercury in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus


There is a continuation of harmonious waves rolling in and out of our day today. The Virgo Moon promises a substantial level of acuity and keen discernment early in the day, allowing us to recognize the intrinsic values that shape our efforts to achieve the accolades of our calling. We are striving to master what we believe in, what we are fascinated by, and what we want to share with others, taking what we have learned and witnessed and stepping it up a few notches to make the world a better place. 


We may face opposition or distraction from less motivated individuals or our own detrimental behavior patterns, but we can try instead to recognize these possibilities as lessons in focus, determination, and organization. There is a steadfast capacity for control and functionality during a Virgo Moon, but when it opposes Neptune in Pisces we can notice exactly what triggers confusion, chaos, disarray, and distraction. So, while we can delight in the harmonies and relish our progress, we must always be vigilant of what causes us to drift off into the nethers of Neverland. Wrapping our heads around the tides of our mental acumen helps us better understand our behavior patterns, including the whispers that call us toward the poetic subtleties of life, which are not without enormous value in any climate. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra square Venus in Capricorn


Moon ingresses Libra today, reminding us of the value of other people in our lives. So often we try to convince ourselves that we can single-handedly take care of any myriad things that need to be accomplished, forgetting that asking for help could expedite and even improve the results. This is the medicine of Libra. Quite simply, when we work with others, we increase the potential for achievement and impact upon our world.


It is quite likely that something or someone will remind us today that we do not have to go it alone. This could unravel as a frustrating tizzy while we are adamantly refusing to allow someone else to help us in some way or another. We might be so absorbed in our ego that we want to achieve something in our career without anyone else’s help that we fail or miss the mark. This can then fly back in our faces as recognition that we did not honor the value of someone else’s virtues enough to swallow our own pride. We must remember that we can achieve great things when we work together.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries

Moon in Libra square Mars in Capricorn


Today we continue learning the valuable lesson of allowing ourselves to work with others and to trust their integrity. While our mastery is ours alone, it is never achieved without a mentor or someone exhibiting attributes we strive to emulate. Teachers do not just teach and students do not just learn. Teachers are students and students are teachers. The world seems to insist this process is hierarchal, but it is not. We all will forever remain both students and teachers.


Our relationships could experience a jolt if we are not privy to the value of partnership and how that partnership can further our advances in our career or whatever we are trying to accomplish. Boundaries could get crossed today, our reputation could face scrutiny, or our sense of control and independence could vanish in the haze. We need to sincerely pause to notice how valuable those we love are to us. We need to support, uplift, and empower those we love if we are to expect the same from them. While this is not always reciprocal, our selflessness will teach us and them so much if we keep our aim true.  

Thursday, February 1, 2024 👇


Moon in Libra square Mercury in Capricorn

Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius


We are once again faced with recognizing how to work with others better, but today we especially are focused on how to better communicate our needs and goals. We all have boundaries, principles, and some level of desire for recognition, but those we work with and those we love do not always know exactly what those boundaries or principles are if we do not voice them. It would behoove us to set aside our fear of backlash and face the task of sharing what those are. Even if this initially creates some agonizing reactions, they have made their way out into the open and into their earholes for further processing.


That processing can proceed much more effectively and efficiently if the lines have been drawn, the goals have been communicated, and the walls have come down. Imagine how much more progress can be made once all of these challenging tasks have been achieved first? Sure, the tension and side-eyes may linger for a little while, but nothing good comes easy, and setting the record straight off the bat has much more potential to get us where we desire to be than if the fog, distrust, and ignorance remains. Tell it like it is!  

Friday, February 2, 2024 👇

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio sextile Venus in Capricorn

Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio


We are shifting into the more obscure reaches of our psyches today, trying to understand what keeps our ambitions ticking and swimming. On one hand our inspiration envelopes us, while on the other hand we lose sight of inspiration and fall into crevasses of self-pity and self-loathing. This whirlwind of emotional chaos is likely not new to most of us, and how we handle it is yet another challenge we must endure and figure out. 


Allowing ourselves to step back and zoom out from the monotony of the daily grind can do wonders for our psyches and souls, but only if we have some inkling of what to look for when doing so. First and foremost, it is critical to understand with crystal clarity the inevitability of our days being sometimes relaxing and joyful, sometimes frustrating and agonizing, sometimes scary and wracked with anxiety, and sometimes extremely productive and rewarding. It is nearly impossible to live a life filled with only joyful and rewarding days. It is also nearly impossible to live a life filled with only agony and defeat. We must understand the ebb and flow of these amplified subtleties.


Once we understand these inevitabilities, we can roll with them more gracefully and with greater maturity and compassion. How we handle our emotional experiences determines our evolutionary growth, so learning to honor the ebb and flow of other people’s emotional experiences, as well as our own, helps develop what we all should be committed to in the long run: compassion. How have we developed this in our lives? Who has shown us how we need to work on it more? This is a valuable lesson that should never be underestimated.

Saturday, February 3, 2024 

Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Scorpio sextile Mars in Capricorn

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Scorpio sextile Mercury in Capricorn


Continuing our journey through the sacred inner reaches of our psyches sheds light on the value of pragmatism and honesty. While there is indeed value in the more poetic waves of life, we cannot convey or portray our own beauty if we cannot adapt to the inevitable confines of our society and civilization. Such realities can be harsh and demanding, but the rewards are plentiful once we learn how to balance the seemingly two sides of this coin.


It would be ideal today to consider the ways we can work closely with others to sustain our means and wherewithal. As mentioned earlier this week, there is power in numbers, and what we can accomplish together is greater than what we can accomplish alone. So, if we look to consider how others can help us achieve our goals we might find valuable resources to do just that. 


This is also a day in which we can make great strides developing our capacity to create healthier boundaries for ourselves. When others seem to be infiltrating our personal space in ways we do not want them to, we need to study what it is they are doing that makes us feel uncomfortable as well as why it makes us feel uncomfortable. Once we have a better understanding of these things we can move forward drawing those lines in the sand, and today is a good day to consider all of these aspects of healthy boundaries.


The deeper waters of Scorpio may be dark and unfathomable, but there is value in such mystery. We are imagining, we are questioning, and we are presuming things about others that often are not true at all. This is where the dark murky waters can threaten our peace of mind and mental clarity. It is imperative that we learn to be more honest, more compassionate, more forgiving, and more communicative with the important people in our life. This involves developing greater awareness and recognition that other people struggle with the same preponderances that we do and that we cannot expect anyone to be already adept at all of these valuable life processes. Therefore, we are all working on ourselves so that our world becomes a happier, healthier, and more livable and lovable place to coexist. May we all go in peace.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at


]]> 2024-01-21T06:00:00-05:00 2024-01-24T10:26:49-05:00 Full Moon in Leo, Mysteries, Magic, & Roar 🦁 Chauncey Erskine

January 21-27, 2024


The wind is blowing us headlong into the fray of all we deem lovely and worthy this week. From the jittery hullabaloo to the misty mysteries, we are finding out what it is that drives us into the future like a runaway train. Of course it is the magnetic phenomenon of Sun’s massive effect upon us, but it is also the dreams, values, and desires that boil in the bottom of our weary toes. This week’s Full Moon in Leo can show us just how exciting life can be if we stay on track and don’t give up on the magic of our unique identities.,,



January 21-27, 2024


The wind is blowing us headlong into the fray of all we deem lovely and worthy this week. From the jittery hullabaloo to the misty mysteries, we are finding out what it is that drives us into the future like a runaway train. Of course it is the magnetic phenomenon of Sun’s massive effect upon us, but it is also the dreams, values, and desires that boil in the bottom of our weary toes. This week’s Full Moon in Leo can show us just how exciting life can be if we stay on track and don’t give up on the magic of our unique identities.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, January 21, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries


Our Sunday is a good day to soak up the super fresh Aquarian vibes rolling in from Sun and Pluto. These infant vibes are beginning to levitate us up above the peaks of the mountains we have been climbing for over 15 years. It is regal and kind of Sun to usher Pluto into its new domain, ensuring us the spirit of our future is bathed in the warmth and brightness all life needs to survive. The celestial forecast may often seem challenging or bleak, but we must trust the times we are traversing together as days and years of courage, hope, and resilience. 


The chatty and light-hearted Gemini Moon helps alleviate any anxiety or stress that may be lingering from such an emotional near-end to Pluto’s reign in Capricorn. The emotions of our troubles and woes can be freely shared, discussed, and loosened from the chains of their dominion deep inside us, helping to brighten our spirits. Hopefully we can all make time to laugh, dance, or maybe cry tears of relief today, and may the heavens play a plain serenade to help us through.

Monday, January 22, 2024 👇


Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Gemini opposite Venus in Sagittarius


The decompressing lightness of yesterday cleared some space for today’s tendencies for communication and travel disarray, so we should be prepared to explain ourselves more than once, not understand others as well, and maybe sit at an airport or depot longer than expected. The invisible critters are chewing the wires that link the harmonies and clarities to everything and everyone. We just need to be patient, kind, and try to laugh at all of it the best we can. 


After those critters get their fill, we should be in the clear for some lively and inspiring conversations about upcoming adventures we are in the midst of planning, new directions we want to traverse in our ever-expanding consciousnesses, or maybe just some really cool ideas we have been pondering. There is a solid back and forth, give and take, ebb and flow medley playing out in the spaces between us and those in our periphery. We should take advantage by engaging, opening our hearts, minds, eyes, and ears, and expect to be inspired by where our lives are taking us.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

Venus ingresses Capricorn

Moon in Cancer opposite Mercury then Mars in Capricorn


Hopefully the fog from yesterday has dissipated enough, and hopefully our inspiration from yesterday has fortified us enough to conquer today like crabs around a rocky tidal shoreline, because these shifts enveloping us today are emotional reminders to respect the deeply personal and turbulent experiences every person we see are going through. We must make time to quietly process the journey we are on if we are to carry on with that journey with greater ease, clarity, and happiness. Such needs are a part of not just being human, but a part of our evolutionary growth.


Tense discussions could ignite the fierceness in us if we are not conscious of our every motive today. Hopefully we bookmarked yesterday’s inspiring rapport with someone, because we might need to refer back to it to avoid any ego explosions. This is not to say such feisty behavior is imminent, it is merely a reminder to be present and kind when interacting with anyone today.


Venus’s ingress into Capricorn helps initiate the process of integrating all our recent inspiration into our daily lives. “This is not magic, it is reality,” she said. It is time to clear the drawing board and start planning our amazing odyssey ahead. No more lofty, far-fetched ideas that don’t hold water to the feasibility factors. It is time we honor the time-honored virtues of Capricorn’s influence. What works, works. What does not work, does not work. There are limitations to what can be accomplished and forged into existence, so we must humble ourselves in order to stay within the confines of manifest reality to make our dreams come true.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 👇


Moon in Cancer square its nodes

Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces


Moon is stirring up the all-pervading spirit that flows through our lives today. There is a resonating acknowledgement of our divinity that seems to bolster our spirits and remind us that where we have been and where we are going has never been and will never be devoid of that divinity. Everywhere we look there are signs of lessons to be learned. Lessons that can carry us into tomorrow with a worthy task ahead of us. 


These higher echelon influences tap into the mysterious and unexplainable, telling us we need not try to make sense of all things. But pragmatically, we need to learn to nurture our values and our obscure connection to all that is if we are going to sustain any semblance of sanity, joy, and redemption moving forward. Processing the evolution of all that we have found important in our lives throughout our years on Earth helps us land in the presence of today and notice with sparkling clarity what exactly we hold near and dear at this point in our lives.

Thursday, January 25, 2024 👇


Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

*Full Moon at 5° Leo at 12:53pm EST*

Moon in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus


The weight of today’s magnetic push-pull can exhaust us or empower us. On one hand we are reflecting upon our role in the zeitgeist and how much we have contributed to making this world a better place for others. While on the other hand we are magnifying our lens to zero in on our personal principles and how we have been working through our emotional turbulence and trauma of yore. 


The upsets, losses, and deaths we have been dealt cannot be undone, but our recognition of their impact upon our lives is worth making the time to develop and understand more deeply. These lessons prod us from time to time, hoping we take the take the bait so we can be reeled up to see the light of day and blossom like the lotus we deserve to unfold for the world to see. Our colors, our symmetry, our fragrance, and of course our beauty instills a unique magic into the world unlike any magic anyone or anything has ever contributed. We should be proud yet humble to stand boldly engaged in the untouchable present that falls like snowflakes across time. 


This is of course the ideal winding road to take today, but it can be very fraught with angst and frustration if we are not willing to let go of our expectations. Tension and turmoil is seeping out of the manholes into the streets of our daydreams waiting for us to inhale it, so we must be mindful that anything other than exercise does not get our heart pumping unnecessarily. Today’s ideal is to breathe through the lurking challenges and dodge the arrows flying our way. 

Friday, January 26, 2024 👇


Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

Moon in Leo trine Chiron in Aries 

Moon in Leo quincunx Mercury in Capricorn


These exact aspects between these three celestial bodies occur simultaneously. This is a case of deeply identifying with our own pain and suffering but struggling to convey it or even want to work through any of it with someone else. There is a disconnect between our identification and our communication. We see it but don’t’ want to talk about it. And this is perfectly fine. We should honor our willingness to go to those dark musty corners to revisit the pain. We should honor that pain as our own. That pain brought us to where we are today. It showed us things we would not have noticed otherwise.


While this seems somewhat preposterous, it is worth remembering that even in our darkest hour, the light was still shining somewhere inside of us. That light showed us how to pull through, wake up every day and give that day another chance, and how to not find ourselves in situations like that again. Again, there are lessons everywhere we look, even in the most hideous situations. Let’s respect the tumult as fodder for our resilience. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024 👇


Life throws us punches, lays flowers at our feet, and confounds us everywhere in between. How are we to interpret the signs and omens? Where are we to find ourselves two, three, ten years from now if we don’t know which way to go? Quietly pausing in solitude to answer our own questions about how valuable our presence is in the lives of others can help us remember the importance of our magic. Don’t neglect how bright your light can shine!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-01-11T09:30:00-05:00 2024-01-11T09:37:25-05:00 Peer Through the Past Into the Magic of the Future 🪄 Chauncey Erskine

January 14-20, 2024 

The alchemy evident in this week’s transitions will pervade the rest of our lives, especially if we are mindful to harness its potential. So much of what we are working through involves righting wrongs, taking responsibility for past actions, shoring up boundaries, and processing devastating losses. We have been soaking in a cold bath of tradition and conformity, yet stumbling over our own travails in order to notice this. What we have been through and endured has fortified us to begin the process of progress in ways we are not even aware of yet. How many can we find? How will we improve our future with what we have learned from the past...


January 14-20, 2024


The alchemy evident in this week’s transitions will pervade the rest of our lives, especially if we are mindful to harness its potential. So much of what we are working through involves righting wrongs, taking responsibility for past actions, shoring up boundaries, and processing devastating losses. We have been soaking in a cold bath of tradition and conformity, yet stumbling over our own travails in order to notice this. What we have been through and endured has fortified us to begin the process of progress in ways we are not even aware of yet. How many can we find? How will we improve our future with what we have learned from the past?


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, January 14, 2024 👇

Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
Moon in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn
Venus in Sagittarius trine Moon’s North Node in Aries

While a Pisces Moon calls for letting go of our expectations and general plans, there is considerably more grounding potential during today’s initial ingress. There is a reiteration of the need to secure our boundaries, reputation, and foundations upon which our future is supported. And though these things may still seem quite indistinct and unclear, we are facing this haze each month, so hopefully we have garnered a better understanding of their place in our lives and how to implement and sustain them.

This all may come into greater focus as Moon slides into back-to-back sextiles with Jupiter and Mars in earth signs. There is an opportunity to align our philosophical and/or spiritual values with our bodies through some form of physical integration. This could be any form of mindful and awakening exercise, even walking or jogging. While fleeting, the aspect can help instill purposeful reminders into our psyches for vital motivation. This aspect holds hands with our tactical ambitions and instinctual drive to achieve our highest potential, so meditating on the union of all these valuable assets we at once embody and seek can spark some much needed inspiration to move us brightly.

The inspiration follows through to show us how expansive and revealing life can be if we open ourselves up to all the magic that is within us and around us. The beauty of timeless wisdom sleeps in the stars and in our hearts, and we are reminded today just how much that beauty can motivate us to follow our dreams and enlighten our journey towards our destiny.

Monday, January 15, 2024 👇

Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus
Moon in Pisces square Venus in Sagittarius
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn

The foggy sleigh ride through the white forest teaches us to trust the instincts of the horses as our guides. There are obstacles and obstructions, but with the wisdom of their divine consciousness, we are in good hands.

These mystical days help us unite all the scattered pieces of our lives into as-of-yet undefined shapes and purposes, but the unification process ensues regardless. Our thoughts and purposes are scattered, yet they present themselves today as slices of a massive pie in the skies of our dreams. Outwardly, there seems to be a lack of cohesion, yet in the depths of our psyches, we are already aware of the magic the flows through everything, thus assuring a sense of unity, serenity, and tranquility to balance our fears and regrets.

There is no doubt that today can end up being a veritable bath of confusion or delusion, but as the evening settles in, some semblance of structural thinking and management begins to take hold. This might show up as a moment of clarity about an issue we have been confused or misled about. Are we seeing something important for the first time, even though we have noticed it many times before? Tonight we close another zodiacal lunar cycle and birth a new one in Aries. What are we birthing? What is being separated and asked to go it alone?

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 👇

Moon in Aries square Mars in Capricorn

As we drift out of the Piscean spell that was cast over our last two days, we are thrust into the throes of our passions, ambitions, activism, and pursuit of independence. There is such a spicy flare to today’s primary celestial aspect that we might want to keep as much of the day on the chill side as possible. But we should not disrupt our natural instincts to motivate and actively pursue what is driving us up the wall with anticipation and excitement. This is how today is painted by the hues of Moon’s and Mars’s frequencies. Listen to its tune, feel how it thrives from our roots, and watch how it unfolds throughout the day. Just be mindful, kind, and careful of the short-fused tempers that are scattered along every passageway we will find ourselves on.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 👇

Moon conjunct its North Node in Aries
Moon in Aries trine Venus in Sagittarius
First Quarter Moon in Aries

Today presents a gift to peak beneath the veil of uncertainty to not just see clues about our future, but to feel and sense more precisely what our drives and motivations are that shape our future. We all might be able to glimpse what our lives look like in one, two, or five years from now, but do we understand our purpose, our motives, and the values that underlie them? This is a distinct call to pay attention to the subtleties that surround our conversations, our excitement, and whatever melodies ebb and flow through our day.

Adding to this gift is a nuanced expansion of our consciousness and capacity to recognize and be inspired by all the beauty that surrounds us. How does all this beauty play a role in our lives? Does it bring us joy and immersive tranquility? Are we too hung up on the peril of logistics to notice what might counter the stress induced by those logistics? Reaching out with our hearts into territories we have avoided traversing due to fear or anxiety of the unknown could conceivably release us from chains we did not know were imprisoning us. This can all play out as a sort of test to see how we are letting go of any toxic, painful, or stressful scenarios we have long been unsure of how to extricate from our lives.

Thursday, January 18, 2024 👇

Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
Moon in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Taurus trine Mercury in Capricorn
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus
Moon in Taurus trine Mars in Capricorn

Though Taurus is not often considered the most ambitious or productive sign of the zodiac, much can be accomplished today if we can sustain an impressive level of focus and determination, both of which are traits of Taurus. Trines are not always considered motivational, however, so we will need to embrace our capacity to focus if we are to make headway honoring our values and ambitious dreams and goals.

The relatively intoxicating beauty we tapped into yesterday can continue to paint the canvas of today if we remain fixed in our integrity to generate our own beauty wherever we go. It is an integral experience of our relationship to life to notice beauty, feel beauty, and express beauty. It is a cycle that perpetuates if focus is not thwarted by hideous distractions. When we ground ourselves into this magnificence and recognize that we not only embody beauty, we also notice and experience it, thus being conduits of it, we can help share the alchemy that occurs during that process.

Friday, January 19, 2024 👇

Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

The tension that rolls in and out of our lives like waves building and breaking on a beach is part of the dynamic of harmony and dissonance. Like so many other polarities, one feeds off the other. Without one the other would not occur. Today’s Venus-Neptune square in the signs of excess, overwhelm, chaos, and confusion brings a relevant tension to our otherwise harmonious musings and goings on. We would do well to spend time analyzing all the ways we experience and handle overwhelm and excess in our lives. As the tense square subsides, some clarity about how we work through such challenges could surface.

Aside from this pervading influence upon our day, there can be an additional focus on our values again. How do we integrate what inspires us into our lives? How do we integrate our desires into our lives? How do we manage our tendency for excess in our lives? Our values are driven by our desires, but desires can often lead to addiction, abuse, or trouble if left unchecked. We must make time to learn how to be more mindful of these intricate, yet valuable, aspects of our intimate lives. If we are in a relationship, any excessive abuse of these boundaries affects our partner and thus our partnership. Ethics, respect, love, and compassion should ideally be our mantra for working through all of this.

Saturday, January 20, 2024 👇

*Sun conjunct Pluto at 29°59’ Capricorn trine
Moon in Taurus*
*Sun ingresses Aquarius*
Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
*Pluto ingresses Aquarius*

Sun, Moon, and Pluto tango in a swath of finalities today. These three meet and aspect one another at the final arc minute of their respective signs, amplifying like a Marshall stack the emphasis these signs have upon our lives. When we dive into Capricorn, we are shown around a vast, highly functioning factory of productivity, ethical awareness, diligent competence, and profound leadership. How powerful have these attributes been in our lives over the past 15 years? Are we aware of how valuable they all are in the grand scheme of our lives? How do we respect these values? How did we learn how to respect them all over the past 15 years? What lines have we crossed that we will never cross again?

Though transits are not always felt exactly when they perfect, these aspects and ingresses mark a monumental moment in the course of our lives. A moment that shows us where we have been and all that we have learned and accomplished, which we should proudly wag our tails about, but also a moment that asks us to turn to the east and welcome Sun’s and Pluto’s simultaneous transitions into tropical Aquarius. A time to bridge the traditional processes we have grown accustomed to with processes we may not even be aware are possible yet.

There is so much available to us if we only pause long enough to recognize it all. We have all imagined things more advanced, improved, faster, better, more enlightening, more exciting, and more capable of sustaining not just our lives, but the health and future of our planet and every living sentient thing upon it. These visions and dreams come before us blazing like the northern lights in our mind’s eye today. A promising glance and hope for what we might be able to do better than we have ever done before. We must be grateful for the trials we have overcome, the lives of those no longer with us, and the wisdom we have acquired through all the turbulence of the past 15 years and apply it to everything we do from this day forward.


This is no small week to scoff at. This is a turning point in not just our own journey, but the journey of all sentient beings. Though Pluto will once more retrograde back into Capricorn later this year, it will be very short-lived. We should plan on reflecting back on all we have achieved, endured, and learned since 2008. What beauty have we witnessed, lost, awakened to, or created? How do we integrate beauty into our lives? Do we take it for granted? Do we take advantage of it? Are we doing what we can to express our own beauty and reflect the beauty we recognize wherever we go? Intimacy can blossom when we lay down our fears and open up our arms to the winds of love and affection. May we all invest in peace and forgiveness and hope!


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at
]]> 2024-01-04T06:00:00-05:00 2024-01-04T06:00:00-05:00 Seeds of Desires and Dreams Fertilized With Love ❤️ Chauncey Erskine

January 7-13, 2024

This is a transformative week that can shift us out of the old and into the new in ways we are not anticipating. While this can seem unsettling and not to be taken lightly, we can rest assured that it will veer us away from our norms, likely with more joy than sorrow. The New Moon on Thursday is one that can catapult us into the next dimension of the work we do. Not necessarily our career, though it surely will affect that, but more so our motivation to get to where we want to be sooner than later. This is a time of sowing our desires and dreams in the composted fields of our past so we can reap them with joy and hope in the golden glow of our future...


January 7-13, 2024


This is a transformative week that can shift us out of the old and into the new in ways we are not anticipating. While this can seem unsettling and not to be taken lightly, we can rest assured that it will veer us away from our norms, likely with more joy than sorrow. The New Moon on Thursday is one that can catapult us into the next dimension of the work we do. Not necessarily our career, though it surely will affect that, but more so our motivation to get to where we want to be sooner than later. This is a time of sowing our desires and dreams in the composted fields of our past so we can reap them with joy and hope in the golden glow of our future.


Daily Astrology Forecast


Sunday, January 7, 2024 👇

Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn
Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

We can feel a sort of emotional release today in the shape of sadness, anger, or even pure bliss. However it unfolds for us, we should be aware that this is a release, which means we are letting something go. The tensions that have built up over the past week are working themselves out through this rather cathartic process. It is a good thing and one that should be welcomed. It just might be best to be conscious of how, when, and towards whom the release is directed.

The additional processes unraveling today ask us to take a brief, preliminary examination of our growth over the past 15 years. This sounds like a big deal, and while in a way it is, our real focus on this process will present itself on Thursday when Moon joins Pluto in Capricorn for one of the last times in our lives (also in Sep, Oct, and Nov). This can be quite healing and worth our time because we all know how much we have grown in 15 years. And while it is obvious that everyone has grown, we should take into account the ways in which we have grown through the Plutonian influence. More on this in Thursday’s post.

Are we doing the best we can integrating some method of spiritual awareness and practice into our lives? Do we have a foundation upon which our awareness and philosophy is supported? While relatively fleeting, these are worthy considerations to contemplate today. There is at once depth and expansion occurring. We are traversing the inner depths and outer reaches of our soul, seeking wisdom, guidance, and ultimately a connection to the divine. The process to get to where we wish to be on this voyage sometimes requires frustrations to exacerbate our need for it. They are winks and nudges to get us out of our ruts.

Monday, January 8, 2024 👇

Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius
Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces

Happy New Year! I would like to wish all of you a healthy, tranquil, and abundant year ahead!

The wisdom we seek to help us better understand our purpose and journey through life is often acquired through our failures and shortcomings. The wisdom we gather through our relationships is no exception to this process. When we make it through these failures and shortcomings still intact, and especially open to the lessons hidden within them, we can find ourselves deeply liberated and willing to embrace much more transparent relationships with others. There are whispers of this expansive opportunity tickling our earholes today.

We could very well glean morsels of invaluable clarity today from our continued revelations and recognitions of our inner wounds. As mentioned, many of our failures and shortcomings teach us what we need to learn to make it through future gauntlets and trials, but even our suffering and pain from the failures and shortcomings of others hold keys to greater clarity and understanding. Perhaps we will find our keys today. At least a couple.

This clarity and wisdom embedded in the frequency of today’s celestial influences is not without a potential for confusion and delusion, however. As Mercury squares Neptune, we are reminded just how cloudy our minds can become when we least expect it. The overcast fog and perpetual drizzle can sometimes seem like a veil over our capacity to function, disrupting not just our focus and concentration, but also our judgment and the decisions we make. It would therefore be best to put forth that extra effort to reconsider all our choices and decisions today. Stay humble and as mindful as possible.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 👇

Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces
Moon conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius
Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

There could be an amplification of whatever confusion or delusion cropped up yesterday. But curiously, there are silver threads running through this otherwise overcast tapestry of a day. Those threads may be memories, ideas, or instinctual admissions guiding us toward opportunities we had likely not considered before. How often have we realized something for the first time while recognizing that it has been staring us down for decades?

The clouds are beginning to dissipate, revealing patches of blue skies and sunshine in the atmosphere of our minds. This not only allows our golden provider of all life to recharge our souls, but it also helps us gain perspective about certain things in ways have not experienced in the past.

There is a sharp focus upon our career, our money, our reputation, and our wherewithal to advance our purpose and ground our boundaries today. When we draw our lines in the sand and look to the east, there are flashes of future magic sparkling on the horizon if we have keen eyes to see them. We are at once establishing a firm presence in our work and cooking up hairbrained ideas about how our work can become something never seen before. The might of this marriage is rooted in Uranus’s dazzling array of possibility and spontaneity. We just have to hold fast to our coffers and tread carefully across the still-damp cement of the foundations that support the weight of our hard work.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 👇

Moon conjunct Mars in Capricorn
Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
Sun in Capricorn square Moon’s Nodes
Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries

There can be a rush of effort to accomplish our tasks this morning, particularly related to our work and our financial scenario. When Moon transits hard-working Capricorn there is an inevitable focus on how we are getting along in our career and in our effort to achieve what we have set out to succeed in. When Moon joins Mars here, there is an amplification of these efforts, particularly related to our own personal goals and desire for independence. We might also find ourselves needing to address boundary issues, unjustified rules, or control issues that get in the way of our own personal freedoms and liberties. Staying calm throughout the day is called for.

As Sun squares Moon’s nodes, we are well-positioned to observe our past and future with exceptional clarity. It would behoove us to make some time today to meditate upon our journey and the current tack we are on. Do we need to adjust the sails and recalibrate our heading? Are there stormy seas to the north that we should avoid? Whatever insight we derive from our instincts should be heeded and addressed diligently if we are to abide by the course that is most ideal for our weary souls.

Look back only to recognize how far we have come. Yes, there are foibles and follies that soiled the tapestry of our life, but that has been washed by the rains of time, and the labyrinth ahead needs all we have learned along the way to navigate it. The more we avoid distractions, the more work we can accomplish, and the further we can travel on this evolutionary expedition of growth and redemption.

Thursday, January 11, 2024 👇

*New Moon at 20° Capricorn at 6:57am EST*
Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

This morning’s New Moon in Capricorn begs us to go inward to reflect upon the hard work necessary to see our personal desired outcomes come to fruition. There are so many odds and ends that have been piling up in everyone’s lives, so we must understand that we are not alone in this ongoing saga of intent, focus, and diligence. What we do not succeed in we must recalibrate and set out once again to accomplish. The going is rough these days, but the work will still get us where we want to be if we know what we want before we set out to accomplish it. It is imperative that we hold space for our own emotional woes, especially if no one is in our lives to do this for us. Take heart that what must be done can be done.

There is a shortage of lilting melodies to comfort us sometimes, but if we poke around enough we will find inspiration to lift our spirits and guide us through the suffering and into the wide open spaces waiting for us up ahead. What inspires us? What seems to be our guiding light? We all have numerable desires and aspirations, but are we fully aware of what they are? Can we carve out enough time to search within to discover what they are? This would be ideal today.

We come upon one of Moon’s final unions with Pluto tonight. This marks a moment in our lives that again begs us to spend time alone to reflect upon how much we have grown in the past 15 years. While we obviously have all grown, in what ways have we grown Plutonically? Yes, there have been many losses and deaths, as well as dark shrouds over our days, months, and perhaps years, but how have we triumphed? How have we overcome whatever miseries or excruciating pain and suffering that life forced us to endure? Once we begin to recognize and appreciate ourselves for all we have been through, we can start to see the badass warrior within.

Friday, January 12, 2024 👇

Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus
Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus
Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries

In our efforts to accomplish what we set out to do, opportunities sometimes present themselves exactly when we need them. Today might be a day in which we should be watchful for such opportunities, especially if we have been working hard to accomplish our tasks. When we do the work, rewards manifest. Those rewards are not necessarily only money or recognition, but opportunities to branch off in new directions that could conceivably alter our course in ways we had not previously imagined. It would be good to pay attention today so we do not miss anything.

As the day saunters on, the whimsical ideas we may be cooking up could face some reality checks in the form of practicality and feasibility. This does not mean we should scrap our out-of-the-box ideas, but instead redesign them to fit the functionality of our lives. The changes afoot are asking for us to upgrade our potential, our efforts, our vision, and our methods. When we see to it that these are being worked on, the real magic of a unique future begins to take shape.

Emotional detachment is often considered unhealthy for the processing of our lives, but when we are faced with all the work we wish to bring to fruition, our emotions (or other people’s emotions) can easily become distractions that get in the way of us mastering what we are passionate about. Stepping back from the onslaught of our emotional wounds can help us reframe our goals, objectives, and capacity to manifest our dreams. This is the kind of day that warrants such detachment. Putting our nose to the grindstone to sharpen our skills and hone our will to succeed is a wonderful idea today.

Saturday, January 13, 2024 👇

Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Mercury ingresses Capricorn sextile Moon in Pisces

Carrying yesterday’s emotional detachment into today helps align the power of unique manifestation with our values and resources. Taking notice of what we want out of life brings us closer to understanding ourselves, even if we discover how weird or strange those desires and values might seem when compared to those of others. Relating these to our most intimate confidants can be extremely liberating and help us make progress individuating. But we must be prepared for tension and adversity from others when we go down that daunting road. This tension could rear its head today and shake us in our boots, so while this process is critical and even perhaps necessary today, we should do so carefully and tactfully if it is to unfold smoothly and as beautifully as possible.

Mercury’s ingress back into Capricorn today brings us back to what we were working on, learning, and trying to manage in our lives back in the second half of December. Did it feel like something was awry or missing back then? Do we feel more prepared and capable of handling our situation more adeptly now? This is the beginning of a three-week window in which we can make enormous progress getting our lives in order and advancing our careers in all the ways we have been dreaming of doing so. Those expansive ideas we have been conjuring in our daydreams are finally landing on solid ground, making our aspirations seem that much more within reach. How can we bring it all together and see it through to its glorious blossom?


Though we can sometimes feel terrified about our future, that fear of the unknown should not paralyze us into thinking it will never transpire how we want it to. When we love what we love and make no excuses for it, we fortify our grasp on the reins of our life. And the work we consciously do to materialize our dreams, as long as it is fertilized with that love, will be ours sooner than later to enjoy and relish with ourselves and those we love and cherish.


Geoff brings a warm nurturing nature to his clients that helps them feel comfortable and at ease. If you would like more profound insight into how these transits are personally affecting you, you can contact Geoff for a private consultation at